View Full Version : How many armies do you have?

09-23-2009, 01:36 PM
So as it says in the title; how many armies do you guys own. Do you constantly build on one or two armies expanding them or do you have many smaller sized armies.

Personally I will always go to build a 1500 - 2000 point list, but if I really loved doing the army and think it could work well in big games I will expand it further.

I have a 1500 point white scars army
An ever expanding iron hands army which now reaches 6000 points
A 1500 point death guard army which I am now expanding to 4000 points
A 2000 point Nid army
And finally a 1500 point Tau army

Any way enough about me lets hear from you guys! :)

09-23-2009, 01:51 PM
I have two armies my self and one "team" army.
2500-2700 points worth of a Space marine Salamander sub chapter
2000 points worth of Goff Orks
and A tyranid combined force of about 1500 points
I also have a small force of "dark Mechanicus" me and a friend are slowly working on with spare bits from our bits box.
I also have a small daemons combined force but i'm not sure how many points we have there.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-23-2009, 01:51 PM
Too many haha..

but seriously :

Enslavers (1000pts)
Ulumeathic League (1000pts)
Cult Of The Dragon (C'tan worshiping Adeptus Mechanicus) (1000pts)
Tzeentch Daemons (2000pts)
Necrons (2000pts)
Fecal Marines (chaos marines) (1500pts)
Quantum Chevrons (Space Marines) (1500pts)
Sand Tarantulas (Space Marines) (1000pts)
Tyranids (boxed)
Eldar (very old 2nd ed models, not sure how much I have)

and ill likely keep doing more minor-race armies too..already have ideas for at least 2 others !

09-23-2009, 01:57 PM
11,000 points Space Wolves
3,500 points Tyranids
3,000 points Salamanders
2,500 pts Imperial Guard
2,000 pts Chaos Marines (Nurgle)
2,000 pts Orks
2,000 pts Necron
2,000 pts Eldar
1,500 pts dark Eldar

3,000 pts Dwarves
3,000 pts Ogres
2,000 pts Orcs and Goblins
2,000 pts High Elves

5,000 pts Free Peoples (Fellowship of the Ring)
2,000 pts Darkness (mixed)

Human Bloodbowl team
Orc Bloodbowl team
Dwarf Bloodbowl team

god its sad that I can quote all of that off memory.

Oh, and I cant remember the amounts, but my Stepson has Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, Chaos Marines, and Bretonnians, plus 2 more Blood Bowl teams.

09-23-2009, 02:00 PM
No idea on points for most but I have:

~3000pts Rainbow Warriors + 40 odd termies for Space Hulk
Dark Angels
Titans (Reaver & Warhound + Skitarii)
Inquisitorial forces
Three Necromunda gangs
Two Blood Bowl teams
An Epic IG army
An AI Imperial squadron
An AI Eldar airhost
An AI Ork skwadron
LotR Elves

I don't build for lists (though I made sure all my Aeronautic armies are playable at larger levels so others can use them), I usually collect what I like, then add on some stuff to make it game worthy as necessary. Fortunately I like lots of troops so it generally works out ok.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-23-2009, 02:03 PM
Oh wait, we'ere including non 40k stuff too ?

in that case...

Space Marines
Lost And The Damned
Chaos Marines
Chaos Daemons
Imperial Guard

Fantasy :
Orcs and goblins
Tomb Kings

Exitus Acta Probat
09-23-2009, 02:33 PM
7000pts of Vanilla Marines (home chapter)
2000pts of Howling Griffons
2000pts of Blood Angels (all Jump or Skimmer)
3000pts of Pre Heresy Loyalist Istvaan III army (mixed)
14,000 SM

2000pts Grey Knights
2500pts SOBs
1500pts =I= support elements
3500pts IG
9500 Imperial

1850 Tau
1850 Eldar
3000 Orks
5000 Tyranids
11,700 Xenos

2500pts mixed Khorne/Nurgle
1500pts mixed EC/TS
4000 Chaos

2000pts Daemons (dual use army)

2x baneblades
1x stormlord
1x shadowsword
1x Ork Stompa
1x Trygon
2x Knight Titans
1x Vulture
1x Thunderbolt

2500pts Ogres
2500pts Lizzies
3000pts Wood Elves
2000pts Daemons (dual use army)

Small Haradrim force

Sisters o S

Space marine fleet
Imperial Fleet
Eldar Fleet

Space Hulk

and a little known boardgame GW produced called Judge Dredd the board game.

