View Full Version : Eldar/Dark Eldar planetstrike mobility

06-11-2012, 09:36 AM
Starting a separate thread for a completely different question...

It is pretty much a given that all Eldar/Dark Eldar are capable of limited flight, so to speak. At the same time, we know that there are Eldar Corsairs with their own fleets and their own vehicles. Thus here are the two questions...

(1) Do we assume that the Eldar Corsairs do not require additional troop transports ships for their vehicles?
(2) Do all Eldar Corsair vehicles need to depart from their ships within a planet's atmosphere? (The answer is obvious enough for Dark Eldar, so no asking about that.)

This is assuming that the Eldar Corsairs/Dark Eldar are attacking a planet via planetary assault method, so to speak, without webway capabilities for their initial arrival.

Archon Charybdis
06-11-2012, 12:10 PM
Just for clarity's sake, but I assume you meant Eldar/Dark Eldar vehiclesare capable of short flight as opposed to Eldar themselves ;)

Anyway, in BFG the Craftworld forces use Phoenix and Nightwings as their fighters and bombers, so they're perfectly capable of space flight. However, the Falcon entry in the codex specifically says capable of "limited flight", which would suggest to me that they may not be void capable. In BFG it also states the Eldar don't use assault boats. In the book Path of the Warrior they use a mobile webway portal to move troops from the ship to the planet below, and in IA11 the Corsair ground forces all emerge from the Webway as well. It seems reasonable to assume the Webway is their primary means of deploying ground forces. I haven't seen any instances of them launching ships or otherwise deploying from a low orbit ship, and it would seem out of character for them.

06-11-2012, 10:53 PM
Thanks for the info regarding Eldar Corsiar/Dark Eldar vehicles deploying via webway. Although that does leave two separate questions...

(1) If the world in question does not have any existent webway entrance, does that mean the Eldar Corsair/Dark Eldar could literally tear a door open from inside the webway when they arrive? Or do they do some other form of preparatory work?

(2) Do Webways come in variable sizes? My only experience with webway portals are those in the Dark Eldar codex, which prohibits vehicles from passing through...

Thanks again.

06-11-2012, 10:54 PM
1) Unclear, one assumes they use the webway or temporary webway portals to deploy falcons where they need to go but we don't know the range or capacity of the temporary portals. I believe there are large, webway going transports in Path of the Warrior/Seer, the Corsairs probably have them too as there doesn't seem to be much that is Craftworld exclusive. Except perhaps wraithships.

2) Dark Eldar probably don't stray far from webway portals given that they are limited to how long they can stay out of the webway. So it is doubtful that Dark Eldar would attack a planet without the ability to deploy from the webway. As for Corsairs, they probably use temporary/existing webway portals to deploy from their ships rather than deploying transports into the atmosphere.

06-12-2012, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the help again. So to check if I have this right (after the above posts and doing some web digging/research...)

(1) Eldar Corsair/Dark Eldar most usually deploy via webway portals for their attacks.
(2) These webway portals can be either temporary or permanent, but there exist webway portal systems that allow vehicles to pass through.
(3) Regardless of temporary or permanent, they can make an exit at their destination.
(4) Eldar Corsair ships have webway access within them.

Which leads to two questions, one which is a bit...unrelated.
(1) Do Dark Eldar ships have webway access within them?
(2) Regarding the curse of the Dark Eldar...if one were to drop them into a completely different universe (yep, the dreaded crossover question)...would Slaanesh still notice them? Or would Slaanesh still be focused on the bonfire of souls that is the Imperium of Mankind/The Astronomican?

Many thanks, and do correct me if my understanding is off.

Archon Charybdis
06-12-2012, 03:12 PM
Which leads to two questions, one which is a bit...unrelated.
(1) Do Dark Eldar ships have webway access within them?
(2) Regarding the curse of the Dark Eldar...if one were to drop them into a completely different universe (yep, the dreaded crossover question)...would Slaanesh still notice them? Or would Slaanesh still be focused on the bonfire of souls that is the Imperium of Mankind/The Astronomican?

1.) I don't have it handy to check, but I do believe in the one Salamanders book featuring DE they travel directly to their ship via WWP. Even if there's no specific mention of it, it would seem silly to imagine they don't while the Craftworlders do.

As a notable aside, I remember hearing about an olde tyme Eldar super heavy tank that was essentially a mobile battlefield WWP for rapid frontline deployment of troops. It might have been in Epic, but Eldargal might know more about that.

2.) At that point, it's your own fluff. Like Superman wielding Thor's Hammer and Capt. America's shield, feel free to go wild. For the sake of verisimilitude, I would think they'd be beyond Slaanesh's perception at that point. If Slaanesh were capable of perceiving and interacting with this other universe, I have to imagine he/she would be already.

Archon Charybdis
06-13-2012, 04:03 PM

I did some checking and it's the Storm Serpent, which is in Epic.



And this now has me considering what the points cost of a Storm Serpent in normal 40K should be...