View Full Version : New Tau Ordinance

06-02-2012, 09:08 AM
Has anyone ordered from forgeworld and tried the new Tank options that are available to us?

I think we've got a TL small blast multi melta, a TL heavy 4 Plasma gun that's S7 (and only AP3), TL small blast missile pods with the same profile as regular missile pods, and a TL long barreled burst cannon that's TL assault 6 S6 AP4.

Not the best of options being that the Ion cannon still does more damage at S7 AP3 at 60" and only 15pts,but the multi melta and missile pods seem interesting.

Anyone out there game with those yet?

Archon Charybdis
06-02-2012, 09:18 AM
Why would anyone care about new Tau local laws and regulations? :D

But seriously, I know absolutely nothing about Tau.

06-02-2012, 02:42 PM
Don't know much about Ray, but even at BS2 heavy 6 S6 sp4 twin linked sound like a good deal if the weapon us fairly cheap. Also, aren't missile pods s8 ap3? That could be good if the blasts keep that high s low AP starlike (though I am sure they wouldn't be the same).

06-02-2012, 04:19 PM
Negative sir. The Missile pod is S7 AP4.

06-02-2012, 04:30 PM
the ray is BS3 only drones are bs2

06-02-2012, 07:22 PM
The upgrades are for the Hammerhead, and the hammerhead is BS 3(4). It's got an integrated target array that allows it to hit on a 3+.

06-02-2012, 07:43 PM
Not to mention that the Skyray can fire it's own missiles on a 4+, which then in turn hit on a 2+ with no LOS needed. It's not a tank I like to field. Ok, having 6 S8 AP3 no line of sight required missiles which could possibly fire x2 per turn might come in handy, but why take that when you can take 6 missiles and put them on other things, pay less for the tank, and still have the same stopping ability?

06-04-2012, 06:10 AM
I have two of the plasma cannon turreted ones and I take at least 1 in my list now at 2000pts. I've played vs. daemons, eldar, necrons, and sm with them and it was a killer each time. Throw in a couple markerlight hits one to up bs and a couple to delete cover saves...look out. The 48" range is nice too and for 40 pts less than a rigged out railhead it is a points saver too. Imo, I think it does more damage than the ion cannon, it has one more shot and is twin linked. Rarely does the range become an issue as most armies are closing in on you. I think the long barrelled burst cannon turret would be nice too, esp vs. necrons with that ap4.