View Full Version : Space Marine lightning claws

09-24-2009, 12:19 AM
I was wondering if any one out there knows of the easiest, cheapest way to get pairs of SM lighting claws. I need about 6 - 9 pair for my BA vet assault marines. I saw some on the SW spure teaser and there is the one veteran marine, but other than that I am left cutting up termi arms. Any ideas

09-24-2009, 01:28 AM
The new SW sprue may be your best bet outside of the terminator arms. The commander box only comes with one and I can't think of any other plastics besides the terminators that have them.

Shadow Queen
09-24-2009, 03:53 AM
Bitz sites might be better.

09-24-2009, 06:35 AM
im sure i remember reading somewhere that lightning claws werecould be sheathed inside the gloves, i.e. the claws slide in and out of the housing (the glove)

Maybe you could just use powerfists and greenstuff things that some points onto the knuckles?

but maybe im wrong and i cant remember where / when i read this.


09-24-2009, 07:44 AM
try goin to www.bwbits.com and scroll down and click warhammer 40k bits. they might have them there, hope u find what ur lookin for :D

09-24-2009, 08:21 AM
Hey man i know your pain as a Raven Guard player. I've done a few things. One i used power fists from tac and assault squads, filed down a little and used blades from scout daggers. turned out pretty good. the other option is to get the Terminator assault squad and use the claws there. but they are a bit big so you have to trim the upper arm out a little by the shoulder pad. Then if you need to replace the Termie LC's just get the $6 metal bitz off GW's website.

09-24-2009, 11:23 AM
I'd suggest a source other than the space wolf ones, that is, unless you want a bunch of dancing marines. The posing is horrible, and you can't adjust them very much, which will end up with a lot of models posed the same exact way. I wish they wouldn't have sculpted that damnable arm across the chest for the left, but oh well. I would suggest ebay, www.thewarstore.com , and www.bitkingdom.com , as well as bolter and chainsword's bitz exchange, and possibly rouge market. Good luck.

09-24-2009, 12:54 PM
Solicite for trading. That's how I get bitz a lot of times for my projects. I have a huge stash of bitz that I trade out of for the parts i need, locally and via internet. Generally works out well. (although, personally, I don't have any LCs at the moment)

John M>

09-25-2009, 08:11 AM
Dare I say E-Bay in this matter is your friend. See them on there all the time. The last time I won an auction for the LC's I seem to recall kitting out about 8-10 SM's with them, one thing tho' be prepared to pay my bitz came out to about $18.00 IIRC.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

Brass Scorpion
09-25-2009, 08:23 AM
Unfortunately, it does usually run around $20 US for a full set of five pairs, whether you buy them one pair at a time or in a lot of five pairs, it almost always works out to be close to or more than $20. I decided to take a different approach since $20 is nearly half the price of a full box of Close Combat Terminators. I started watching every set of CC Term. on eBay till I was able to snag a few boxes for about $35 total each. If I wanted, I could then sell everything in the set but the Lightning Claws and get most if not all of my money back, possibly even make money. But, my plan is to use all the parts and the extra arms can be used to alternately equip some Black Reach Terminators.

Limey El'Jonson
01-19-2010, 08:47 PM
I'd suggest a source other than the space wolf ones, that is, unless you want a bunch of dancing marines. The posing is horrible, and you can't adjust them very much, which will end up with a lot of models posed the same exact way. I wish they wouldn't have sculpted that damnable arm across the chest for the left, but oh well. I would suggest ebay, www.thewarstore.com , and www.bitkingdom.com , as well as bolter and chainsword's bitz exchange, and possibly rouge market. Good luck.

I wouldn't use Bitkingdom. I paid for a Fortress of Redemption in November, and I still haven't seen it.
The service is flaky at best. He forgets about your orders, doesn't ship them for days on end when he DOES have the product, despite repeated phone calls, emails and chats. When I did get a Fortress from my wife for Christmas, I emailed him AND chatted in GMail with him about swapping my order to a Strongpoint. He hasn't ordered the strongpoint, claims to have the individual pieces to make up the strongpoint (ie two bastions and three defense lines) but STILL hasn't shipped.

This isn't the first order he's messed up on or taken forever to ship. It's the last time I'm buying anything from him.

Commissar Lewis
01-19-2010, 09:55 PM

Recently found out about this site, however haven't ordered from it yet.

And yeah, I have some friends who ordered from bit kingdom and were quite livid to receive their orders around two months late.

01-20-2010, 02:59 PM
Ebay is a good source. I managed to snag 10 pairs of plastic lightning claws for $18. You have to be patient to get a deal like that, tho.

01-22-2010, 03:20 AM
Another thought if you don't want to be forking out for a load of bits is to create your own. Within the normal tactical and assault sprues and even the Devastor sprues, if you have any, are the power fists which can be simply converted using the numerous combat knives that come with every sprue.

It can be a little fiddley and takes some patience. But I think the end result is well worth it. A quick summary of the technique I use:

1. Take four combat blades per Claw and cut off the hilt leaving only the blade. At this point you can trim the blades to get a variation in claw length if you wish. Personally I leave them the same length I prefer that look.
Note if you do this you will need to recreate the little notch at base of the back of the blade as this comes in handy when glueing.
2. Take your PF and trim back the last set of nuckles before the body of the fist to create a "step" on which you can mount the blades.
3. Glue each blade in place flat side down locating the notch on the step you created earlier. This is where patience comes in. To get a strong bond you should really use poly-cement but this takes an age to set which sometimes means the blades will drift a bit. Keep the blades in check with a sculpting tool.
4. Finally I recommend sculpting/adding some bits to the pair of claws to match them up, but you may wish to leave it there.

Youv'e got a few pairs to make from the sound of it so this technique might not be for you. If you're interested though I'll happily take a few picks of the few I've made, I think I might even have a few WIP shots.

Let me know :)

01-23-2010, 01:03 AM
I wouldn't use Bitkingdom. I paid for a Fortress of Redemption in November, and I still haven't seen it.
The service is flaky at best. He forgets about your orders, doesn't ship them for days on end when he DOES have the product, despite repeated phone calls, emails and chats. When I did get a Fortress from my wife for Christmas, I emailed him AND chatted in GMail with him about swapping my order to a Strongpoint. He hasn't ordered the strongpoint, claims to have the individual pieces to make up the strongpoint (ie two bastions and three defense lines) but STILL hasn't shipped.

This isn't the first order he's messed up on or taken forever to ship. It's the last time I'm buying anything from him.

When I called and wanted to use a credit card roughly 8 months ago, and said he does not take them, I decided not to go with him. Don't tale cards, and way out of state? No thank you.

Shadow Queen
01-30-2010, 05:53 AM
I pm'ed you with what I have, also have 2 Thunder Hammers as well if anyone wants 'em.