View Full Version : Null Fields

06-13-2012, 02:23 AM
Apologies for the rapidity of new threads, but the fact finding continues...

(1) Does the Imperium have Null Field technology? Although the Necrons are the heaviest confirmed users, I've seen that technology utilised by the Imperium in limited scale (i.e. null shields, bull rods), so it does suggest they have a limited amount of it...

(2) Do Null fields always drive psykers insane? Or is that the solely a side effect from Pariahs?

(3) Would the Dark Eldar/Eldar Corsairs be affected by the Null field to the point of insanity? I'd imagine the Dark Eldar not to be affected as much, and Eldar Corsair (Farseers aside) just feeling uncomfortable...

Thanks again!

06-13-2012, 02:38 AM
Caveat IIRC

1 - Yes, but they are very difficult to build/maintain hence their rarirty.
2 - No, it depends on the strenght of will/length of exposure to the null field. Certainly they find the prescene abhorant and would do anything to get away from it
3 - The psykers would be affected, but the non-pyskers would feel uncomfortable similiar to the way people dislike being around pyshic blanks

06-13-2012, 03:48 PM
Wolfshade's got it right.

Psykers will feel like they've been blindfolded at best. Those more dependent on their abilities will have more of a bad reaction.

Nearly anyone other than a pariah/untouchable will feel rather uncomfortable.

Oh, and just in case it comes up, nids' synapse can be interfered with too according to some black library novels.

Overall, if it's something that's a plot device, "archaotech" covers a lot of ground for unique devices. If you WANT a null field that drives psykers more nuts than they already are, than it could be some dark age left over, or xenotech from an unspecified xenos.