View Full Version : Post Your Complete 5th Edition Army!

06-12-2012, 07:48 AM
With 5th edition on the way out, post a picture of the army you've been using and you'll truly miss.
This is the army that brought you fun, wins, spoils and women(ha!). Likely with force org changes, rules changes and points adjustments, you will NOT field this army list/army again after 6th is out. Post a good looking army shot, what points you played it at and a an interesting tid-bit or two.

PLEASE ONLY POST IF YOU HAVE PICTURES TO POST WITH IT! This is a modeling/painting catergory, so painting and modeling is a bonus!

Without further ado:

My Deathguard! 1850 of twisted steel and sex appeal.
2 Winged Daemon Princes with wings and Warptime (before that stupid nerf)
3 Rhinos, 2 Landraiders, loads of Plague Marines with all sorts of melta, flamers and plasma. Simple and effective. For having a generally underpowered codex and not using Oblits usually put me behind the 8ball but I won alot more than I lost. I will miss this army (in fact, it was my first entirely painted army) and have already sold it! To date, that Daemon Prince is the best model I've ever painted! :rolleyes:

06-12-2012, 04:32 PM
My son's 'nids. He wanted them not my arcane collection of Rogue Trader marines. The codex came out and he wanted the big ugly space aliens with claws and teeth. I supplemented his Christmas and Birthday purchases with numerous ebay bargains and painted the entire lot so he wouldn't have an unfinished army like I used to play with. We did some together and he helped with base coats and washes but this represents the first army I ever painted whole. it's the version that got me back into 40k and despite always hating 'nids - too many arms - I've grown to love the little gribblies and enjoy playing with them regardless of success, failure or competitiveness.

This is them shortly before I added some highlights to their claws and perfected my red planet basing technique (http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/red-planet-basing.html) and added a few more bits [I've a new Tervigon that's on the painting table and obviously the Spore Pod featured at the end]:

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-TCmzh5hVWws/Tgm-ivKq9sI/AAAAAAAAA4c/fcUl_U37z5E/s512/nid01.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-faecs0I6mYQ/Tgm_WdFlNyI/AAAAAAAAA4w/2rlYqbXAwRY/s512/nid05.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GYq469MRQA4/Tgm_qxqrxMI/AAAAAAAAA5I/-YWxhv1QcCU/s512/nid11.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-wE6BcWjWEtU/Tnx2TEhtdqI/AAAAAAAABPI/RCNhJVvxBuw/s640/13167795830589.jpg

06-12-2012, 07:00 PM
Wow! Those look great and your son has a great dad! I hope the nids get some love in sixth!

06-12-2012, 07:12 PM

This was the "Family" shot i took when i finale had everything painted for my full 2000 point list. seance then i have done more but i don't have a picture of them all together yet perhaps i will do a new one right as 6th releases so i know what i started with for the new edition. humm now i feel like i should get painting....

06-12-2012, 09:07 PM
several here:

06-13-2012, 12:45 AM
no the best photos but here is the GK army

the actual army (GM,thawn,, x2 terminator squads, GKSS, vindicar) is NMM and can be tweaked to 1000 (or 1200 at a push)
there also is a vulture(Still needing wing decals) and a dread but done in metalics (and a mordak who is for sale!)
and a saint (counts as inquisitor) and retinue which was my first real attempt at NMM and is about 2 years older than the rest of the army!

and the whole army is about a year or two old, now ive moved on to painting solo models but i think im going to move back to a SM/eldar army!





EDIT: the pics were massive so ill just have links!
as ususal more pics on the blog

and eh thats it! (and yes my painting has improved)


p.s. if your from the glasgow area the termis should be familiar! they won 3rd place in the 25th anniversary squad contest ! ^__^

06-13-2012, 05:16 AM
Wow! Those look great and your son has a great dad! I hope the nids get some love in sixth!

Thanks, they surely will, my long term Dark Angels will presumably get some reinforcements but I've grown to like the gribblies. Although I'm not so sure my sons would agree with you regarding me being great - the end result of me painting most of the figures was that he wanted to paint his own army and so started Eldar! Now the 'nids are just a fall back until his Eldar are finished.

06-13-2012, 07:50 AM
You got him into the hobby though, thats always a good thing...

One day..if i have kids...and am still playing...