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View Full Version : What 40k races do you want a codex for?

Black Hydra
05-24-2012, 01:49 AM
A couple of things I want to mention:

- First, my guide on buying for beginners is on hold for the time being. While having higher prices is expected, it isn't exactly great either. I, for one, will just buy alternative models anyway to complete the look for my armies. But that's not the point. The point is if the price lists released recently are anything to go by, previous battleforces that were worth it might not be anymore. So for the time being I'm putting the guide aside. If anyone is interested in that I'll continue it once again after the price hike.

- Ok, that's out of the way. I'll get to the point plain and simple. I eventually want to create my own fandex for 40k as a learning experience in game design. Yeah I can go to college for a course in that. But that's expensive and I'll just stick to my local art college. Plus there's a huge community already out here who would gladly play test the fandex. All of this is to help me understand game mechanics so I can start my own wargame. Yes, it's ambitious and yes it'll be years (not many I hope) before my wargame makes it. But in the meantime I would love to make alternative army lists for others who play 40k. I won't say "fun" because it seems redundant. If your product isn't fun in some way to begin with, then why bother?

So here's what I need from you guys. What race in the 40k world would you want to play with? If you can't think of one, then what army list from the yesteryears of 40k would you want to make a comeback? If all else fails, what race from any other story would you want to make an appearance in 40k? The reason I'm doing this is because in the end people will only play this fandex if they want it. So this is a kind of open poll.

Due to IP infringement possibilities, I won't include any fluff for the final codex. There's Lexicanum and Warhammer 40k wikia. Or in the end just buy the books that include the race.

Also, if it ends up being an old army list, I'll have to extrapolate from current codices or actually buy the old books or something. Plus I'll have to change some stats around to avoid being executed by GW's stormtroopers.

Here are the ideas I had for the project: Hrud, Enoulians, Nekulli, Loxatl, or the 13th Great Company from the Space Wolves. No I will not do a Lost and the Damned list. Why? Because there are many lists (unsurprisingly) out there already. Anything from the Vraksian Renegades to the Tempus Fugitives' LatD codex. Also since Cultists look like they'll be making a return, that'll be another source for LatD lists.

Ideas for vehicles, HQ's, what kind of elites they'd field, weapons, etc. Obviously I'll chime in with my own thoughts for rules and conversion ideas.

And away we go!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-24-2012, 01:52 AM
I want Enslavers, so that I can win EVERY game.

05-24-2012, 01:58 AM
I want squats, always.
They looked so cool, their trikes made SM attack bikes look abit wallace & gromit. And they had shades on and big beards!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-24-2012, 02:08 AM
I want squats, always.
They looked so cool, their trikes made SM attack bikes look abit wallace & gromit. And they had shades on and big beards!

Obviously, I came into the hobby long after Squats were gone, but I really like the idea of them!
Dwarves with guns, in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

05-24-2012, 02:15 AM
I feel old now :(

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-24-2012, 02:22 AM
I'm 20, and started 9 years ago. Hahahaha! xD

S'alright dude, you're still a legend!

05-24-2012, 02:22 AM
I want my Salamanders back.

I miss my signums..... :(

The Madman
05-24-2012, 02:36 AM
From oop 40K: Lost & Damned - I liked playing an army of mismatched hordes of mutants, traitors, daemons and legionaires. also plague zombies where awesome in my eyes.

From 40K current: Chaos Marines - a codex that can represent anoy of the 9 legions either through wargear or actual rules. i want my Accursed Crozious back.

outside of 40K: Reapers - Cannibal Orks, Tyranid Brutes, Eldar Banshee, Human husks, tau Maruaders. I think it would be and awesome army to do. in current books i would possibly base it on Tyranids with a lot of restrictions.

how i would distinguish them;
Husks = Hormagaunts
Cannibals = Termagants
Banshees = Zoanthropes
Brutes = Carnifexs
Harvester = Harpy
Swarmers = Ripper Swarms
Ravagers = Hive Guard
Marauders = Warriors
Scions =
Abominations =
Praetorians =
Collectors = Gargoyles

and the races i would use;
Available races
Space marine (human but altered on a genetic level)

Necron (not integrated but controlled through advanced virus)


Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-24-2012, 03:05 AM
Which interests you the most? That's how you'll get the best results, if you're feeling passionate about 'em. The less humanoid races tend to be a bit more interesting (also, if you do Hrud, go for the "eldritch swamp monster" look over "spaceratsssss").

Loxatl could be interesting, especially if you draw upon the variety of imagery attached to salamanders in reality and legend. The real-world axolotl very rarely undergoes an ancient metamorphosis into a different form - perhaps Loxatl can rarely develop into a stronger form. Fire breathing types seem obvious. Salamanders are aquatic - perhaps some of their more exotic weapons can summon pools (represented by tokens) of their native water, enhancing nearby Loxatl while weakening enemies.

05-24-2012, 03:07 AM
Squats!! I fought them a couple times when I first started, can't remember if they were still available to buy though.
Damn hungry tyranids...

You'd be better having loxatl as 0-2 elites/fastattack choice for chaos, and possibly tau...