Too many other things I have shed through the years, tried, or just sold to move north. I never really got into blood bowl, and started using 40k scale for Inquisitor (preferred to Necromunda). Loved mordheim, but ran out of other people to play.

Gawds, that's too much crap...I lose! ;)

09-23-2009, 02:37 PM
Well, I've been in the hobby for 3 years now, and I have amassed:

2000-2500 Points of Magma Spears (DIY Nurglite Renegades)
1850-2000 Points of Evil Sunz orks
1 unit of Bloodletters and a Herald for my Nurgle/Khorne Daemons army that is in the works.

1 Unit of Cold one Knights, and 1 Unit of Corsairs.

09-23-2009, 02:57 PM
I started with a Berzerker army, getting it up to potentially around 7000pts or so (including a scrachbuilt warhound and converted brass scorpion). I've sold a fair amount of it though, not sure how many points I have left.

As a change of pace, I picked up about 1500pts of Tau.

Then, about when 5th ed came out I started playing Grey Knights, and haven't looked back. Got around 2000pts or so, plus 40 sisters of battle and a few cannonesses (how do you spell that?!) to use as allies.

So, technically I have 4 armies, though I only use one now. Oh, I guess I have enough random terminators that I could make a Deathwing (or now a Wolfwing) list. I might try a wolfwing list, just for fun. I love Grey Knights, but the codex is horrible. Keep a few of the basic Grey Knight rules (storm bolters, str 6, fearless) and rewrite everything else. I want special rules that actually work :mad:.

09-23-2009, 03:20 PM

Here are the armies I've got (in relative order)
~1750pts Death Guard (WIP)
~4000pts Crimson Fists
~3000pts Orks (Death Skullz)
~1750pts Tau

Orks haven't seen the light of day for all of 09
and my Tau haven't been out of their case since 07 (sad!)

Lord Anubis
09-23-2009, 03:22 PM
Hmmmm... For many years I had a job that provided far too much disposable income. And I disposed of quite a bit of it at hobby stores... ;)

About 3500 points of Alpha Legion, and growing. They've pretty much been my army since I started playing a decade ago. Even back before they were cool. :)

About 3000 points of Relictors, and growing

Those are my two main armies. Then there's...

An easy 3000 points of Deathskulls Orks, not counting a bunch of Apocalypse stuff.
2500 points of Radical Daemonhunters. No Grey Knights, just lots of stormtroopers an daemonhosts.
2500 points of White Scars, all on bikes, with a few landspeeders and a whirlwind.
2500 points of Necrons. I was one of those guys who had an all-metal Necron army for a while.

Around 3000+ points of Tyranids. They were what got me into the game, I own tons of models, I don't think I've every fielded the army. :p

I used to have about 3000 points each of the Chaos cult armies Thousand Sons/ Death Guard/ World Eaters/ and Emperor's Children. Between the new Codex and losing so many units to the Daemon Codex, they're all hovering around 2000 now. :(

A 2000 point Penal Legion (under current rules).
A 2000 point Catachan force

And past that is a bunch of leftover oddities like a fair sized 13th Company, some random Guardsmen and Witchhunters, a hundred or so Plague Zombies, and a pretty solid Kroot Mercernary force.

09-23-2009, 03:32 PM
1500 Tyranids
850-1000 Wood Elves

Not bad considering I'm15 with no job and working on a budget of about 20 bucks a month. :D

I think some of you guys are crazy :eek: How do you store 10,000+ pus points?! When my warhammer collection weighs more than me, I think I'm going to stop. ;)

Lord Anubis
09-23-2009, 03:36 PM
I think some of you guys are crazy:eek: How do you store 10,000+ plus points?!

