View Full Version : 40k Wave Rumour Roundup

06-07-2012, 11:57 PM
From Warseer:

Rumored Daemon wave:
Plague bearers (5x box) Plastic. Priced as pink horrors
Furies (5x box) plastic. Priced as de scourges
Blue scribes (finecast)
Herald of nurgle (finecast)
Maybe a little surprise here too...
Plastic GDs are done, rumored to have pieces to build named GD as variants ( though not expected til 2013)

Rumored flyer wave:
De bomber
Eldar fighter
Tau fighter

Rumored box set contents:

Rumored next Codex:
Chaos Space Marines

Rumored July release:
6th Ed hard back
6th Ed special edition
Limited templates, game aids, and what not for 6th edition...

06-08-2012, 12:43 AM
Curious...how does a Daemon wave fit in with the rumours of 6th and more flyers and Chaos Marines and all that jazz?

Are they getting a codex soon, or would this be just another wave of models like the one last year (or was it the year before?).

06-08-2012, 12:47 AM
I'm not sure, I can only think something like this:

July: 6th
August: Flyers
September: Daemons/Starter box
October: Warriors of Chaos(WFB)/some minor 40k thing.
November: C:CSM

06-08-2012, 12:55 AM
5 Plague Bearers per box?... What O.o, why change the standard with the other 3 gods having ten per box :P.

Agreed Kawauso it does seem odd, unless their is some interconectivity between Chaos Marines and Daemons that has been rumoured?

If all true I'll be looking forward to next releases :)

06-08-2012, 12:56 AM
Just seems strange, between this and the Ork rumours, what with these 2 older armies getting waves of models without rumours of codex updates to go with them...particularly in the face of a new edition.

06-08-2012, 05:26 AM
Just seems strange, between this and the Ork rumours, what with these 2 older armies getting waves of models without rumours of codex updates to go with them...particularly in the face of a new edition.

Actually that does make financial sense. If they have new sculpts of exisiting models sat around but no codex to go with them, a wave of models keeps up interest and sales in older armies, hopefully drawing new players to that army and giving the rest of the range a sales boost. It will also give existing players a reason to buy new models for their army.

06-08-2012, 07:31 AM
I don't remember, but did Black Reach and/or macragge come out well after the BRB? It would seem counter intuitive for the basic stuff to not be out about the same time - given that the tutorials in the book normally have starter set minis in the pictures do they not?

06-08-2012, 07:35 AM
The 5th ed BRB was released in July and AoBR in September. 8th ed WFB was June then September. Oddly enough 4th ed 40k had the strter set in August and the rulebook in September. All the rumours at present point to June for the BRB (all but confirmed) and september for the starter.

06-08-2012, 08:38 AM
The 5th ed BRB was released in July and AoBR in September. 8th ed WFB was June then September. Oddly enough 4th ed 40k had the strter set in August and the rulebook in September. All the rumours at present point to June for the BRB (all but confirmed) and september for the starter.

I think that you meant July for 6th Ed and not June. I would not be surprised though if it was available for advance order at the end of the month. As a matter of fact, I expect that to be the case when the next WD comes out, i.e. June 22nd because they usually go up the day before WD is 'officially' released.

06-08-2012, 08:42 AM
Yes, sorry I meant July, advance orders go up late June.:)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-08-2012, 08:43 AM
I'm rather excited for 6th, bring it on!

Tin can mac
06-08-2012, 10:14 AM
I for one am looking forward to 6ED (not for how much time i will have to have my nose into a new book)but i feel Games workshop need to take info from players to give the game abit more of a push i liked 5ED rules from 4th the only thing am looking for is more missions for 6ED no Dawn of war plz haha.

With the timeline i think the only thing set in stone with what Games workshop this year will be the hobbit for xmas i can't see anything else for xmas with the film coming out.:(

06-08-2012, 10:18 AM
Actually that does make financial sense. If they have new sculpts of exisiting models sat around but no codex to go with them, a wave of models keeps up interest and sales in older armies, hopefully drawing new players to that army and giving the rest of the range a sales boost. It will also give existing players a reason to buy new models for their army.

I'd like to point out that I think there's a difference between considering it a strange move for GW and one that makes sense. :)

06-08-2012, 12:26 PM
Yes, sorry I meant July, advance orders go up late June.:)

23rd June will be release date for WD so I'd expect them to go up then, meaning they could actually be available 30th June, though I'd think they would wait until 7th July

I'd like to point out that I think there's a difference between considering it a strange move for GW and one that makes sense. :)

A good point :)