05-24-2012, 03:13 AM
I'm 20, and started 9 years ago. Hahahaha! xD

S'alright dude, you're still a legend!

im 15 and started 4 years ago *zing*

oh and id like a race with REALLY diffrent ruels: like no 4's or 3's in their stats. it could teleport. S10 attacks but t1, that sort of thing. itd really spice the game up :D

oh and id like ordos xenos, the other minor orders and a Inquisitorial alliance dex

Hq: inquisitors, saints,GK grand masters. and so forth (custodes?)
elite: grey knights, sisters of battle, assasins , daemonhosts,,space marines
troops: Ist's, space marine scouts, ig foot platoons, more ist's
fast: gk jetbikes. sob. ist's on bikes, ist's on landspeeders. ist's on fast tanks
heavy: ig ordanance. Gk/sob purge/redemptor squads, ist+admech tanks, ist weapon teams,

in short lots of ist's a few inquisitorial henchmen and some space marines and IG, with a core of SOB and GK and assasins!! :D


now i want to write a codex....... i might actually: i would need to get someone to write the ruels though: last time i tried i got seal bashed to oblivion :P (and ive now completley forgiven all those people dont feel bad)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-24-2012, 03:26 AM
im 15 and started 4 years ago *zing*

Awwwwwwwwh! Bless ya fuzz! :D

I'm in the process of writing a codex for my Storm Wardens!
It's pretty nice to be fair, certain combos really work well. It also gives me a chance to writefag to the max.
Also, a Veteran Squad that runs around looking for big beasties wielding Relic Blades is very fun!

05-24-2012, 08:42 AM
I know their not a race unto themselves, but Codex: Harlequin would be amazing to see again. Along with squats and an Inquistion Book with a balanced Allies rule. The biggest problem with the old allies rule was taking out of place wargear with old rules (Psyker hoods / force weapons) and whipping them into the game for cheap, with these gone Allies should be easier to incorporate into the mix. And by Inquisition, i don't mean GK's or SOB's purely, but the more human side of it.:D

05-24-2012, 08:42 AM
The Hyper Violent Barghesi (?). I want to know why they are so hyper violent. What does that make the other races? Mildly aggressive? So...I want to know!

05-24-2012, 09:40 AM
I know someone will say NO MORE POWER ARMOUR, but I really truly deeply feel that The Iron Hands should have their own codex. With the chapter organisation so different with it's clans etc I just don't see how they are vanilla in any way. But as you said you want steer away from current GW fluff etc.

So anyone seen Dispicable me ? Those yellow tic tacs with eyes. I want an army of them.

05-24-2012, 10:09 AM
The Hyper Violent Barghesi (?). I want to know why they are so hyper violent. What does that make the other races? Mildly aggressive? So...I want to know!

I'd like to see the Barghesi, too - aren't they the race with an entire chapter of marines dedicated to keeping them confined to their home system and keeping the Tyranids from harvesting them?

Also, I wouldn't mind Hrud, though I would actually prefer them as space-Skaven over the weird...swamp monster...thing. I guess like veer-myn but, you know, way better looking. :P

There are a couple things that I'd like to see with the Imperium, as well, though not necessarily full-on codices in their own right: Sisters need a real book, first of all, because I would love to see plastic kits for them. I'd absolutely start an army of nuns with guns. Also, I wish assembling a Deathwatch strike force worked. Really I'd just like to take an Ordo Xenos inquisitor with some toys and some Sternguard vets and something to pad out the army a bit more. Also, the Mechanicum. Would love to see models for things like skitarii, praetorians, knight titans, all that fun stuff.

05-24-2012, 10:14 AM
To the OP--- I started a Salamanders Codex a while back that I've yet to finish. I'll post it up here so you can see it in hopes that it can help you out. All the characters presently in there have been play tested and worked pretty well.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7222/7262491084_23c38e94fb_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262491084/)
Codex - Salamanders Special Rules (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262491084/) by wittdooley (http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8005/7262490990_955d951b83_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262490990/)
Codex - Salamanders - Tu'Shan (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262490990/) by wittdooley (http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7072/7262490916_28b8ab30bc_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262490916/)
Codex - Salamanders - Dakir (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262490916/) by wittdooley (http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7075/7262490780_214157f5e9_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262490780/)
Codex - Salamanders Librarian (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7262490780/) by wittdooley (http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/), on Flickr

Deadlift-- Shoot me a PM or email ([email protected]) regarding the Iron Hands Dex. I may be interested in messing around with that with you.

05-24-2012, 10:25 AM
Adeptus Mechanicus. Not Dark Mechanicus; proper Skitarri and Murder Servitors.

I want a proper body horror, Stroggified, all-cyborg army, not Gou'ald Cylcons.

05-24-2012, 10:29 AM
Genestealer cult!!!!

Black Hydra
05-24-2012, 10:40 AM
Wow, I have to say I'm happy people jumped on this thread so fast. And I want you guys to know I really am following through with this, whatever codex ends up being created. A couple things to clear up:

- I forgot to mention the Squats as one of the races I considered since the price for getting GW dwarves at the time and converting them wasn't convenient. This was a couple of months ago when I first started thinking about this project. Now, since Mantic has their Forge Fathers out, I can kitbash them with GW dwarf bitz. I'll have to do a price check to see if it's worth it. And I do have some rules in mind for squats so I'll share those in a moment.

- As for the fluff, I'll include unit entries and an intro of some sort. I realize an army list with no fluff is kinda lame, no matter how good the list. The fluff is integral in many ways. So there will be fluff if at least some.

- I looked over the Tempus Fugitives LatD codex and the Codex Eye of Terror LatD list only to find out something interesting. Many of the units have been directly copied over with some minor changes. This means if I do a Squat or 13th Company list, there won't be too much trouble in copying some stats over. Also GW puts the statlines for some of their models on their store site. So it's not like I'll infringing anything.

Alright on to the responses:

@Tzeentch's Dark Angel- while Enslavers are cool (and I'm sure you jest to some extent) there just isn't enough to go by to make an army list. Instead what I was thinking of doing is create a list of dangerous creatures that randomly appear on the battlefield to cause havoc. Enslavers would be one of them. But that's for later.

A Storm Warden codex sounds interesting. Good luck with it!

@The Madman- Not sure whether you're suggesting the LatD (as I did say I wouldn't make a list for them) or the 3rd ed CSM, but despair not! With the Chaos Legions book nearly on the horizon, you should be able to field the Dark Apostle and cultists. Plus you can buy beastmen and with some minor conversions use them as Penal Legion soldiers. It fits them perfectly and is what I'm doing.