I have a home office, several army cases, and two very full bookshelves. :D

Lord Azaghul
09-23-2009, 03:41 PM
ahh the model count pissing contest...
but I don't bother playing because someone else always wins!
(don't ask Silashand on Bugmansbrewry.com)

09-23-2009, 04:48 PM

4000pts Witch Hunters ( mainly Sisters of Battle )
3500pts Iron Hands Space Marines
3000pts Death Wing army ( made up of old metal termies )
2500pts Wyche Cult
4000pts Dark Eldar ( moslty unbuilt )
3000pts Salamander Space Marines ( to be built )
2500pts Grey Knight Deamon Hunters
3000pts Nurgle Chaos Marines
2500pts Slaanesh Noise Marines
2000pts Khorne Beserkers ( to be built )
2000pts Thousand Sons ( to be built )
2500pts Black Legion Chaos Marines ( built and somewhat painted )


3000pts Tomb Kings
2500pts Dwarves

My son's armies (which I have bought!)


3000pts Necrons
4000pts Deamons


3000pts Orcs
4000pts Deamons ( same army as above, used in fantasy as well )

Also....about 10000pts of LOTR, what a waste...LOL!

09-23-2009, 05:49 PM
5000pts of fully painted and based Tyranid army
4500pts of fully painted and based heavily converted Plague Marine army
3250pts of Necrons (currently for sale or trade)
3500pts of Eldar (work in process)
1000pts of Dark Eldar (no Raiders though :( )

2500pts of fully painted Ogres
4000pts of Chaos Mortels (work in process)
2500pts of Vampire Counts (currently for sale or trade)

Space Hulk

Large (not sure actual pts) Tyranid Fleet

Ogre Warband
Carnival of Chaos
Marader Warband
Vampire Counts Warband

Skorne Warpack + Void Spirit Solo

09-23-2009, 06:03 PM
I just started playing 2 years ago, but have caught Wargaming bug!

Warhammer 40k

14,000 points Chaos (7000 fully painted)
3000 points Tau Empire (1500 Fully Painted)
3000 points Necrons (Fully Painted)
2800 points Tyranids (Fully Painted)
2000 points Space Marines (unpainted)

Warhammer Fantasy

2500 points Dark Elves (painting in progress)


Circle of Orboros Warpack ( painting in progress)

09-23-2009, 06:19 PM
Dark Eldar
Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines
Sisters of Battle
Grey Knights
Witchhunter Inquisition
Demonhunter Inqusition
Traitor Imperial Guard
Three different Imperial Guard armies.
Lost and the Damned Army (No longer usable, of course. But I still like it.)

I've been collecting and playing since 2nd Edtion. It's amazing how much stuff one can collect over the years.

09-23-2009, 06:53 PM
This many Tyranids....



09-23-2009, 07:07 PM
this is a nice thread, well i'm a one army kinda guy, but unfortunately, ive got 3.

I started out with valhallan Imperial Guard right when i first got into the hobby in 3rd edition.
I built that up to around 3500 points

when the space wolves codex came out (the last one) i started a small army of them just to try out a different play style - probably around 1500 points

now ive gone and bought a new Guard army, i've been buying the parts since way back, almost 5 years now. but only recently put everything together and painting it all up. i'm well into the late 2500points, but intend to go apocalyptic with this army, bring on the troops, and bring on the big tanks!

I guess all i can say is, i'm a guard player through and through, but i do like to dabble. my next army i'd like to start, would be a small renegade guard/nurgle/chaos space marine force, proabably only 1500-2000pts worth. but i want all the toys, blight drones, nurgle demon, plague marines, hordes of festering guardsmen, mouldy dreadnought. thats my challenge for that army.

09-23-2009, 07:13 PM
Hmm... Well, I thought I had a lot, but some of you are just plain crazy, lol. Let's see...

