View Full Version : AP for rending attacks in 6th ed? 2 of course!

06-04-2012, 03:39 PM
Hi, there is a lot of speculation as to what AP rending attacks have in the new edition of 40k if the rumors of CC weapons getting an AP value are correct.
In my opinion it would have to be AP 2 for one simple reason: SPACE HULK

In Space Hulk stealers are deadly, able to take down a termie more then 50% of the time, if their rending attacks were not to affect terminator armor, then the connection between 40k and Space Hulk would be severed to such a degree that they might as well take place in two separate universes.

Just something that popped into my head but still hopeful that GW takes things like that under consideration. :p

the jeske
06-04-2012, 06:12 PM
if anything it would be ap1 [if they would actualy use the shoting weapons discritpion of negating saves of variouse level].

06-04-2012, 07:17 PM
I don't see rending as being designated with an AP value at all. It appears that GW would assign AP values to weapons, not weapon rule types. I think rending will remain the same, simply 'ignoring armor'.

06-04-2012, 08:14 PM
so in effect it would be AP 2, no armor save but no additional effect against vehicles.

06-04-2012, 08:32 PM
so in effect it would be AP 2, no armor save but no additional effect against vehicles.

Even having a discussion about it at this point is superfluous at best.

06-04-2012, 08:46 PM
I'm pretty sure we'll still have to roll to wound, so it probably won't have an AP, it will probably just remain the same, ignoring armour on a 6 to wound.

06-05-2012, 12:18 AM
I don't see rending as being designated with an AP value at all. It appears that GW would assign AP values to weapons, not weapon rule types. I think rending will remain the same, simply 'ignoring armor'.

Actually, currently Rending in close combat counts as 'a power weapon' wound. If power weapons get an AP value in 6th, that would mean AP3, according to the rumours.

Whereas Rending wounds from shooting attacks are AP2. So based on how the rule works currently, with regard to the rumours for AP values on close combat weapons, it's not necessarily a done deal that Rending will work one way or the other.

06-05-2012, 09:14 AM
Actually, currently Rending in close combat counts as 'a power weapon' wound. If power weapons get an AP value in 6th, that would mean AP3, according to the rumours.

Whereas Rending wounds from shooting attacks are AP2. So based on how the rule works currently, with regard to the rumours for AP values on close combat weapons, it's not necessarily a done deal that Rending will work one way or the other.

Ha, true enough! I didn't know that 'shooting rending' specifically counted as AP2 (my armies don't have any guns with rending).

06-05-2012, 09:39 AM
I'd make rending a value (Rending X) that adds that number to the AP value on a wound roll of 6, or adds that value to the total Pen value against vehicles. Nice, simple, and able to vary it to make weapons different.