View Full Version : Please Rate my Campaign Rules

05-24-2012, 05:49 PM
Hello people

Months ago I started to think about good campaign rules for 40k while sleeping at classes or not sleeping while in bed, and things are getting quite the shape, so I wanted to share them with ya hoping to get some good critcism and suggestions. First some disclaimers:
1) while I'm no bloody noob in 40k and my knowledge in rules and fluff is quite vast, my experience isnt. Cant say exactly why, but I havent played that much games as I wanted. thats where you boys come in :) I'll set question marks at those points where I need more clarification, and all the numbers are NOT tried and tested, not completely random either, but those points are needing the most attention
2) The rules are bent towards more complex gameplay with some economic elements. this might not suit everybody, but I'd like em to stay that way, be encouraged to add rules and make em more complex instead of dumbing em down
3) I've read here and there some campaign rules posted over the webs, but this was a logn time ago. If I copied someones rules, please believe me that this was completely unintentional and I'm sorry for it. Also i'll be writing many walls of text, ill do my best to keep it readable, feel free to make suggestions how to write it better.
4) Yeah I know the 6th edition is around the corner, but I learned about that only a week ago, and I dont want all my work getting wasted, so shut up and play! :)
5) excuse my english

OK lets get started:
Some Basics:

The campaign is best played with 3+ people simultaneosly. It is possible to play with only 2, but the third person makes a huge difference (see NPC topic for that). The only 40k expansions incorporated in this ruleset is the Battle Missions rulebook, maybe I'll consider the other ones aswell one day. It is a territiorial based campaign with 20 or so provinces, adjust the number with rising playernumbers and personal taste. for reference I think about a Risk-board or the map in Battle for Middleearth 2. To raise an Army, you have to spend money ( points), to expand you have to conquer territories, casualties are consistent and there are different types of currencies. all of that will be explained in detail later, just keep in mind that this is not a simple tree campaign made of 3 follow-up battles, but a more complex territory war. The rules are generally only for pragmatic reasons, but ill try to add some fluff to make em more coherent


The NPC's ( cant find a better name ;) ) main job is to be the faceless, evil antagonist, working against the heroic players, scheming and troubling all the others, without an agenda for their own. It is best suited for new players not accustomed yet to the rules, for those who dislike too competitive matches, for those who want to learn 40k, for those wth a small second army not yet completed, or simply for the evil ones :)
Keep in mind, the NPC is NOT here to win! His job is to counterbalance too successfull players, to help less successfull ones, but generally to stay dangerous. He's here to represent a challenge, to hinder the others, but ultimately his job is to LOSE! For best results i recommend Orks, Tyranids, IG, Lost and the Damned, necrons, Tau, whatever army suitable for being masses of faceless enemies. It can be quite strange to invade a planet inhabitet by settlements of grey knights... That said, lets get started:
Every province settled by the NPC gets a random army strengh. Roll 2D6 and mulitply with 100 and write down every sum for every province. So every province will have an army strenght from 200p till 1200p
for battles 200p-500p: Play the Killteam special rules found in the Battle missions book. The player is NOT restricted in his choice of units, the NPC is:
the initial composition is: X Troops, 1 Storm
at 400p armystrenght: add 1 HQ choice
at 500p : add 1 Elite choice,
500p+: Players MAY choose to play standard game rules ( so no killteam rules anymore)
at 700p: add second elite and Storm choice, players MUST play standard game rules
at 1000p: add 1 Heavy choice
at 1200p: Usuall battle, standart FOC

The NPC cannot Save his troops with retreating. Once he' s lost a Match, the troops are gone and his province too.
Every turn his armies swell 10% of the INITIAL army value ( 200p will get 20p per turn, 1000p will get 100p and so on, but after the 10th turn for example a privince will still get only 20p per turn if the initial value was 200p)
The NPC can choose his troop composition before every battle, only the value is predetermined, not the composition

If there is no 3rd player around, the 2 remaining players will represent the NPC simultaneosly. So if player 1 attacks an NPC province, player 2 will be the npc and vice versa


Every player gets one Province at the start of the Campaign, usually as far fromt he other players as possible. It is the capital or main province.
It generates 500p every turn requisition
It unlocks following units in the FOC: 1 HQ, 4 Troops, 2 Elite,2 Storm ( ill explain how to unlock more units later) every unit bought will occupy one slot provided by the province it originates from. For example: The first army oiginating from the main province is made up from 1 Force commander, 2 Tactical troops, 1 Dread, 1 Bikesquad. The player can choose to raise another army from the same province , but only 2 troop choices, 1 elite and 1 storm is available to him. After some battles the frst army loses the dread for good, so one elite slot is unoccupied again, and the second army can be reinforced by terminators, dreads, whatever the player desires. he can only increase his army by unlocking more FOC icons, or raising an army from another province.

