View Full Version : Space Wolves madness

Black Hydra
06-04-2012, 10:31 AM
I don't play SW myself but my friend is starting out with them and I have to say I am very freaking impressed. I'd always heard they were so point efficient but I never imagined they were THAT cheap! Jeez, I must have decked out every single squad when I was building my friend's list just to fill out the points limit. Something even cooler is that their terminators are cheaper and more flexible. But then fail (IMO) they can't deepstrike.

So I want to know from you guys, do you like the story reason why they can't deep strike? Because Leman taught them to fight with their feet on the ground and they don't trust arcane tactics? That's silly, they use Rune priests.

Also, would you rather the termies be able to deep strike and take a slight points increase or stay as they are?

And finally where you just as surprised/pleased when you saw how much you can take as a SW player? I know since they are so cheap pts wise, they get taken to tournaments a lot so I suspect many of you have something to say about their pts efficiency.

06-04-2012, 02:42 PM
Also, would you rather the termies be able to deep strike and take a slight points increase or stay as they are?

It's called Drop Pods, for a small price increase you can take one as a dedicated transport for the terminators.

Black Hydra
06-04-2012, 05:00 PM
It's called Drop Pods, for a small price increase you can take one as a dedicated transport for the terminators.

Wolf Guard in PA can take drop pods, but when in terminator armor they can only take Land Raiders, clever boy.

06-04-2012, 05:10 PM
Where have you read this? The only restrictions for transports for Wolf Guard is only one unit can have a Landraider. Since terminator armor cannot embark on a Rhino or Razorback, you could only use PA Wolf Guard for those options. Drop pods are still a valid option, just counts as two models instead of 1.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-04-2012, 05:39 PM
Yup, Terminators can go in Drop Pods - "Models in Terminator armour count as two models for the purposes of transport capacity, and cannot embark Rhinos or Razorbacks."

Since Drop Pods are not Rhinos or Razorbacks, they can go in Drop Pods, but count as two models.

It's easy to assume that Termies can't go in Pods since there are very few cases when it's actually an option (other than Wolfguard, I think it's only if you attach a Terminator Armoured character to a unit which bought a Drop Pod).

Black Hydra
06-04-2012, 05:46 PM
Right my bad. I knew I'd regret not making complete sure. I guess people don't really put them in drop pods much. Still adding a drop pod isn't what my original question was about. I meant would you want deep striking SW not through drop pods.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-04-2012, 06:07 PM
Personally, their distrust of Teleporting is a quirk I like - it's one of those fun little idiosyncrasies that makes 40k what it is. (Note that they believe their Rune Priests are somehow "different" from normal Psykers - while this is probably untrue, it's what the Space Wolves are raised believing.)

Still, if an opponent wanted to bump them up 1pt or whatever and let them deep strike, I'd be down with it. On the other hand, I think it'd be cooler to give Rune Priests the Gate of Infinity power from Vanilla marines - the Space Wolves 13th Company is where that rule originally came from, after all.

06-05-2012, 08:11 AM
Something even cooler is that their terminators are cheaper and more flexible

cheaper than what? lol SW terminators are the most expensive terminators Ive seen.

Space Marine THammer and SShield Terminator- 40pts
SW Terminator with same is what, around 75pts?

I will give you that they are more flexible. Wolf Guard are my favorite unit of the codex due to their versitility.

Space Wolves are an awesome army. very good for newbies as they are "forgiving" and have good bang for your buck(points). Plus the fluff is awesome.

The Sovereign
06-22-2012, 12:27 PM
And finally where you just as surprised/pleased when you saw how much you can take as a SW player? I know since they are so cheap pts wise, they get taken to tournaments a lot so I suspect many of you have something to say about their pts efficiency.

In the modern era of Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Necrons, Dark Eldar, etc.? No, not at all. The last year has taught me to immediately reject the myth that Wolves are an auto-win button. They're a good army, sure, but this is 2012, not 2009. They're not top dog (heh) anymore.

cheaper than what? lol SW terminators are the most expensive terminators Ive seen.

Space Marine THammer and SShield Terminator- 40pts
SW Terminator with same is what, around 75pts?

I will give you that they are more flexible. Wolf Guard are my favorite unit of the codex due to their versitility.

Space Wolves are an awesome army. very good for newbies as they are "forgiving" and have good bang for your buck(points). Plus the fluff is awesome.

This. They're fun and more versatile vs. your average terminator, but they get expensive fast due to their fun equipment options. My understanding is that they're very similar to Chaos terminators.