View Full Version : Ork Bommer Spearhead

06-06-2012, 04:26 AM
I am wondering how to use the brand new Ork Bommers in my army/games. While I do see a use for the Dakkajet (fly around and shoot anything that moves) I'm having a hard time thinking how to use the Burna-Bommer and the Blitza-Bommer (because they need to move OVER their target before being able to shoot)

And that's a shame because I really like those models and want to use them in my games...

That got me thinking about Spearheads... there is a spearhead formation that allow Fast Skimmers to (once in battle) move Flat Out and be able to shoot.

Is this a feasible tactic ? What do you guys think ? Granted, it costs an extra 50 points but isn't that worth the look of surprise on your opponents face who thought his units/vehicles were safe from attack ?

I for one like the idea of suddenly move 2 Blitza Bommers Supersonicly (36" I think) and then drop their Boom Bomms onto a Land Raider :)

06-06-2012, 08:52 AM
The Burna Bommer is a little easier to use because it's main gun (the six one-shot missiles) is a lot easier to use. Fire them all off ASAP and then keep moving towards the target. After your second turn there's a decent chance you can hit something--don't be afraid to Supersonic your jet all the way up to easily within bombing range if firing at it would mean that your opponent couldn't fire at something more important that is still getting into position.

06-06-2012, 04:52 PM
Red Paint. Move 13, Unload Skorcha Missiles and Shoota's while enjoying that cover save then move into position for the Burna Bombs.

Personally though im also taking a couple of Dakkajets to 'plow the road' so to speak with Pinning fire at the heavy weapons targets so the Bomma can drop its load.

The BurnaBommer is perhaps the single best weapon in the Ork (if not any armies..) arsenal when it comes to dealing with 4+ Armor units providing you can hit with the damn thing. This means it is gonna be a target so personally im very tempted to keep it in reserve untill you can thin out your opponents heavier guns then bring it in late to carpetbomb them into fiery oblivion :D!

06-08-2012, 09:11 AM
remember that the bomma can only drop one bomm per movement so to be honest i think it is probably a waste as you wont get a chance to unload everything in all likelihood!

06-23-2012, 11:25 AM
I for one like the idea of suddenly move 2 Blitza Bommers Supersonicly (36" I think) and then drop their Boom Bomms onto a Land Raider :)

I think I will get what I want with the new Flyer "Zoom" rule. Yay !! :D :D

(reference is latest trailer on GW site at 1:25)