As for a Reaper codex, it's definitely an interesting idea. But there's a couple of problems. Converting so many different units would cost tons of money. And I really don't want to use other codices to represent them. I don't want people to buy those books. This is a free army list for everyone.

I did consider some of the xenos you listed, one of my favorites being the Rak'Gol but alas it's far too expensive. The most expensive actually.

@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- I want this to be for everyone. I won't make a codex that isn't popular enough to gain momentum. So yeah I'd love to do what I want, but I guess it's fortunate for me that I want to do army lists for all of the races out there. That's why I'm asking the community for input. As for the Loxatl, them going through metamorphosis is a great idea for unit variety. That pretty much covers every infantry entry. Now if I had some idea of how their vehicles would work!

@fuzzbuket- I was considering doing a regular codex army of inq. henchies, and I love the idea of a proper inquisition alliance dex. Unfortunately, it just can't happen. Not in a fandex form anyway. So many units drawn in from multiple codices means multiple books people would have to buy. Not to mention that while I can display statlines, I can't display points cost for models. So it's really a big lawsuit just waiting to happen. You can easily achieve this sort of thing yourself though, so I wouldn't be sad about it. You can do it!

@Mr. Pickelz- It's a shame the Harlequins are already in the Eldar race codices. I know I said I'd do a 13th Company list, but it's different since there's enough unit variety in that list compared to their parent codex. Besides I did take a look at the Harlequin list. It's very short if I remember right. I think once the Eldar get an update, the Harlequins will come into my radar.

@Levitas- Ah yes the Barghesi. I did look into them but found almost nothing on them other than your description. If you can find more on them I'll gladly consider them.

@Deadlift- I agree that there are many SM Chapters that deserve more than just the vanilla dex. And I don't mind power armor. Thing is...it's something you could do yourself. Just add rules or change it up so it reflects them as the fluff says. Either ask permission to run them in standard games or run them in Apoc as is. You can do anything in Apoc after all.

And an army of those yellow things would be funny as heck.

To anyone who mentioned the squats, know that they're back on the list. It's just easier respond as one message rather than to everyone individually. But your input is greatly appreciated and any ideas for the squats you may have please post.

Alright guys, thanks so much for chiming in. So far these are the races up for consideration:
- Squats (top contenders)
- Loxatl
- Hrud

I know other races were mentioned, but there's not enough votes for those yet. I want to see how many more people come in and vote on those first.

Also for Squats what do you think of this as an army wide rule: "Iron Will" the Squat unit may reroll failed Morale checks and are Stubborn. Also they can still regroup while at 50% capacity or less.

Black Hydra
05-24-2012, 10:57 AM
Ok so more people posted (wooh!) and one is writing their own codex! Even more wooh!

@Wittdooley- Thanks for posting your progress. I won't do an SM codex but it's great to see people giving certain chapters some love.

@MaltonNecromancer- Here's something to help you out. http://www.tempusfugitives.co.uk/pdf/40k/Codex%20Cult%20Mechanicus.pdf But I was considering an AdMech codex at some point before this was a community project. I was discouraged because so many already had AdMech armies and the Tempus Fugitives already came out with a codex. But if there is enough interest, I would love make a cult of Sollex army. Look it up on the Lexicanum.

@Greatereldanesh- Squats are on the list! Harlequins?! Ok maybe they'll be on the list now that there's 2 votes for them. How could I forget about the Genestealers?! But they already have an army list. By Bols if I'm not mistaken.

Army list: https://www.box.com/shared/lyyxvnpk48
And some inspiration: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?community=true&catId=&categoryId=300005&aId=11600017

Ok so the count is as follows:
- Squats (still most requested)
- Loxatl
- Hrud
- Barghesi (need more info if I'm making that one happen. Or at least compare to something that currently exists.)
- Harlequins (maybe I'll do this one. Maybe. I'll admit I like Eldar, but Harlies, not so much. Still gotta be fair to the people.)

05-24-2012, 10:58 AM
Genestealer Cult needs to be redone. Lots of alternate deployment options should be available to represent the cult having set up for the conflict months ago. Perhaps the stealer player could hide weapons caches in pieces of area terrain that would give +1BS to friendly units that are in them.

An Exodites would be awesome. The book could be divides into various levels and niches of professional paths. Hunter/snipers, Warrior/knights, Psykers, etc. Make stealth a common special rule for the army and perhaps even have ways to create cover via psychic power or special ability. Dragon mounts could give something along the lines of +2S +1T +1W +2A, beasts, and move through cover. One knight unit could have stealth for some extra scariness.

Squats need a special character trio based on ZZ Top.

Hrud need to be done.

Astelan's crusade army on Tharsis.

05-24-2012, 12:33 PM
So if one was to do the Hrud, do you create them as the swamp thing looking guys, or as the 40k Skavens?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-24-2012, 12:42 PM
So if one was to do the Hrud, do you create them as the swamp thing looking guys, or as the 40k Skavens?Swampythings :P I've been mold-making some for a while, finally got my first squad to a paintable state. The bizarre biological mishmash is a lot more fun than ratpeople, I think. My take on their fluff would be that the only part of them that's genetically "Hrud" would be their brain/nervous system, and their bodies are constructed of composites of bacterial colonies, fungi etc, all fed with rotten meat.

40k Skaven would probably be better off rolled into Abhumans, occupying a space somewhere between Beastmen and Ratlings.

05-24-2012, 12:44 PM
@ Black Hydra

Very good of you to take the time to reply to each and every one of us, kudos to you sir.


