View Full Version : Genestealer Models 2nd/3rd Ed vs. Current

06-08-2012, 12:09 PM
I was curious if anybody had any pictures (close ups) of the 2nd/3rd edition Genestealer models handy. I am looking to get some but cannot seem to find any good pictures online. Conversely if anybody could roughly explain the difference it would be greatly appreciated.

It seems their torso and one set of claws/arms are a bit bulkier. It also seems there are more limitations to their head structure. Thanks in advance for any help!

06-08-2012, 05:55 PM
So here's second and third in the bottom left, sorry not the best pic of them. There's actually a bit more detail on them than the newer models but they're not as 'cool' in their design. There a few options in their pose. Originally the Space Hulk ones I believe were a single pose but then new arm positions add a little variety but not much.


The newer models from the Macragge set had a similar multi-pose set of twin arms and positions


However the actual boxset you can by is much more versatile with individual arms, scything talons, armour upgrades and head swaps


I obviously have a mix of all, depending on what was cheapest on ebay. I use one type to represent one unit, with Adrenal Glands and another type to have as a different unit, maybe with toxin sacs. I've got the upgraded ones to use as Ymgarl Stealers but previously I've used a unit with a mix of both types to represent their mutations.

The Madman
06-09-2012, 05:45 PM
best pictures i can do for the time being.

the old blue plastic Genestealers came in three parts (excluding the base); the left arms, the right arms and the body (the head, torso and legs are one piece). the upper arms have three claws in a triangle pattern when open while the second pair were five fingered. the head is fairly bulbous and narrows when it comes to the front of the head. on it's back it had a ribbed area (similar to the eposed inerds on nid arms) which ran the same length as the arms. and from what i can tell from the 18 i have left (used to have 26) they are all in the same pose.

06-11-2012, 07:57 AM
Thanks a million! I know I have played against people who have had those models but normally they were poorly painted (or simply primed) so they weren't particularly noteworthy. Every time I tried looking online via Google led me to either a blurry image or just the current edition Genestealers.

I think that they have potential to look great. It does seem that there are more options with the current boxes but the others work good as filler. If anything, the idea to play one as Adrenal Glands vs. Toxin Sacks and such makes a ton of sense.

Cpt Codpiece
06-11-2012, 08:26 AM



these show the detail of the body and spine sections. still the best 'stealers for me though, i prefer the sinewey back rather than the spiney backs