View Full Version : Retro is the new black...Spotted in June White Dwarf

05-26-2012, 12:46 PM
Spotted in the June 2012 WD (UK number 390)...

Page 48, top right corner of bottom picture.

An Armorcast Warhound in the Design Studio on their storage shelves.

I only point it out coz I like it when I spot things that aren't strictly in the current corporate canon.

And this design as with the Warlord titan of the olden days, kicks the plop out of the current one (although I like new Reaver fine).

05-26-2012, 02:34 PM
Can anyone post a pic showing this?

05-26-2012, 05:14 PM
Disagree. I think the AC Warhound looked embarrassingly bad.

05-26-2012, 05:31 PM
To be more precise, I think the upper leg and and hip assembly on the old ones looks too flimsy relative to the rest of the model but the body and hounds head design looks a lot better.

Emerald Rose Widow
05-26-2012, 07:52 PM
Idk, I think the old one looks a little silly, and the current one looks a lot more precise. More details with the new one, and it makes it look far more realistic, or as realistic as any such thing could be

05-26-2012, 10:11 PM
I thoroughly dislike the old Epic/Armorcast Warhound. Giant chaos looking spikes, dog head with massive ears, weapons that are as long as it is. The Mars pattern Warhound by FW is one of their greatest triumphs, taking the original design as a base, and creating a new version that evokes the old one without looking silly, at the same time as making it look actually functional. Mars Reaver does the same job. I can't wait to see what they come up with to update the old Beetleback Warlord.

05-27-2012, 03:39 AM
Christ thread Hijacking like this I hope Wesley Snipes is Poster #57!

But if we're going off topic, I see both the warlord/warhound and the harsh square angles look like both have been built out of duplo.

The old pair - OK the hips don't look ergonomically feasible but they looked in keeping with MkVI armour - something at the very peek of human technological capability - not like a load of rectangular boxes thrown together.

Back OT, haha the design studio is showing its old stuff off - its like when you catch a hot lady wearing her old, big and grey pants... Oh Mummy!

05-27-2012, 07:50 AM
I agree with Major. I have an old AC warhound. It looks like junk compared to the new FW titans. But I still use it and it is still a warhound. If I had the cash I would upgrade. But my cash is going to 6th edition.