Buddy that sounds like a plan, I have a few ideas floating around that I will bounce your way, judging by your work on the Salamanders (which I am painting at the moment) we could come up with something fun. As long as you like Dreadnoughts and Iron Fathers as much as I do :)

Give me a couple days and I will send some of my thoughts your way.

05-24-2012, 01:02 PM
@MaltonNecromancer- Here's something to help you out. http://www.tempusfugitives.co.uk/pdf...Mechanicus.pdf But I was considering an AdMech codex at some point before this was a community project. I was discouraged because so many already had AdMech armies and the Tempus Fugitives already came out with a codex. But if there is enough interest, I would love make a cult of Sollex army. Look it up on the Lexicanum.

Very kind of you to supply the link. :) Sadly, I read that years ago - not a fan. I generally dislike homebrew codicies; they're usually either overpowered beyond words, or underpowered to the point of uselessness.

It's not the rules I'm interested in; it's the models. I'm quite happy to use the GK codex, and run an all-henchmen army - that'd be fine. It's the total lack of large amounts of bionic parts, as well as decent robed models. Brettonian Men-At-Arms look like turd, and Empire Flagellants just aren't right. Frankly, I yet to see an AdMech army that didn't look like complete cack, and I include mine in that bracket. I've never done anything I was completely satisfied with.


Maybe one day, Forge World. Maybe one day...

05-24-2012, 03:26 PM
Two quick Iron Hands workups:

I have no idea if the "Flesh is Weak" special rule is OP or not. I feel like their special rule needs to be indicitive of the fact that every Iron Hand is augmented. Also, and I realize the Fleet one may cause some heart burn were you to put in on terminators, but according to their fluff they rarely, if ever, field units of the Morlocks. I'm envisioning their rule being similar to that of the Wolf Guard.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7238/7263972342_65ce83155a_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7263972342/)
Codex - Iron Hands Cover (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7263972342/) by wittdooley (http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8024/7263972268_c6904f8b1d_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7263972268/)
Codex - Iron Hands Special Rules (http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/7263972268/) by wittdooley (http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/), on Flickr


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-25-2012, 01:20 AM
Witt! Good job dude!

I'm writing a Codex for the Storm Wardens (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Storm_Wardens), it's quite good to see people making Codicies to better represent the more unique Chapters of the Space Marines.

05-25-2012, 05:58 AM
I realize this is strictly speaking not a separate race, but I would really like to see a separate Codex for the Farsight Enclaves.

05-25-2012, 07:17 AM
Hrud (not space skaven)
Squats(Demiurge flavor, not the drunk biker flavor that got them sentenced to nid food in the first place)
Rak'Gol (of Rogue Trader RPG)
Eldar Exodites

For Space Morons, my view tends to be:
One codex to rule them all, one codex to find them,
One codex bring them all and in the grim darkness bind them.

So, I don't see the need for an additional fandex. That doesn't mean I don't think there shouldn't be extensions, just that they shouldn't be presented as a dex.

Black Hydra
05-25-2012, 01:45 PM
Alright guys, I 've been researching a lot of stuff since the last post. I have good news and bad news.

But first some response time.

@CrimsonTurkey- I don't really want to make a codex for something that's already out there. Genestealers are cool, but with that dex there, people can update it themselves.

Here's the Tempus Fugitves Exodite codex: http://www.cold-moon.com/40k/40kRP/PDF/Alternate%20Codexes/Tempus%20Fugitives%20-%20Codex%20Exodites/Codex%20Exodites.pdf

I think it's an alright codex for the Exodites. I didn't really analyze it critically since I wouldn't play it. As for Astelan's army, aren't they Fallen Angels? Could use the upcoming Chaos Legions dex for them.

@wittdooley- swamp things. While I know people like the space rat concept (with Mantic's Veermyn out now they have models for that now), I think the Xenology art fits them better.

As for your list, I like that you're giving them that special rule. But really, how useful is Fleet for tactical marines? If you gave them an extra CC weapon then it'd be worth it. Remember, tacs are the core of any SM army. They need to be worth it, as only one rule of the 3 would work with them. Also, why digital weapons? I thought they were one time use.

@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- Wow, that's cool. Mind posting up the pics once you're done?

@Deadlift- Thanks! I really want the community's input on this one and it's only fair to return that same attention.

@MaltonNecromancer- I had a feeling you might have seen it already. Anyone who's ever wanted an AdMech army must've searched for a fandex for them. But it was still worth a shot posting the link, for others as well. I agree with you though. I don't really like the dex itself. It's a kitchen sink and complicated. If I did a dex for them, like I said, I'd base it on one cult within the AdMech.

Many alternate bitz companies include bionic parts, with one company even selling actual skitarii under a different name. If you want the links to these sites, just ask me. Right now I don't have time to find them, otherwise I would've posted them.

@LordGrise- I think that when the Tau update hits, there will be many more options for them. I doubt they'll remove Farsight from the dex. As far as my project is concerned, I don't know enough about Farsight to make a separate list for them. Not to mention potential copyright issues.

@inquisitorsog- Yep, if the Hrud win it out, I'd definitely do the not-space skaven versions. As for the squats, I really like the old school versions. They're dwarves in space! Who kick butt! But I do like the Demiurg concept as well. Problem is that they may be a part of the Tau codex. Also there isn't enough info on them concerning weapons and vehicles. I think there is some info on rank and ships, but the ships part doesn't help me. If you can provide me with links and more info, it would go a long way towards helping me.

Man, the Rak'Gol are so cool! I really wanted to do a fandex for them. But the price to make them is insane! Not to mention the level of customization. Man, I was so disappointed that it wouldn't be possible. Until I found out Defiance games was making a bug race for their game.


I believe these models are a perfect base for converting to Rak'Gol. So now they're back on the list! Yeah, baby! That is if people want them.