Only Armies with an HQ can capture provinces. If an army attacks a province without an HQ, the enemy troops will still swell 10% every round as explained earlier, starting at 100p. So it is only possible to decimate a province without a HQ.

A Province ( = every capured field on the strategic board besides the initial one) provides 250 requisition every turn. It only provides 3 Troop choices and 1 HQ at the beginning.
UPKEEP: Every unit bought in a Province reduces the generated income from the province by 50p. HQ Units are an exception. so a province can provide up to 5 units, very other unit reduces the cash pool from the player.

Troops which are surviving on the battlefield quickly learn how to coserve ammo, how to repair their gear efficiently, or generally generate favor in front of their superiors with every killed enemy.
Keep a record for the damage the unit makes. Every killed enemy is worth as much points as the model costed ( a space marine is 16p worth, an terminator with gear 4op+ worth and so on). If the generated killpoints match or exceed the worth of the unit is worth of points, it is granted the veteran status ( so an unit of Guardsmen with melta (60p) have to kill 4 marines to exceed their worth). Of course the Unit has to survive the Battle.
A Unit with Veteran Status doesnt require Upkeep
Heavy choices always require Upkeep, Veteran or not, their demand for ammunition is simply too damn high
Troop choices capturing and holding a Strategic point until the end of the match gain +100p towards veteran status
Keep record of the casualties lost on the battlefield. If a Unit is killed to the last man, the Unit is destroyed. The FOC slot is open again and the unit doesnt need upkeep anymore.
If the unit left the match without any casualties, the unit has GREEN STATUS
If the unit has casualties, but is over 50% unit strenght, it has YELLOW STATUS
If the unit has casualties under 50% unt strenght, it has RED STATUS and may not participate in the next battle
If an HQ is lost in a battle, roll a dice. 4+, he survives, but must rest for a turn, 1-3 he is dead.
If a Vehicle is destroyed on a 6 on the damage chart, the vehicle is gone for good and must be requisitioned again
On a 5, it is only incapacitated and must be repaired
Weapon destroyed and Immoblized results are repaired after the battle, but the vehicles must rest for a turn.
Units which ran from the battlefield arent destroyed and can be healed like every other unit. They are always RED STATUS after the battle
If the army rests on a friendly province, evey units heals up to one status every turn. So an unit with casualties over 50% is GREEN again after one turn with full strenght, and vehicles can be used again

On the field, the army requires medics and engineers to keep em alive. Every army needs a designated unit which has this job
SM: Apothecary,Techmarine
IG: Command Squad with medic, Enginseer
Tyranids: Tervigon
Chaos: Sorcerer, Obliberator
Orks: doc, mek
you get the idea

If this unit dies, the army cannot heal themselves anymore until the healing units are replaced


HQ: Keep count for your killpoints. After 1000p worth of damage, you can unlock another HQ Slot per province
TROOPS: Every Second turn the province stays in the possesion of the player, another troop slot unlocks for free, as more and more troops arrive on the planet.
ELITE: You need a Troop choice unit with Veteran Status. Sacrifice it to unlock one Elite Slot ( the unit gets promoted, and is needed to stay behind to train the new elites)
FAST ATTACK: 300 RENOWN per slot ( explained soon)
SUPPORT: For every killed HQ unit, NPC or player, the player can unlock one Support slot
Special Character: You have to pay once their pointcost x3 with renown, after that, the char is unlocked, but you still have to pay with req to get him. if he dies, he stays unlocked and can be bought again
( for example, scout sergeant telon costs 50p and can be unlocked with 150 renown points, while Lysandertakes 600 renown points to unlock him)


IF a player attacks an NPC with a smaller army then the NPCs, the difference is the amount of renown the player gets. for example, player one attacks a npc province. the province has an army strengh of 800, but the player chooses to attack with an armystrenght of 500. If he succeeds, the player gained 300 renown points.
Attacking another Player with a smaller army doubles the gained renown.

