View Full Version : Bommer WIP

06-11-2012, 03:49 AM
Ok, so this thread is for my Bommer, made from the actual GW kit. Anyone who has seen my models before knows it is really difficult for me to build without doing at least a few conversions and my Dakkajet is no exception! That said, the kit went together in no time, even with me fiddling with bits to make them go where they shouldn't!

For now I just want to post a teaser. It's easy to be up for a knife fight at 800mph...


Fly Uz klosa. I wunna 'it 'em wiv me choppa!

P.s. "fiddling with bits to make them go where they shouldn't" simply refers to converting, not less wholesome activities.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-11-2012, 03:54 AM
Can't wait to see the finished result!

I love the Ork Plane, such a versatile kit.
I'm not starting Orks however. I promised myself. :D

06-11-2012, 12:03 PM
Yeah, those Ork planes are great. Very nice options and details. Tempting, tempting...:-P

06-11-2012, 04:07 PM
Cheers guys. Hope these pics tempt you a bit more Meph!


Full shot of the Dakkajet. From a distance it's fairly standard, using the optional wing section/fairing to fit on the three Supa-shootas And taking the Blasta-Bommer's mid section, turning it around and putting the grot in, with an arm from a spare grot in my bitz box and a grot blasta made from an IG bolt pistol and the tube from a CSM smoke launcher. The rear cockpit wasn't a perfect fit, being designed to fit in with the narrowing curve of the fuselage, but it was close enough that there aren't any gaps bigger than the sculpted panels on the kit anyway. I've altered a few of the flaps and even added the cowskull from the Bikers set to the nose, along with a few other, more subtle conversions.


Speaking of which...
I really liked the exposed wiring that gets covered up with 2 out of the three wing panel options. I really wanted to include the wing guns, so to have the wiring exposed I had to cut a few holes in it. I also didn't want both wings to be identical, so used one of the spare wing panels to tweak the flaps.


Da Krew. Odd's are I'll be using this guy with the Fighta Ace upgrade (cus who wants to worry about the BS changing depending on the target?) so went for the capped head and added some kill markings in the form of an orky glyph for 'many'. Orks can't count above three, so I guess 'many' kills of skimmers and flyers is what makes them an ace lol. The Grot, of course, you've seen before!


Yes, I know I'm a masochist... I'll be painting the cockpits and then gluing on the canopies. I always want to put those kind of details on and as GW went to the trouble of proving me with the clear plastis, it seemed a shame not to use it! The grot's windscreen is smashed for two reasons really; firstly there is no front section, so it didn't make sense for the rest to be in perfect condition and secondly his arm wouldn't have fit in otherwise.

06-11-2012, 04:11 PM
despite the fact that I have an orc & goblin army for WFB I have never been interested in Orks for 40K...that is until now....

me want dakkajet!!!!!!!!!!!

06-11-2012, 04:21 PM
The base. Don't really know what came over me here. I wanted to add something so it wasn't just a flat oval and adding bits turned it into something that could easilly be a piece of scenery in it's own right!


I used a combination of the ruins I got in the 3rd Ed 40k Starter box (I believe that is the last bit from what I had cut up previously) mixed with a couple of panels from GWs newer terrain kits. Add blocky edges from the gatehouse playset I used to make the fort gate for last year's AoP entry and I had a bulky form to work from. I added a floor section and some support for it to raise the bommer slightly higher above the top of the ruin and filled a couple of gaps with 'No More Nails' glue and a couple of branches from the Citadel Woods (again, left over from my AoP board/donated my the manager at my old FLGS).


I used different sizes of slate chunks in different spots on the base to try and get some form of natural progression, concentrating the largest chunks where smashed flagstones/masonry might collect, such as inside the ruins. I also used sand to finish off the effect.


I wanted the trees to look much younger than the ruins and to be growing from out of them to suggest total abandonment and loss of civilisation. I didn't add the leaves until after I had done the stones/sand to make it easier to pour them on, especially as there was quite a large flat area between the branches.


I couldn't resist adding the arches from the old set as well. Just like the branches at the other end of the oval, they really helped fill out a large, uninteresting area without needing so completey fill the dead space, creating a decent negative space as well (which is going to be a right B&"£$%* to paint)

06-11-2012, 04:28 PM
Last, but not least I though I'd leave you with a few angles of the whole assembly;


Not the best lighting on those, but gives you a good idea. Unfortunately, there is a slight lean on the flying stand because the floor piece isn't perfectly level. Wouldn't you know it, that is also the side the bommer is slightly heavier on... D'oh! Still, with the sheer mass of slate on the base, it weights enough that once the flying stand is glued in, there shouldn't be a stability issue.

As always, more pics, along with a load of my other stuff on my flickr stream (http://www.flickr.com/photos/63487083@N06/). Let me know what you guys think; comments, criticsms and random musings are always welcome! Hopefully I will get this and my third Warkopta undercoated tomorrow/wednesday. Who knows, I may even get them painted by the end of 6th Ed (no that isn't a typo ;))

Come to the dark side, Verilance. We have Dakka!

06-11-2012, 11:22 PM
Cool, that's a great build, mate. And I love the detail on your base. Keep it up!

Oh and it's probably a graduation pic on the wall there, but at first glance I thought it was a photo of a mad, grinning sailor holding a small war club. :D

06-12-2012, 01:38 AM
Cool, that's a great build, mate. And I love the detail on your base. Keep it up!

Oh and it's probably a graduation pic on the wall there, but at first glance I thought it was a photo of a mad, grinning sailor holding a small war club. :D

Cheers. Would love to see what you make out of the kit having seen your BA. Lets face it, you know how to do a red paint job lol.

And yeh, graduation pic. More Mad Scientist than mad sailor, but I do see what you mean lol. Hadn't even noticed that in the pic til you mentioned it!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-12-2012, 01:44 AM
Mate, that's looking SMASHING. :D

Cpt Codpiece
06-12-2012, 04:07 AM
Looks wicked. I dont know what i like more the jet or the base :)

subtle conversions but make a great mini.

really tempted to do as the Mrs says and make an ork army for our little chaos god on the way (baby, growing like slaanesh in the warp ATM).

oh i wish i had some scenery kits, i know tho0se old 3rd ed were rather crazy large but the arches just fit.

06-12-2012, 10:15 AM
Looking very cool indeed. I love the base and the jet looks dead shooty! As for the smashed back window, another good reason for it, is the grot ad to smash it to get is stabber out, else ow is he gonna stab wiv it?