View Full Version : A close look at sci-fi molds 273, 300 & 301 (sci-fi terrain)

06-16-2012, 01:14 AM
Hi all,

We've got our hands on 3 of the sci-fi themed Hirst Arts molds, and have published a massive review over on http://www.gravengames.co.uk so that you can follow our journey in working with these molds for the first time, and can then see all of the cool terrain pieces we have built using the molds. We were amazed at how easy it is to start churning out scenery using these molds, visit the link below see what we came up with for our 40k games:


Sample Pic: our first pieces cast from mold #300

Sample Pic: mold #301

Have any of you guys already been using this type of mold to make scenery for your wargames? we'd love to see what you were able to come up with! We also thought that using molds like this we could make up our own alternative version of the the Forgeworld ZONE MORTALIS terrain boards - what do you think?