And for SM, I sort of agree. I really like the more unique chapters, but more SM codices doesn't appeal to me either. But if it's a fandex, why not? It's not like GW is making it, so I'd say it's fine for the fans do it themselves.

Ok guys time for bad news/good news.

For the Squats I have multiple ideas. Rules, vehicles, and weapons are all bouncing around in my head. I even found the original statlines for the squats. But then the realization comes to light. Cost. While buying GW's dwarf models is what others do, they just don't have a scifi feel. It would require extensive work and buying of round bases.

Now there's a solution to that problem. Olleys armies. The guy that runs that store made the original Squats for GW. Now he makes Scrunts (squats basically) for sale outside of GW's grasp. Hooray! But then sadness. The models are metal. I've worked with Noise Marine parts and I'm not thrilled about it. Filing can get dangerous due to metal dust going into the air. This means I need a proper work environment which I don't have. And the Scrunts still don't really match the design of the Squats. So it's a toss up as to whether the Squats are worth it at the moment.

Here's the link to Olleys armies: http://www.olleysarmies.co.uk/home.html

So that's the news. I know it's centered around the squats, but they are still the most requested.

Now there are new additions. The Rak'Gol (which I love), Demiurg, and maybe AdMech and Genestealers.

I have an addition of my own. The L'Huraxi: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/L%27Huraxi#.T7_ZhdxfEpp I think they sound great and ironically the summary conveys a lot in so few words. But there's still not enough to go on. If anyone can dig up more info, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks to everyone for contributing. Once we narrow it down to the races that can realistically get a codex, I'll make another thread with a poll to decide and discuss. But that's still a few more pages of this thread away before we get to that point.

Edit: I found this guy's blog where he created a bunch of models already for some of the races suggested. This is both good and bad. Good because you guys have a source for Xenos alternatives. Bad because he did a bunch of fluff for those races and I don't really want to neither make something that contradicts what he's done nor base it of off his stuff. Fortunately, he doesn't cover our whole list, so there's room for us.


05-25-2012, 03:20 PM
@wittdoley- swamp things. While I know people like the space rat concept (with Mantic's Veermyn out now they have models for that now), I think the Xenology art fits them better.

As for your list, I like that you're giving them that special rule. But really, how useful is Fleet for tactical marines? If you gave them an extra CC weapon then it'd be worth it. Remember, tacs are the core of any SM army. They need to be worth it, as only one rule of the 3 would work with them. Also, why digital weapons? I thought they were one time use.

My thought was that you'd selectively dole out out your rules to the unit that needed them. Fleet could be really useful to assault marines, for instance.

As for digital weapons -- They're "supposed" to represent bionic type weapons that the model has (think Yarrick's Bale Eye), which is something the Iron Hands would potentially have. The rule, unless I'm wrong, allows you to reroll 1 wound per turn with the weapon. My thoughts were that it could be useful to tac squads, who are more likely than not going to hit with their bolters, but not always as likely to wound.

Again, bear in mind that these were quick shots at things that, to me, represented the Iron Hands. I need to think of some other special type rule that represents the Chapter's Clan Structure, which is much more similar to the Space Wolves organization than it is to any Codex Astartes stuff.

Black Hydra
05-25-2012, 03:45 PM
@wittdooley- Alright I see your logic. While I don't think Fleet is completely useful for SM, the other 2 are good enough. I'll wait to see what else you come up with and how the balance ends up being.

05-25-2012, 04:17 PM
I miss Squats. I'd love to see a Squats codex.

commissar camenzuli
05-25-2012, 05:23 PM
I would want rhe Barghisi mention in the AOBR book with the planet map

Admiral Kenaris
05-27-2012, 02:51 PM
Ok, how about this? I took a break from 40k during part of 3rd and all of 4th edition. My recollection of Solar Macharius was that he was just disappeared during a hyperspace jump and I always thought there was some potential to bring him back. There was (and still is) a model and a statline for him although I believe the latter has been eradicated. I was surprised to learn that in my absence the powers that be decided to kill him off definitively but I still think there is some potential there. What if the original story of his vanishing were considered true. Now, consider what would happen if he did come back and he did not like what he saw in the Imperium? Also, in addition to parts of his original army, he also has some cool new alien allies that he has acquired during his hiatus. In short, he wants to restore the Imperium of man to what he thinks it's proper place is. Of course the fact that maybe he has gone a little off the deep end during his absence should not have any bearing on his point of view...

I think it would be cool to have a faction of humans (with some alien auxillaries) that were enemies to the Imperium but not necessarily connected to CHAOS.

my two cents

btw, my vote for who Solar's alien allies should be is Wookies

Black Hydra
05-27-2012, 05:56 PM
@aznthecapn- I hear ya. If it turns out being squats, I'll be able to come up with something for them. Just not models any time soon. Well maybe within this summer. Depends on how much money I'm able to scrounge up. The only thing that concerns me is keeping the aesthetic of the squats.

@commissar camenzuli- I posted a link to a guy's blog in which he has shown his barghesi models. He also wrote extensively on them. If the majority of you don't like that interpretation and really want barghesi, I'll still consider them. I'll have to make up my own version (which is fine since that's the point).

@Admiral Kenaris- I once thought about making an alternate human army. Either by making a fandex on one of the lost legions (2nd and 11th) or by making one for the many non-Imperium human nations. The Interex, Sixty-Three-Nineteen humans, and the Auretian Technocracy are all great candidates if they weren't gone....

