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View Full Version : My first foray into Warmachine - Khador (pic heavy)

05-30-2012, 02:12 PM
These models represent my first foray outside of Games Workshop miniatures. I bought the 2-player Warmachine boxset for the Khador miniatures. Khador appealed to me as I think they epitomise the steampunk element of Warmachine more than the other factions.

I painted the models with a metallic red rather than the traditional matt red, as I felt a warlike nation like Khador would rather forge the metal in its national colours and be done with it than faff around painting it post-production. I achieved it by mixing a pot of bright red with silver to create a base colour, stipling on copper and then washing in red ink. The steel areas were pretty standard, just chainmail washed in black and drybrushed with silver.

You may notice I have based the models as a sandy desert rather than their usual snow. The reasons for this are threefold:
1. I felt that Khador are more likely to be on the attack than defending their own realms.
2. I was also partly inspired by the nation of Ragna from the anime film Origin: Spirits of the Past, who are from a desert environment (I do intend on collecting Circle Orboros as a Hordes force for the same reason)
3. I would have had to buy modelling snow. So no.

For Kommander Sorscha I decided on blue eyes and blonde hair, basing her loosely off of the character Jessica from Origin. I spent ages altering the shade of her coat, as I wanted it to be a bright red but also be distinguishable from her armour, which I hope I achieved well enough.

I'm pretty proud of this force and look forward to expanding it some time in the future. As always, any comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome. So, enough waffle, here's the force as it currently stands:

http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3695/kommandersorscha01.jpg http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6236/kommandersorscha02.jpg http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/8470/kommandersorscha03.jpg http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/7204/kommandersorscha04.jpg

05-30-2012, 02:14 PM
Khador Destroyer Heavy Warjack:

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8661/khadordestroyer01.jpg http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/4333/khadordestroyer02.jpg http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/7595/khadordestroyer03.jpg http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6583/khadordestroyer04.jpg

05-30-2012, 02:20 PM
Khador Juggernaut Heavy Warjack:

http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/8205/khadorjuggernaut01.jpg http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/4507/khadorjuggernaut02.jpg http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/9830/khadorjuggernaut03.jpg http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/18/khadorjuggernaut04.jpg

It's fairly hard to see, but as I didn't want both Warjacks to be completely static, I cut the left leg so that I could bend it higher, and tilted the body forward to make it look like it was running (but not too fast, I imagine it to be more of a lumbering warengine). I'm pretty happy with the result, let me know what you think.

05-30-2012, 02:23 PM
And finally, my Man-O-War Shocktroopers. Pretty standard construction I think so nothing really to comment here. Just the one picture as I figure this is the most interesting angle:


05-31-2012, 02:39 PM
Im liking your minis!!

Especially the first one seems to me an excellent sculpt!

Makes me happy with the order i placed recently on a summer deal for Cryx...I also never collected a non-gw system... (ohh discounting WarZone and Chronopia back in the days) but to be honest it was either them or Khador. I agree with you on them beeing the epitomy of steampunk.

Did you (have to) read up a lot before painting or did you just let the minis guide you??

06-02-2012, 06:21 PM
Im liking your minis!!

Especially the first one seems to me an excellent sculpt!

Makes me happy with the order i placed recently on a summer deal for Cryx...I also never collected a non-gw system... (ohh discounting WarZone and Chronopia back in the days) but to be honest it was either them or Khador. I agree with you on them beeing the epitomy of steampunk.

Did you (have to) read up a lot before painting or did you just let the minis guide you??

Cheers, she's just the Kommander Sorscha model from the Khador Battlegroup box, I didn't do any resculpting.

With all of GWs price increases lately, it just seemed time to move away from it. I figure I'll finish off my current Skaven and Dark Eldar armies, but I may just keep those as forces I can game with and not buy anything else from them til they realise how ridiculously over priced they are making stuff.

I was also looking at Cryx, the decider for me was Khador being in the 2-player boxset. I may get a small Cryx force so that I can play Warmachine with friends who don't collect, but I would really like to start a Circle Orboros force for Hordes (hey, maybe they'll do a Hordes 2-player boxset and I'll get lucky again eh?). I don't do metal where I can help it though so until they shift more stuff to plastic or resin I'll probably stick with what I currently have.

To be honest I didn't really look into painting advice too much. I've been collecting GW for ages so I just applied my existing skills to this force, like I said I fancied a metallic red but other than that I stuck fairly true to the army colour scheme. So yeah, I just painted it how I felt each model should be painted. I was really impressed with the models, the detail is fantastic and it's a really dense plastic so it should be really durable, the only downside to it being tough is that the flash is pretty hard to shift, but other than that I'm really happy with them. Good luck with your Cryx!