View Full Version : Citadel texture paints

06-07-2012, 03:41 PM
I have been very resistant to the new line of GW paints but one of my gaming friends told me to buy a pot of Blackfire Earth, paint a base, dry brush with white and then shade with Fuegan Orange , begrudgingly I bought the paint and did as I was asked. So I took one of my Nobs and painted his base and I must say that it turned out flawless! Now the idea of basing 180 Ork boyz is not a living nightmare I think that GW is starting to head in a better direction with the Citadel paint line

06-07-2012, 04:15 PM
it's not a total replacement for 'proper' ways of doing texture.... but hot damn, you're right. you can get A LONG WAY with these (and they're good for tank treads too, give'em a little grit!).

06-07-2012, 11:12 PM
to me its still "basing in a pot" no skill required ........

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-08-2012, 01:23 AM
to me its still "basing in a pot" no skill required ........

Implying that basing requires skill??

The new line of paints are great, I cannot fault them.

06-08-2012, 05:13 AM
to me its still "basing in a pot" no skill required ........

Why is that a problem? It makes it easier for people to get in to the hobby and thats a good thing for everyone.

06-08-2012, 06:18 AM
I'm sticking with PVA, Sand and Paint. Gives a much better finish. This stuff great for patching up gaps and texturing but wouldn't use it for all the bases. The amount you need per pot to get a good finish, you'll go through a lot of pots

06-08-2012, 06:22 AM
I'm using it to texture wattle and daub on some Empire buildings I'm making, its great. Don't fancy it for basing though, need too many coats. My brothers are using it to texture Orky adobe style buildings.

06-08-2012, 07:40 AM
I'm sticking with PVA, Sand and Paint. Gives a much better finish. This stuff great for patching up gaps and texturing but wouldn't use it for all the bases. The amount you need per pot to get a good finish, you'll go through a lot of pots

I've been pondering the feasibility of making my own. Add in some sand in paint. A nice mixture of stuff like chinchilla sand (i.e. really fine sand) and some bigger "rocks". Thin with something. Paint on.

Question is, how can one add the ability to stick properly to the base without using glue or something.

That said, the texture paints are pretty neat. In fact, I haven't run into a single thing being worse with the new paint line. I do have ran into a bunch of good things. I like the new shades ("Washes") for instance. http://flekkzo.blogspot.com for my latest experience of Reikland Flesh:)

06-08-2012, 08:36 AM
The main complaint I have with it is that relative to the other paints, it's very, very expensive to use. Because you're basically glopping it on, it gets used up quickly. I guess about 2 dozen 25mm bases is about what you'll get out of one pot, less if you're trying to build up mounds. I would not use it on terrain, liquitex will be much cheaper to use.