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View Full Version : Ravenwing Army List Help

09-23-2009, 06:46 PM
So, here's a Ravenwing List I threw together. I don't need/want it to be a world beater, but I'd like it to be fluffy and at least a little competetive:

HQ: Sammael (205)
HQ: Interrogator Chaplain on Bike (150)
FA: Ravenwing Retinue (175)
w/ PW
w/ Apothecary
w/ Company Banner

T: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (205) 3 Bikes
w/ attack bike melta; PF; Meltagun

T: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (205) 3 Bikes
w/ attack bike melta; PF; meltagun

T: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (145) 3 Bikes
w/ PW; meltagun

T: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (145) 3 Bikes w/ PW; meltagun

T: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (145) 3 Bikes
w/ PW; meltagun

HS: Whirlwind (85)
HS: Whirlwind (85)

FA: Ravenwing Support Squadron (205)
w/ (1x) Typhoon Missile Launcher; (3x) multi-melta

Total (1750)
Some thoughts I've had is maybe making one Ravenwing Attack Squad a 6 bike squad with no meltas and throw them with the Chappy. Also, would it benefit putting the max number of meltas (2) with the Ravenwing Attack Squads with the attack bikes. I don't have a whole lot of experience with bikes, so any help would be great!

09-23-2009, 07:22 PM
Honestly, don't bother with assault, you aren't good at it and sinking a ton of points into trying ain't helping anything.

Just bring a crap load of speeders and max RWAS. Load the board up with fast, disposable scoring units with lots of melta and flamers. They can't kill it all, and you use that to surround and dismantle his army piece by piece.

Is it competitive? Hell no, it's Ravenwing. Is it fun? Hell yea ;)

Or you can use Codex: SM and maybe win a game :P

09-23-2009, 08:16 PM
So should I dump the power weapons, power fists, and chaplain and simply avoid getting into assault with other units? Keep in mind I'm used to playing assaulty marines, not necessarily shooty marines.

09-23-2009, 10:25 PM
Generally the rule with Ravenwing now is that they come with atleast a little Deathwing, because the teleport homers is rolled into the increased points cost of the bikers. If you want to go pure than you are better off with C:SM unless you have your heart set on using Sammael. I agree with the idea of dropping the power weapons, you are fast enough that you can stay out of assault.

09-24-2009, 08:01 AM
Pretty much yep, you have the speed to avoid assault and Fearless Bikes rarely perform well in it.

And yeah, if you want pure Bikes and won't lament the AV14 Speeder or sweet jetbike, normal SM would do it better. You actually get 1-2 solid combat units (pimped out biker command squads) and just more stuff.

09-24-2009, 08:50 AM
HS: Whirlwind (85)
HS: Whirlwind (85)

I would change the HS to two Predator with autocanon and heavy bolters. It's the same price but all minimum strength 5 and penetration 4. You will also have a Tank with AV13 instead of 11.

But as Chumbalaya said, it will never be competitive. But you could have some fun.