View Full Version : That sweet satisfaction

Morgan Darkstar
06-09-2012, 09:07 PM
Does anyone else feel that little guilty pleasure when someone ragequits on you during a 1v1 match online?

"in my case MTG duels of the planewalkers"

heretic marine
06-09-2012, 09:53 PM
I love and hate it when I find a ragequiter. I love it because it gives me a win and there is that pleasure of seeing them quit. I do hate it though because you don't get a full match against some on and then you have to queue up again.

I do love it more then I hate it though :D

Mr Mystery
06-10-2012, 06:25 AM
Same goes for Fantasy and 40k.

Nothing beats knocking the wind out the sails of a blowhard. You don't even have to beat them. Get the right goon with a WAAC attitude, and hold him to a draw. Break his 'I've never not won a game' duck, and watch the sparks and nerdrage fly.

Helps to have a solid knowledge of the rules, and an army you haven't built round the perceived meta. But however you do it, enjoy it!!

06-10-2012, 06:39 AM
Same goes for Fantasy and 40k.

Nothing beats knocking the wind out the sails of a blowhard. You don't even have to beat them. Get the right goon with a WAAC attitude, and hold him to a draw. Break his 'I've never not won a game' duck, and watch the sparks and nerdrage fly.

Helps to have a solid knowledge of the rules, and an army you haven't built round the perceived meta. But however you do it, enjoy it!!

I've had the occasional urge to go to a major competition with no goal other than to force a draw against as many Waac players as I could. Just for the reaction.

But then reality asserts itself and I realize that I would still have more fun playing in non-GW tournaments where people enjoy just being there and having fun.

Mr Mystery
06-10-2012, 06:48 AM
I have a specific army for that sort of nonsense.

It's a pure Savage Orc horde, assembled before the current addition (that's a lot of metal!!).

Warboss is on a Wyvern. Combined with a favourable Waaagh! roll, I can feasibly first turn charge enemy generals. He did horrible, horrible things to Vampire Lords. Quick killing blow (yak yak yak!) and poof! Enemy army starts to crumble before it's moved.

I used to have a suspicion that the Dice Gods (even as a committed Atheist, I know they exist) favour those who seek to wreck the plans of an obnoxious powergamer. Which isn't to say all powergamers are obnoxious. For some, it's just a natural play style, part and parcel of their personality. The obnoxious ones, like David Bowie in Ziggy Stardust, take it all too far!