10,000 pt Forge World Death Guard Army
7,000 pt GW Classic Death Guard Army
12,000 pt Forge World Renegade Militia Army
3,000 pt Forge World World Eaters Army
2,000 pt Daemons Army
2,000 pt Dark Eldar Army (rarely used)

I'm continuing to work on Death Guard (kind of slowing down on them, with the exception of Blight Drones... hehehe), Renegades will NEVER be done... at least not until I hit 1,000 Renegade Militiamen. World Eaters I'm TRYING to finish, but I haven't seen any FW World Eater kits on eBay lately, so... Yeah. Daemons I've put on hold for a little while, they've been banned by most of my enemies (sore losers). Dark Eldar? Well... they're hiding in the closet right now, I've lost interest for now.

09-23-2009, 07:24 PM
So as it says in the title; how many armies do you guys own. Do you constantly build on one or two armies expanding them or do you have many smaller sized armies.

Any way enough about me lets hear from you guys! :)

:) Well in order of collecting:
1) Sisters of Battle now about 3000 pts
2) Black Templars about 4500 & growing.
3) Daemonhunters with Grey Knights, Inq & Retinues. about 2500
4) Witchhunters with Inq, Retinues & Storm Troopers (excluding Sisters) about 2000
5) Vakhallan Guard with Caiphus Cain about 3500 plus Shadowsword & Apoc stuff.

Phew--- how much did that cost over 10+ years. Thank the Emperor for E-bay which is where most of the Valhallans came from.

09-23-2009, 11:37 PM
Here's what Ive got...

2000 pts of Necrons
3000 pts of Eldar
3500 pts of Space Marines
4000 pts of Imperial Guard (half are a complete army I picked up secondhand from a family friend, half are a custom Light Infantry regiment I'm working on)

1000 pts of Eldar Corsairs

easily 2 gangs' worth of Eschers
12 scratchbuilt Redemptionists

09-24-2009, 07:36 AM
Yikes! I don't want to think about it. :p

Having been a serious collector with 20 years in the hobby I have ~75% of the models that GW has released. Now painted armies is a very different story.

For 40k I have the following painted points values:

5000 Howling Griffons (with 5,000 more to go)
3000 Eldar
2000 Black Templars
2000 Tau
1500 Arbites
1500 Space Wolves
1250 Necrons
1000 Dark Eldar

It's an addiction! :rolleyes:

09-24-2009, 08:36 AM
I have 7-8K of Death Guard/Nurgle
About 4-5 K of World Eaters/Khorne
I have over 5500pts of Orks (Bad Moonz)
I have a 2250 point Emperor's Children army that's been an albatross for me ( Can't find a buyer)
I've planned a 2250 point Space Marine army. (Iron Lords) Bought one model for it So I have work to do.

Brass Scorpion
09-24-2009, 09:28 AM
Building, painting and collecting models is the main focus of the hobby for me, so I had no trouble making the 7+ category in the poll on this topic over at dakkadakka. And, I'm working on a Space Marine chapter of my own design at the moment, so I'll shortly have another "game legal" army that will grow to massive Apocalypse size.

09-26-2009, 09:21 AM
Let's see... after 8 years I have:

-2000 points Black Templaer
-2500 4th ed DIY Marines
-8000 points dark eldar
-2000 points necrons
-2000 3rd ed Chaos Marines (word bearers, when I could use demons and dark apostles)
-3000 points White Scars for the new book

6000 points Dark Elves
4500 Points Ogre Kingdoms

I do about an army a year... It costs roughly the same as if I had actually gone to university :p

09-26-2009, 03:17 PM
The Eyes of Doom! - (Chaos space marines)
Craftworld Mal-akhi -(Eldar)
Flaming Skulls - (Orks)
Space Knights - (My space marine chapter)
Chaos Daemons
I'll soon be adding Space Wolves to this list.

