View Full Version : DOWII Expansion

09-23-2009, 07:14 AM
I've seen some pics of the new DOW II expansion. GOD!, it is so cool... thoose chaos space marines must kick ***, hope they have the 4 gods blessing, or specific units, or..god-like stuff.
you can see the pictures in DOWII comunity ( just type that on GOOGLE or so, and you sould find it)

Now i've been thinking, wouldn't it be cool if razer ( for me 1º in gaming mouse) made a special edition of a lachesis, or deathadder with an 8 pointed star glowing ? ( as for thoose who may not know, it is the icon of the balck legion, and also it works for chaos in general terms)

or maybe a kit of "Hot keys for DOW II" for the tarantula. ( some like red glowing khorne simbol OMG)

God, that would be just awesome! ( maybe imperials should get some love too)

I hope they get to do someting like so, i would be a MUST buy for warhammer PC players.

09-26-2009, 05:39 PM
Meh, it's just Marines versus slightly different Marines. Nothing to get excited about

10-02-2009, 08:55 PM
Marines versus marines with bloodletters.

10-05-2009, 05:06 AM
Nice to see that THQ is following what is in the new codex. :D

02-21-2010, 11:17 AM
The units that we know are:

- Chaos Lord
- Plague Champion
- Sorcerer

Tier 1:
- Heretic Squad
- Chaos Space Marines
- Chaos Havocs

Tier 2:
- Bloodletters
- Dreadnaught
- Bloodcrusher
- Plague Marines

Tier 3:
- Predator
- Great Unclean One

Not even one Slaanesh unit, lol.

02-21-2010, 01:35 PM
Apparently an "M" rating wasn't deemed enough protection from the roving packs of journalists looking for another video game to pounce upon :rolleyes:

02-22-2010, 07:30 AM
It was said some time ago that 3 gods will be in.

02-22-2010, 09:11 AM
I see only two, unless you consider the sorcerer to be Tzeentchian, which isn't really a fair representation of that god (nor, in fact, do Sorcerers have to be Tzeentchian, they can worship any of the four gods, even Khorne though he does not like psykers in general).

02-22-2010, 03:32 PM
There's definitely three that have some representation. You can dedicate your predator to Tzeentch, for instance. And since the plague champion has an option for an icon of Nurgle and the chaos lord has an option for an icon of Khorne, seems likely that the sorceror will have an option for an icon of Tzeentch. Pretty sure you can dedicate your shrines to Tzeentch, as well.

Which isn't all that bad, I guess, inasmuch as it says that an uber-killy Chaos hero is likely to be Khornate, and an uber-magicky Chaos hero is likely to be Tzeentchian. Personally I think Khorne is the only Chaos god who can show up on the battlefield without feeling like a reach, but if we must make Tzeentch a combat god, I think this is about as good a way to do it as any.