But enough of that. On to your suggestion. I really like Macharius' story but he unfortunately died an old man from what I hear. And it seems that with 6th ed around the corner, the Imperium (according to fluff rumors which are terrible) will be fractured anyway. I don't know. If you guys want an alternate human army I'll definitely add it to the list. But I don't think an alternate Imperium army would be the best course. Instead how about a Gue'vesa army. That could include xenos.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-27-2012, 08:55 PM
A "Tau Auxiliaries" list (with options to include them in a normal Tau list) could be pretty fun, Gue'vesa, Demiurg, Tallerians, Nicassar etc. Maybe give it a Foreign Legion/dirty dozen kinda vibe, quirky Tau leaders and specialized equipment/vehicles designed to be used by the auxiliaries (Assault skimmers, a vibro-blade based off of Pulse-tech).

Black Hydra
05-27-2012, 09:54 PM
@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- If I remember correctly the Tempus Fugitives already made a Tau auxiliaries codex. But it really doesn't focus on one race but options for all of them. The Gue'vesa fandex would focus on the humans with some xenos support. Basically the Imperium if they would just admit they love xenos.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
05-28-2012, 02:56 AM
I agree, bring back squats. I used to love the models, trikes and all that, i still have some in my bits box all these years.
Hey we already have space elves, space orcs, space marines, space dark elves, so why not Space Dwarfs again.

Secondly i know but i actually think Salamanders should have gotten a better update, hey if they plan to do BT then Salamanders should too.
That said, how about actually giving SoB a real codex, miniatures and some actual love from GW, that half as$ed attempt of a WD dex was'nt worth the ink or space in two WD's.

But thats just me.

05-28-2012, 03:15 AM

Could have Celestia, Nightmare moon, or Twilight sparkle as HQ choices

The wonderbolts/Mane six could be Elites(or bodyguard if Twilight sparkle is HQ), all with their own special rules.
ie pinkie pie gives a d-cannon blast every other turn (screw physics)
fluttershy makes them stubborn
rainbow dash give fleet of hoof
twilight sparkle gives a cover save

Earth ponies could be troops
Unicorns could be heavy support
pegasii could be fast attack

Do that one^ I

05-28-2012, 10:19 AM
I think it's an alright codex for the Exodites. I didn't really analyze it critically since I wouldn't play it. As for Astelan's army, aren't they Fallen Angels? Could use the upcoming Chaos Legions dex for them.

Astelan was the only actual marine in his army. What he did was rally, train, and arm the humans on the planet to operate like a crusading space marine legion. Everybody was in carapace armor, had bolters, and used a combination of astartes and IG vehicles and tactics. It wouldn't be a big project but it could be cool.

05-28-2012, 10:56 AM
Mechanicus. specifically secutors.

05-28-2012, 04:17 PM
I would like to see:

Adeptus Arbites

BOTH Dark Mechanicus and Mechanicus - Codex with the front dedicated to Mechanicus, and the flipside Rear dedicated to Dark Mechanicus.

Like everyone else, Squats., but they could be a splinter settlement from the original region of space destroyed by the Tyranids. Have another alien race adopt them, so you can give them alien weaponry in addition to their traditional mole mortars, bikes/trikes, hellbores, tarantulas, etc.

What about going with something that is not in the 40K fluff, but can be borrowed and modified from other sources. Maybe a race of cyborgs that are intent on destroying or converting all other llife into their form (yes like Cybermen and Borg). Or an ancient race of Psychic Nulls who are immune to psychic attacks whatever the source, and have a body that can be gaseous/ghostly one minute, solid as Titanium the next and have short ranged shooting attacks, but hit with the stength of a chainfist in close combat. They would have a slower iniative - 2, but just as vulnerable to normal weapons as they would be to power weapons. I would give them a 4+ armour and a 4+ invulnerable save with FNP, and moves through cover.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-28-2012, 09:18 PM
@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- If I remember correctly the Tempus Fugitives already made a Tau auxiliaries codex. But it really doesn't focus on one race but options for all of them. The Gue'vesa fandex would focus on the humans with some xenos support. Basically the Imperium if they would just admit they love xenos.Oh, didn't realize the Tempus version was going to be a full-on 'dex, thought it'd be a quick patch like the Genestealer Cults, quickly taken down after the event.

BOTH Dark Mechanicus and Mechanicus - Codex with the front dedicated to Mechanicus, and the flipside Rear dedicated to Dark Mechanicus.Dunno about this, I think the Tempus versions are pretty comprehensive/definitive, seeing as the updated Dark Mechanicus'll be up soon.

Like everyone else, Squats., but they could be a splinter settlement from the original region of space destroyed by the Tyranids. Have another alien race adopt them, so you can give them alien weaponry in addition to their traditional mole mortars, bikes/trikes, hellbores, tarantulas, etcOooo, maybe have a federation of aliens who despise the Imperium for various reasons? (In the Squats' case, due to being abandoned to the Tyranids). Stuff like Squats, Zoats, Tallarians, Beastmen etc. That'd be kinda similar to the Tau auxiliaries, so maybe play up the "ragtag" feel.

Black Hydra
05-30-2012, 12:42 AM
@Sister Rosette Soulknyt- Another tally for the squats. It's funny how many written sources claim the squats weren't popular back then. But now so many people miss them. I'll comment later on the squats.

As for the Sisters, I completely agree. It's a shame they went with a full on Ecclesiarchy theme. All the inquisitors got moved to the GK codex but are overshadowed by said GK (mostly). Now the SoB's are left gimped and without a proper dex. Sucks.

@Psychosplodge- Lol, I really don't know what to say to that. XD

@CrimsonTurkey- See my notes towards the end of the post. I have an idea concerning that. I really like the idea of more competent humans that are non astartes nor any of the regular branches.

@gendoikari87- I really love the idea of secutors. But to give them an entire codex seems to be stretching it a bit too far. I would include some other stuff as well.

@Daemonette666- There already is a Bols Adeptus Arbites fandex which is pretty good in my opinion. For the Dark/Loyal Mechanicus fandex, what Tiberius said.