Chaos Dwarfs
Beasts of chaos
Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Daemons
Orks & Goblins
Dogs of War stuff.
Bretonia (never played)
Dwarfs (all boxed, neverplayed, unasembled....one day.....)
I would like to add Wood elves to this list some day

09-26-2009, 04:58 PM
Lets see:

First Army was Dark Eldar: 3,5K painted

Second were the Tau: 3,3 K painted

Then came Chaos and I choose the lovely Emperor Children: 3,7 K painted

Followed by my mighty Iron Warriors Great Company: 5 K incl. Superheavy Tanks painted

For my IW I have a small LotD army wich I know play with the Guard Codex: ca. 1 K painted

A whole Dark Angel Army is slumbering in some boxes: 2,2 K not painted but all primed in black

No to forget the Chaos Demons consisting of the Demons from my EC Army: ca. 1 K painted

09-26-2009, 11:09 PM
2000 points of Imperial Guard (my third army)
2000 points of Daemons (my second army)
2000 points of Chaos Space Marines (Khorne without daemons, with daemons 2500ish) (my most recent army)

and 3k of Dwarfs (my first army)
I've only been playing for about 2 years now, I played fantasy alone for a while, then early this year got into 40k, and then kind of sped up on it, I really like a lot of the armies for 40k so I get one started, get it to where I can field it in regular games and I'm decent with them start on another and then buy things for the other armies as I see fit.

Subject Keyword
10-12-2009, 08:43 PM
3,500 points of Necrons
2,000 points of Daemons
2,000 points of Vampire Counts
1,000 points of Ogres
0 points of the Pre-C'tan Necrontyr IG conversion army I just now got the idea to make.

Small Beans compared to you big shots.

10-12-2009, 09:11 PM
Hm, I really only have one army and lots of assorted models.

Eldar, 18,000+* points. I should really work it out. Of course I don't often get to field it as one army.
500 points of Imperial Guard
1500 points of Space Marines but not really a coherent army.

2000 points of Empire
1000 points of High Elves
1000 points of Dark Elves
1000 points of Orcs
I've pretty much given up WFB though, for the time being.

*Edit: I just did some basic maths, its 18,000 at least. I feel kind of embaressed:(

Abominable Plague Marine
10-12-2009, 09:31 PM
Hmmmm, I thought I had already replied to this thread? perhaps one similar in context or probably on different forum.

I have two Death Guard armies, one is 2500pts (I bought this one), the other is 3000+
Salamanders (bought this one too) was 2000pts till new SM Codex came out, now it is barely 1700.
Other (bought) generic Space Marines (I should make them Space Wolves so I can fit in with all the cool kids?), 2000pts
Traitor Skitarii (been collecting for a while, bugger all painted), um, not sure.............5000+
Are we listing other stuff besides 40K?
6000+ of Battlefleet Gothic Chaos Death Guard fleet
300+ of Traitor Skitarii (Chaos) Aeronautica Imperialis
10000+ Epic Death Guard
.....and I think I have about 6 BloodBowl teams.

Ive also sold off a handful of armies.

10-13-2009, 01:08 AM
Far too much considering I only started the hobby again about 2 years ago...

10k of Ultramarines
4k of Imperial Guard (Ultramar PDF)
3.5k of Necrons

3k of Skaven

3k of Gondor
WIP Mordor army

10-13-2009, 01:56 AM
Hmmm, I'm a bit of a slow collector it seems...


Orks - 2000pts
Dark Eldar - 1500


WoC - 1000pt
Ogre Kingdoms - 750pts
Dwarves - 750pts

I'm mostly an Ork player, but WFB and the WoC are intriguing me (and Chaos armored Ogres).

10-13-2009, 01:59 AM

about 5k of Vostroyan IG (my first love!!!)
roughly 2,500pts of Blood Angels

eh skull pass dwarfs, a dwarf battalion and some assorted dwarfs... nothing to brag about really. I'm kinda fail with FB

Lord Azaghul
10-13-2009, 06:22 AM
Eh, just to get an easy 100th post : )

Dwarves: 7000
O&G: 3k
DoW: 3k

IG: 4k-5k

1 Orc Team

10-13-2009, 07:38 AM
Playing since 2nd Ed. with my BAs,

10k - Blood Angels
2k - Eldar
2k - Grey Knights
And a handful of Squats

Lack of funds prevents further expansion...:mad:

10-13-2009, 10:04 AM
5000 Points of Space Marines. -> Fully painted and based
4000 Points of Tau -> Fully painted and based
2000 Points of Eldar -> 1/3 painted

$200 of Planetstrike terrain.

