View Full Version : Finished Obliterator

06-05-2012, 09:30 AM
So, I finally finished the details on my Obliterator sculpt, and cast some up.

Here's the finished test Iron Warriors paint job. For scale, he's on a 40mm base, and is roughly the same height as a Canoptek Wraith.


What do people think?

heretic marine
06-05-2012, 10:17 AM
I like it, aside from the big blackness between the legs. what is the big blackness anyways?

06-05-2012, 10:25 AM
It's a robe; I thought of painting it with a chaos star, but it looked a bit too "busy"...

06-05-2012, 11:04 AM
That's really good...and now I will have nightmares of it's back tonight!

Very chaotic!

06-05-2012, 11:36 AM
Nice one!

heretic marine
06-05-2012, 12:06 PM
It's a robe; I thought of painting it with a chaos star, but it looked a bit too "busy"...

ok I see the robe. it does look really nice;)

06-05-2012, 01:14 PM
Very cool. I dig the bio mechanical a lot

06-06-2012, 02:52 AM
I'm afraid I'm not a fan. For me it looks just too bland and unchaotic. I do like the exposed spine, ribs and the flesh tearing away from the guns, but the whole pose is very static. Reminiscant of the old old Terminators but lacking a lot of their charm. Personnally, I'd love to see more tubing (some ribbed, some smooth) around the model, especially coming from under the shoulder guards to the weapon arms. Probably a few more around the head or coming out from under the collar, in a similar manner to those around the sarcophogus of a dreadnought.

I don't feel the cloak is really necessary, or adds anything to the model. A few creases/folds in it could give the model a greater energy without killing off the oppressive mass, indominable force feel a unit like Obliterators need, and which you aren't too far off achieving. I'm not saying you'd need a cloak being whipped up by the wind, as I don't think such a heroic posture would be right for Obliterators either.

I do think the emprty Eye socket works really well. The large 'flat' areas, such as the shoulder guards and even the shins, really would give painters a great surface for individualising their models. I would prefer to see a bit more grim-dark though; maybe some grizzley trophies and/or a few more chaosy spikes/studs around a few of the plates.

Over all it is a fairly solid sculpt, and way way better than I could do, but I don't think it is quite there yet.