As for Squats, I wouldn't necessarily ally them with xenos. But I would have them leave behind the inferior Imperium technology such as flak armor and lasguns. They'd have proper sluggers and 4+ armor saves (for basic infantry).

Look at my notes at the end of the post. I have an idea concerning my own custom race but I'll discuss it further at the end of this post.

@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- If you're curious, Google search or just sign up with Tempus Fugitives. You can get full access to all their codices.

Alright guys, time to post up my thoughts. Squats are still in the lead. While I really like the Squats, money wise I just can't convert them easily enough. So while they could get a fandex, there would be a period of time before I can convert some stuff for them. The exo suits give me particular worry since they are so unique and difficult to make. We'll see if they come out on top. If I'm making a fandex, I want to be able to make the models as well at some point (sooner rather than later).

As for more Xenos races to consider, what about the Fra'al? A hyper advanced race, they are extremely powerful and possess ship guns able to penetrate void shields with relative ease. It appears they are based off of the "greys" of real world UFO lore. I only ever found one small squad of Fra'al that were converted for a kill team game. What do you guys think of that?

Ok on to big news. I know many people frown upon fandexes. Given the fact that they can be terribly unbalanced. There is even more animosity towards custom races. But in all honesty, if I'm going to take the dive into creating my own wargame, this is the perfect exercise to start out with. Plus the WH40k universe is incredibly big. Even with humanity repressing all manner of alien races, there are still a lot of undiscovered races. So with that in mind here's what I've got.

At one point I considered making a vampire fandex (yes, vampires exist in the 40k universe, read the BT codex) and it seemed like it would take off when I realized there was barely any conversion potential. So with vampires out of the question and werewolves already represented (somewhat) by the Space Wolves, chances for a classical creature fandex looked slim. Until I found out about the 13th company. Problem is it would be a remake and still wouldn't be a proper equivalent for werewolves. This is where I would make my own custom race.

A race of canine warriors. Their stats would be somewhere in between space marines and IG. In fact here's an early look at their statlines, weapons, and vehicle ideas:

wolf soldider (WIP name): WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv4+

- Standard infantry would have an assault 2 weapon with a claw like bayonet that is a close combat weapon and they can use their other clawed hand as a close combat weapon. This effectively gives them 2 attacks standard.

- Their weapons have "shredder ammo" which allows them to reroll failed to wound rolls. But the weapons are only S3 and AP5 or AP4 (not sure which one yet). Similar in concept to Dark Eldar in how they always wound on a 4+. This would allow more consistent wounding instead.

- Troops choices would only have 10 models per squad. Any more than that and it would be a bit ridiculous. Although I could make a troop choices of more basic wolf initiates that are slightly weaker. A BS of 3, Ld 7, etc. They would number between 15 and 20 models.

- Unique walkers that can either ignore dangerous terrain or reroll if failed. Some interesting beasts of war and fast vehicles. Fliers as well.

Alright so what do you guys think? Should this go on the list as well? Is it something you'd be excited to play? Obviously they'd have their own special rules like any army has and whatever else is appropriate for them. More to come on them and other races I have made rules for.

05-30-2012, 05:35 AM
@gendoikari87- I really love the idea of secutors. But to give them an entire codex seems to be stretching it a bit too far. I would include some other stuff as well.actually I was thinking secutors could be an elite choice/hq choice for a mechanicus codex. something like

WS: 4
BS: 4
S: 4
W: 2
I: 4
A: 2
LD: 9
Sv: 3+

Options for a 2+ save and a 2d6 pen CC weapon, forget the name. Servo harness of course.

but most importantly some sort of interdiction special rule like vangaurd/sternguard vets with deepstrike.

as you can tell i take my secutor fluff from inquisitor.

05-30-2012, 10:46 AM
I'd really like to see another Xenos army, preferably one that is not just an adaption of a fantasy army.

Looking at the rules, most of the basic types of armies are already covered in the existing Xenos lists, like hoard or elite, so I'm not sure what kind of army would make sense. Perhaps something like IG that can be mechanized or hoard, but Orks kind of fit this role. Perhaps super elite like a Demon Hunters list might make sense.

For the fluff, I'd also like a new army that fits better into the Gothic setting. Tao I think strays to far from the heart of the game but I understand people like the anime style mecha. Other sci-fi settings have a lot of races like cat people, lizardmen, or another version of little green men. Maybe the Mechanicus list would fit well if taken out of the "Empire."

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-30-2012, 01:52 PM
I want CODEX:MLP;FIMhttp://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=249992 :P

@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- If you're curious, Google search or just sign up with Tempus Fugitives. You can get full access to all their codices.Oh, I'm pretty familiar with Tempus! (I'm credited in the AotE pack :P) I just haven't been active on the site much recently, and thought the Tau Auxilia they were doing was going to be like the Genestealer Cult made for the Badab events - short, and permanently taken down after the event ended.

Not sure on the wolf soldiers, maybe give some more details on the theme/fluff? Plus, wolves might be a bit passe since we already have Space Wolves. Consider ways to make the rules feel different from other codices - one mechanic I've had bouncing around in my head would be units which can choose to swap their Strength and Initiative during the Assault phase (slow/strong hit vs. fast/weak hit) - as is, the Wolf Soldiers look pretty Dark Eldary!

The Fra'al could be a fun race to do, but linking them to "greys" seems to be largely speculative, can't see many parallels to 'em in the fluff. Also, don't be afraid to tamper with the fluff - a couple of 40k authors have come out and said there's little true "canon", and that all information we read should be treated as an unreliable source - 40k is a mess of lies and half-truths.

05-30-2012, 02:39 PM
Thank you

You've just made my day!

05-30-2012, 02:57 PM
I'm not going to scroll through all these pages, so if this request has been made, I apologize - but I want the "megarachnids" from Murder to have rules.