Once everything is painted and based I'm allowed to start a new army. Knowing that a new Tyranid codex is coming out is really helping me stick to my rule since starting a new army now would be pointless.

10-13-2009, 10:05 AM
I am not the fastest army collector in the world (and I do spend a lot of time on painting), and I try to limit myself in my spending. I have been in the hobby for a lttle over two years and I have the following:

1800 points Chaos Space Marine Army (Death Guard and Iron Warriors combined) (my first army and looks like crap to be honest)
2000 points Space Marine Army (Imperial Fists and Raptors combined)
700 points Eldar force
400 points of Death Korps of Krieg
And a plastic Shadowsword

10-13-2009, 10:17 AM
ahh the model count pissing contest...
but I don't bother playing because someone else always wins!
(don't ask Silashand on Bugmansbrewry.com)

Fair one. I have my big boys when we are getting 'em out to measure off (excuse this phrase ladies)

1 x warhound
1 x revenant
1 x reaver
1 x Warlock.

How do you like them apples?

10-13-2009, 10:23 AM
Oh yes, and I 've just bought and built a shed.

Yes a shed.

Because my wife wants the greenhouse back.

yes the greenhouse.

Because I've stuck all my tools and gardening crap in the greenhouse so that my double garage, which houses my 19 year collection of 40k material, including White dwarfs back to no 67 and the 4 aformentioned 40k titans, can be dedicated to such pleasures.

What she doesn't know is that a large part of my insistance that we buy this house was because of this space to have bona fide wargames room.

So I may not have as many points to flash as some bug buck flash harrys, but I can honestly state I have spent 180k on indulging my 40k.

the one
10-18-2009, 05:48 AM
To many. :(

10-18-2009, 12:18 PM
I have a home brewed Black Templars chapter ("The Lions of the Emperor") about 5000 pts.

Necrons = 3500 pts.

Tau = 4000 pts

Space Wolves = 3500 pts

Orks (Death skulls) = 5000 pts

10-18-2009, 01:45 PM
10,000 points of Black Templars
2,000 Points of Castigators
1,000 Points of Dark Angels
<750 Points of Ultramarines :(, Alas poor Sicarius

2,000 Points of Unbuilt Marines
I can't decide if I want Blood Angels, Iron Knights, Space Wolves, etc....

10-18-2009, 08:57 PM
30,000 pts of Blood Angels and other Space Marine, mostly built, but not painted.
4,000 Tau
4,000 Tyranid
5,000 Imperial Guard (vostroyan/Cadian)
500 Witch Hunters

1 unbuilt old school metal Thunderhawk.

5,000 Bretonnian
1,500 Dwarf
4,000 Ogre Kingdoms

john m.

10-18-2009, 11:01 PM
8,000,000 points of Imperial Guard
4,000,000 points of Titan Legion.
Blah Blah Blah

10-27-2009, 12:01 PM
I currently own a fully painted 1500 point Farsight Enclave of Tau, 4800+ points of Necrons 99% painted, and a large amount of partially assembled Space Marines(was building a Black Templars Army, hated it sold of the BT specifiic stuff). Have owned in the past a full Ork, Chaos, and Tyranid armies. None fit my play style or I didn't feel like painting all the detail on so many models.

10-27-2009, 11:16 PM
Zalan 103rd (my original IG army, now retired)
Arrillien 409th (my new IG army, about 2750pts)
Da World Endaz (my ork freeboota band, 3500pts)
Dread Wanderers (my chaos, about 1250pts)
Hive Fleet Gorgon (my nids, about 1500pts)
The Manly Marines (Space Wolves successor (don't bother, I'm aware) work in progress will be 2000pts when complete)

Once the Manly Marines are finished I intend to start a real Space Wolves army, rather than one that consists of 25 models at 2000pts (and 3 of them are drop pods). And once I get around to building the rest of my IG I'll break 3000, easy.

11-02-2009, 04:39 AM
Eldar - difficult to guess, around 5000/6000 I would say
Space Orcs - 1200 p.
Space Mariens - 1200 p.