View Full Version : Vendetta Vs Valkyrie

05-25-2012, 02:08 PM
Has anyone found a reason to run a Valkyrie instead of a Vendetta? Has anyone had any success running a Valk? I recently bought my second flyer and my first is modelled as a Vendetta. I have only used it as such and find it amazing. I like to always be WYSIWYG in my gaming and am skilled with magnets.
If I can avoid it, I would rather not cut/drill/glue/paint/assemble 6 lascannons/missile pods/rockets and the like if I could just build it one or the other.
What scenarios have you wished (if any) you had fielded a Valk instead of a Vendetta?
Doesn't it seem that the Vendetta should be priced higher or the other priced lower? I just can't wrap my head around this, am I missing something?:confused:

05-25-2012, 02:29 PM
Cruddance has garnered a reputation for inconsistency. On one hand you have Vendetta and Veteran squads, on the other Carnifex and other Tyranid MCs.

You'll just have to wait for 6th to see if anything changes, but until then you're right, there's little reason to take a Valkyries over a Vendetta.

05-25-2012, 03:27 PM
The only reason I can think of is that a fully kitted Valk-Pods, HBs, ML is better at killing horde.
In practice however, I've only ever taken 2-3 Vendettas simply because their so darn good.

05-25-2012, 04:49 PM
A Valk can be very good, with the 30pt Rocket Pod addition, for 130 points. That makes it the same as the Vendetta, which is just freaking amazing. It's just so good there is no reason to ever take the Valk.

Don't put the heavy bolters on, they are a waste of points since you always want to be moving.


George Labour
05-26-2012, 11:33 AM
When I run a drop troops army using the list in Imperial Armour 8 I find that I end up taking several valkyries alongside Vendettas. The vendettas get the job of popping as much armor before they get gunned down, whle the valks fly play taxi cab for those units that are capable of squeezing inside.

But then, that's a very special case as the vendetta replaces all the artillery and tanks a normal IG army gets while the valk becomes the chimera of the list.

For my other normal IG lists I tend to have a surplus of low to mid strength firepower and so the vendetta becomes my go to tank buster and gun bait. The combination of speed and twin linked weapons have proven the bane of anything thy come up against...until people shoot back.

So no, I don't really take normal valkryies over vendettas in mormal lists. Not because they're not useful or can't do a good job of killing things but because I already have so many other horde thinning tools that I end up needing reliable long range anti tank.

Plus flying lascannons with transport, scout, and deep strike often proves a major distraction for my opponent who can end up making some crucial mistakes.

05-26-2012, 10:24 PM
So, the Valkyrie with Rocket Pods is a pretty respectable Anti-infantry piece for 130 points (and the Valk without rocket pods is worthless and you should never bother).

What I find, though, is that the Guard don't really need dedicated anti-infantry pieces. They get ton of that elsewhere, incidentally.

What they do need is a good lascannon platform, and the Vendetta is the best.

So, the Vendetta really shines in a role that the guard need filled, while the Valkyrie is pretty good in a role that they don't really need filled. Since they're the same price and occupy the same slot, that basically means that the Vendetta is a better pick, at least nine times out of ten. The Valk is a pretty good piece--it's just overshadowed by the vendetta.

05-29-2012, 11:11 AM
Plus flying lascannons with transport, scout, and deep strike often proves a major distraction for my opponent who can end up making some crucial mistakes.

I agree with this whole heartedly. The options availible (albeit they are availible for the Valk too, other than the Lascannons) are just too good to ignore. I find that if you can put your opponent into situations where they need to make some tough choices, they can and will make the wrong ones often. A unit like the Vendetta is AWESOME at that. Deploy on a flank and scout/flatout up the edge to have a "deal with me or I am going to wreck your side armor with lascannons!" type threat. Outflank and save the day. Deepstrike behind the enemy.

I feel there are just too many armies that can't just ignore a Valkyrie with rocket pods. I don't think there is an army out there that can ignore 3 TL Lascannons.

06-19-2012, 01:55 AM
DarkLink - Cruddance has garnered a reputation for inconsistency. On one hand you have Vendetta and Veteran squads, on the other Carnifex and other Tyranid MCs.

Indeed, when I first read the guard codex I was astounded that the Vendetta had a transport capacity at all, never mind the same one as the Valk.

I mean who would use a Razorback if a tooled up Predator was nearly the same points and had the same transport capacity?

06-19-2012, 05:12 AM
Indeed, when I first read the guard codex I was astounded that the Vendetta had a transport capacity at all, never mind the same one as the Valk.

I mean who would use a Razorback if a tooled up Predator was nearly the same points and had the same transport capacity?

Probably more accurate and reasonable to use a rhino and las cannon razorback as comparison examples.

The Vendetta really should be higher priced than it is, and should also have a lower transport capacity. But as it stands, the Ven is just so much better than a valk that it's a no-brainer which one to take.