IF a Player attacks a province with a BIGGER army, the difference will be split and dealt to the other players as extra requisition.
for example player one attacks a npc province. the province has an army strenght of 800. The player attacks with an army strenght of 1000p, so the other player gets 200p requisition. if here would be a third player, both would get 100p and so on.
If the player attacks another player with a bigger army, the attacked player only gets requisition, but the amount is doubled.
Furthermore the NPC player gets an extra pool of points called REVENGE POINTS. Theyre calculated just like shame points. See Strategic Map rules for theis uses

An army can fortify the province occupied by it. Declare that the army is fortifying its position, afterwards the army cannot move or attack anymore. the province can be fortified 3 times
LVL1: The Defender always wins the roll wo attacks first. The enemy cannot take the initiative!
LVL2: the defender can move up to 3 pieces of scenery as he wishes
LVL3: Half the battlefield. Every piece of scenery in the defendng players half gets the fortified special rule ( +1 on cover save)


Every Army can make one Attack per Turn. You can only capture territories which are adjasent to your other provinces. While you can move and decimate other provinces not adjasent to your empire, you cannot capture em.
If the army is made up from units faster then 6'', the player can attack and / or Move twice per turn. Keep in mind that the WHOLE Army needs to be able to move at least 12''. (troops in transporters included). If just a single unit isnt able to move up, the army can attack and / or move only once per turn.


The NPC can declare an attack on a province of his choice. the starting army strenght is 200p, but they can be further bolstered with REVENGE POINTS as described earlier. If the NPC is successfull, the province may not generate income for a whole turn, and no armies can be raised for a whole turn.
The defending player gets 50p on troops per unlocked FOC slot. This is an non-regular battle. You dont have to watch for casualties, army composition etc.
from 200-700p you have to use the KILL TEAM rules found in the Battle Missions Book

The NPC can choose to spend his Revenge Points during a Battle between 2 Players. he can buy troops up to 300p strengh and aid one of the players against the other.
( this rule should be used by the NPC to help the underdog player if things are getting one-sided. Or to punish players who're playing unfair or with cheesy armies. Or just to be a pest)


05-25-2012, 01:57 AM
A rather interesting rule set, I think I might have to play a few games with them.
Just a couple of questions,
when referring to "Storm" in the NPC's FOC for KillTeam is this Fast Attack choice?
would you get renown points for attacking the other player with a smaller army size

05-25-2012, 05:08 AM
yeah sorry, of course I mean Fast Attack :) it is corrected, thank you.

And yes, you even gain double the amount of renown if you attack a Player with a smaller army

05-25-2012, 10:46 AM
You could theoretically use the tiles from the Planetary Empires expansion for your campaign map.


Sounds like an interesting setup, complex enough to be interesting but not overly complex.

05-25-2012, 01:15 PM
We did something similar with Battletech a number of years ago...

Remember 1: How do you handle shifting power balances?. It sucks to be that guy who got massacred by his dice in the first two battles and then basically can't compete from there because everyone else has grown. The time frame of this campaign is likely to be long enough that the poor guy who's now on the outside looking in isn't going to be happy being the "NPC" all the time. (Hint: encouraging alliances and/or players merc'ing would help).

Remember 2:As long as everyone remembers the campaign is a framework for giving meaning to what would otherwise be just pick up games, you can't go wrong.

Remember 3: You probably want to encourage people to stick to smaller games. We found playing smaller games meant we got in several a week and so could finish a turn a week.

05-25-2012, 02:03 PM
I love the idea of units gaining experience during a campaign and third edition had a similar idea to your rules, and i think they should be reintroduced.

05-25-2012, 02:16 PM
I love the idea of units gaining experience during a campaign and third edition had a similar idea to your rules, and i think they should be reintroduced.

Wasn't that just in 3d ed Kill Team missions? Or am I confusing my editions again?

Sad that they don't really think that sort of game is worth while anymore. The Battle Missions Kill Team isn't the same thing at all. The KT mission was a nice alternative for folks who don't really want to play the big 40k games or maybe wanted to collect a little of this and a little of that.

05-25-2012, 02:40 PM
Wasn't that just in 3d ed Kill Team missions? Or am I confusing my editions again?

Sad that they don't really think that sort of game is worth while anymore. The Battle Missions Kill Team isn't the same thing at all. The KT mission was a nice alternative for folks who don't really want to play the big 40k games or maybe wanted to collect a little of this and a little of that.

Part of campaign rules, they were a tad confusing by the idea was quite good, but the campaign design was terrible.