View Full Version : Birthday Present Delivery Fail

06-15-2012, 03:20 PM
So, as a precursor, this will be about a Privateer Press item, but I'm posting it here because more of you will read it :D

So when I saw that the date of the Stormwall release was June 13, I was pretty pumped. My B-day is the 17th, and I thought, "what a great b-day present to myself!"

So I preordered one from Miniature Market. I received my shipping verification and tracking number on Tuesday like I expected, with a scheduled delivery date of the 14th. Plenty of time before my 29th. So I checked the tracking number that night, waiting for the update. No update. It's only been 6 hours, I said to myself. No reason to worry yet.

So I checked on Wednesday. No update. Hmm. It's supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Should I worry? Nah, it'll be fine. Thursday rolls around, and, lo and behold, my Battlefoam order with my Stormwall Foam gets here. What serendipitious fortune! My foam and my Mammoth Jack arriving on the same day. But it didn't come. And still no updates.

So I call Miniature Market today. They've got verification that they shipped it. UPS processes the tracking number, so UPS has it somewhere. But I call UPS, and they have no idea where.

So now, 2 days from my birthday, all I have is an empty peice of foam mocking me with the Cygnus and the word "Stormwall."

My wife will not empathize with me at all, so I need you, oh beloved BoLS community, to do so with me, and perhaps, while you're at it, detail any shipping disapointments you've had in your gaming past.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-15-2012, 03:35 PM
Awwwww, good luck :P

I once had a Warstore shipment cancel out some LotR Army of the Dead. I was refunded, but still a leetle bummed. Need to get some good models for my Slaugth-y.

06-15-2012, 03:46 PM
1st and foremost. Happy Birthday for Sunday. I feel your pain matey, I absolutely hate it when packages especially fun ones don't arrive when expected. No chance it could turn up tomorrow ? don't UPS deliver on a Saturday ?.
Hope despite your lack of new toy, your big day will still be blessed with beer.
Have a good one Sean :)

06-15-2012, 04:45 PM
First of all, happy birthday, second of all...


06-16-2012, 12:55 AM
Happy early birthday!

I haven't had any issues with MM or Warstore.

I did have to file a BBB complaint, and a paypal complaint against CCG armory for taking my money and not shipping the product.

06-16-2012, 01:24 AM
First of all, happy birthday, second of all...


Surely after all the noise about us vs uk spellings, today being the 24hr period occuring as one speaks, is actaully all one word...

06-16-2012, 03:25 AM
Surely after all the noise about us vs uk spellings, today being the 24hr period occuring as one speaks, is actaully all one word...

Yeah, memegenerator actually separated it for some reason.

the jeske
06-16-2012, 04:18 AM
My wife will not empathize with me at all, so I need you, oh beloved BoLS community, to do so with me, and perhaps, while you're at it, detail any shipping disapointments you've had in your gaming past
PP has not sent the last 7 shipments of models in to eastern europe . Some shops dont have stuff from even last year [which of course means players got them online so even if they do come no one knows if it sells] . It is also slowly killing the game because no new players are coming[no starter sets, all the important models for good builds were sold months ago] . Ah and PP is telling us they cant sent us parts of all the shipments , they will ship them by bulk when they have everything . Sad realy because warmahordes was growing like no other game before . tournaments for them were becoming bigger then the W40k ones[with the WFB being offten dead] .

Other one was when GW did the WFB empire army book . The shipments to non GW shops in eastern europe were late 2-3days+weekend .But they were on time in the GW shops . This also ended with people buying stuff there and then shops ending up with stuff no one would buy . good strategy imo.

06-16-2012, 08:49 AM
have a hug *e-hugs witt*

06-16-2012, 01:16 PM
PP has not sent the last 7 shipments of models in to eastern europe . Some shops dont have stuff from even last year [which of course means players got them online so even if they do come no one knows if it sells] . It is also slowly killing the game because no new players are coming[no starter sets, all the important models for good builds were sold months ago] . Ah and PP is telling us they cant sent us parts of all the shipments , they will ship them by bulk when they have everything . Sad realy because warmahordes was growing like no other game before . tournaments for them were becoming bigger then the W40k ones[with the WFB being offten dead] .

Other one was when GW did the WFB empire army book . The shipments to non GW shops in eastern europe were late 2-3days+weekend .But they were on time in the GW shops . This also ended with people buying stuff there and then shops ending up with stuff no one would buy . good strategy imo.

Same happening here in Spain... So PP is itself losing all the players-basing they were having, all the people is passing to Anima Tactics or Infinity or... coming back to 40K

I donīt understand why but from 1 year ago they stopped translating into spanish and distribution here of the new miniatures and rules, so if you want some Warmahordes... or you buy it from USA stores... or you donīt have it

06-16-2012, 01:23 PM
Happy Birthday Witt :)

I had the same thing happen to me from the Warstore. I ordered on the 10th, on the 11th I received confirmation that they were filling my order and all items would be filled. Wednesday I received confirmation it shipped along with a UPS tracking number. I Check Thursday and according to UPS it still hasn't been picked up. I check Friday and it still hasn't been picked up.

At least I wasn't in a rush to receive anything from the order.

06-16-2012, 02:00 PM
I waited for 8 months for a pyre troll once, and 4 months for a swamp troll (from maelstrom, but it was their suppliers fault) :(

06-16-2012, 03:08 PM
I waited for 8 months for a pyre troll once, and 4 months for a swamp troll (from maelstrom, but it was their suppliers fault) :(

Bloody hell, I would have been beating down their doors if I had to wait for anything that long.

the jeske
06-16-2012, 05:03 PM
well the biggest for me personaly was back in the days of WFB chaos invasion . I wanted to get those awesome ratogers . GW sent me the wrong ones. So you know call/mails sent . longer wait time because GW doesnt work as fast when your not from the EU .and after over a month GW again sent me the wrong ones . then I waited for 2 months . they sent me the wrong ones and informed me that the ones I wanted are out of stock .funny thing is that with those last ogers , they also sent me 2 sisters of battles immolator turrets , which I never ordered 0_o .

Bloody hell, I would have been beating down their doors if I had to wait for anything that long
yes but being from UK , you dont need a visa to actualy be able to enter the USA like some of us do . small , but important difference.
I understand that they are focusing on their US market and that they have problems with manufacturing [demand is high for their products] , but they could at least tell us. You know people we cant supply you . But the real actual problem is that because how the contracts for delivery is worded shops cant just go buy stuff online and then start selling it at home . The financial penality for doing that is high as hell[well for a shop at least].

06-17-2012, 02:56 AM
Happy B-day buddy :)

Uncle Nutsy
06-17-2012, 09:48 PM
hey bud, it could be worse. you could have a 120 dollar battery not arrive until a week after it's due and two days before a big race.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-18-2012, 01:11 AM
Happy Birthday for yesterday Witt. :D

06-18-2012, 05:33 AM
Happy late birthday.

06-20-2012, 01:30 PM
perhaps, while you're at it, detail any shipping disapointments you've had in your gaming past.

Think this (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/684599/seeking-help-from-the-bgg-community-to-redress-a-b) guy has a worse tale........:(