View Full Version : Apocalypse/Planetstrike game coming up, thoughts?

07-31-2009, 03:40 PM
I've got a big (4500+) point per player game coming up. I am playing space marines with my firends Imperial Guard as and we are against two Eldar players who will be defending.

I've got a full battle company with drop pods, 30 terminators, 25 scouts, 20 sternguard and 10 vanguard with 4 dreads in drop pods. I have no vehicles but the guard should take care of that. As I haven't played planetstrike yet, any ideas on what I should take, how I should use it? Thanks

07-31-2009, 06:55 PM
Drop pods should serve you well, as they will allow you to deepstrike your units much further into the enemy than normal (at least without risking them as much) Other than that, take units that can get to the objectives safely and quickly, don't bank on getting everything in at once, because you most likely won't.

As for the actual game, just remember that all you need to do as attacker's is have a single model in base contact with an objective to hold it, so getting those units stuck into close combat with a unit holding an objective might not be such a bad idea, protecting them from incoming fire!

Exitus Acta Probat
07-31-2009, 07:16 PM
have you thought about using your termies as Death Wing?
half the army, deep-striking on turn 1 and being able to assault?
I dunno, it's a thought i had....I've been repainting my Death Wing to try it out.

also, I think one of the few places Vanguard Vets may shine is planetstrike.

07-31-2009, 08:30 PM
Are those scouts armed with Shotguns,Bolters or Sniper Rifles, because Sniper rifles are very ineffective in PS and a unit of scouts with shotguns in a Land Speeder Storm is possibly my favourite tactic in PS. Devastator Squads armed with Heavy Bolters will be your best bet against Eldar as it negates the 4+ Armour save. How are you kitting out your HQ choices?

07-31-2009, 11:02 PM
Are you using PS reserve rules of Apoc reserve rules? This makes a big difference too, as you can get alot more in on the first turn in PS with pods, but in Apoc you can guarantee the termies to come in 1st turn.

08-01-2009, 10:01 AM
Thnaks for all the advice.

I do have ten shotgun scouts but no storms. The deathwing advice is intriguing ang something I was thinking about for the future, maybe a good time to try it out. I was also thinking of trying out my proxy shrike with the vanguard

I always thinki of terminators as being harder to kill but there are so fewer of them. With the proliferation of cover, am I better off with lots of cheaper PA to try and have that last guy holding the objective? hmmm

Heavy bolters deploying. I also just converted up some combiflamers and heavy flamers for a sternguard unit.

Thnaks guys.

08-02-2009, 11:07 AM
ok the things to know about planetstrike
- be aware of traps if your attacking the enemy will have set up in the best possible position for their army and will have a lot of tricks up their sleeve ive seen set ups vary from a board filled with bastions (AWESOME COOL) and one with no scenary at all (white scars!!) be aware of this and do be afraid to overthink a situation

-be aware of reserves, both yours and your opponents they can both be devastating

-and for your dreads, locator beacons on the 1st load of pods and meta weapons on bastions are EVIL!

-if all else fails BANEBLADE :)