Black Hydra
05-30-2012, 09:28 PM
@gendoikari87- I'd definitely include them in a Mechanicus codex. A very interesting and modular choice. Also what you're proposing sounds very close to an Obliterator. Which I think befits the secutors.

@Kaiserdean- It's funny that the Tau aren't either elite nor horde. They're kind of in the middle. They're the most standard force right now IMO.

I'll discuss my idea for my custom race further down. They do have a certain gothic feel. But I'll get to that.

@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- I know SW have the whole wolf motif going for them but there's not a real werewolf race out there. And why not? But it's up to you guys in the end.

As for the actual wolf soldiers themselves, think of a militarized aspect to them. Dark Eldar are more raider pirate like. As in looks. Wolf soldiers are also supposed to be solid in CC as well but don't have the myriad of poisoned weapons the DE have.

To be honest I have nothing to go on for the Fra'al appearance wise. There is nothing on how they look other than the "greys" remark. I could remake them anyway but it'd be nice to keep some continuity. Yes I know making my own race isn't really continuity friendly but more on that later.

@Defenestratus- Added in. I love space bugs. While Tyranids are awesome, they are not true bugs. The shame is that the Megarachnids don't have any technology left, but we have a wealth of pop culture scifi to draw inspiration from.

So for everyone's viewing convinience here's the list:

- Hrud
- Squat
- Rak'Gol
- Megarachnids
- Cult of Sollex (Mechanicus sect)
- Barghesi

Some races have been removed due to limited fluff to go by and cost of converting them. But at this point anything still goes.

Now as I'm writing this, it occurred to me to further check out the Hadex anomaly from the rulebook's star map. I was originally going to use it as a gateway from another universe that fell to Chaos and the wolf people were fugitives escaping through it. But as I read the Lexicanum, apparently there's already significant fluff surrounding the Hadex anomaly. One such piece of fluff that caught my eye was that there is a group of renegade Navigators that worship the anomaly and have a whole fleet of cultists. They are called the Cyclopean Congregation.

Basically, they are corrupt Navigators that regard Hadex as a warp route directly into its heart where time and space are inverted. The Navigators then undertake pilgrimages and ritually carve out their eyes. They have a third eye called the Warp Eye with which they can see, though not everyone possesses this unique feature.

They have a whole fleet at their disposal and even use the Hadex anomaly as they would the Astronomican. The ranks go from the Inner Council members, who are full blooded Navigators, to the Typhlotics who are priests and such of the group. The lower ranks are filled with outcast "voidsmen" (such a cool term) who are mutated and insane trading their eyesight for a chance to join the higher ranks.

As you can see I'm pretty interested in this group and seeing that my idea for a custom race isn't really catching on (which is fine), I'd be willing to replace it for this interesting cult.

They are definitely not Lost and the Damned per se. I already have a bunch of ideas on how to represent them on the tabletop. Re-rolling to hit due to their warp vision, mutant hordes that are assault based with some other troops choice of more sane minded soldiers who can shoot as well. Lots of potential. What do you think guys?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-30-2012, 10:39 PM
@Psychosplodge :P yer welcome!

My comment on the wolves being similar to the Deldar was based on their stats/equipment, the fluff's certainly different! Another part of my worry was the lack of a strong theme, but the Congregation might fix that.

Maybe merge the werewolves with the Congregation, as their mutant military arm? "Voidwolves", perhaps. This could result in a pretty interesting army, a rough concept;

Army Rules:
The Turning: Voidwolf bodies twist and twitch, constantly shifting between massive wolf and lithe warrior. At the beginning of either player's Movement Phase, a Voidwolf unit may choose to switch its Initiative (or Attacks?) and Strength values.

Warpsight: Whilst many Voidsmen have been blinded, they fire as skilled marksmen under the guidance of one with Warpsight. Any Voidsmen unit containing a model with Warpsight may re-roll failed To-hit rolls (note that a re-rolled BS2 is slightly better than BS3).

Hadex Eye
-Corrupt Navigator, Psyker, Warpsight, powers focused around visions/eye lazors. Can purchase a palanquin.

Voidwolf Ancient
-Huge, ancient Voidwolf. Combat weapon options, makes Throatripper Packs Troops.

Throatripper Pack
-Mature Voidwolves, similar to "wolf soldier" concept.

-Veteran Voidsmen, Retinue for a Hadex Eye.

-Stealth-voidwolf, can replace any friendly unit when entering from reserves. Statswise, a slightly weaker Eversor Assassin.

-Guardsmen w/ BS2, strange daemonic weaponry rather than Imperial gear. Lead by a Typhlotic with Warpsight.

Voidwolf Pack
-Voidwolves with Fearless/Rage, lack Ranged Weapons. Very cheap.

Cerberus Engine
-Hadex "Daemon" Engine, fast Walker. Weak/cheap enough to include a couple in the army, is a "transport". Can open a rift from which other units can enter play.

Fast Attack
Hullghasts (degenerate demi-humans which live like vermin in ships).
-Infiltrating combat horde, sorta like Flayed Ones, but not horrible.

Hadex Shard
-Hadex Engine Aircraft, largely anti-infantry, has a powerful Ram attack. Kinda function as a transport - whenever it moves Flat-out, it creates a "Hadex Stream" - allied units within 6" of its starting position may move up to 2d6" towards wherever it landed.

Heavy Support
Cerberus Endweaver
-Walker unit of 1-3 chained Cerberus Engines which drag along a massive tracked cannon (considered a Walker, ruleswise). If all Cerberus Engines are destroyed, the cannon is immobilized.

-Monstrous creature Voidwolves, those which have lost all sentience. Fearless/Rage. Not that tough, but 1-3 unit. Maybe some form of random psychic manifestation surrounds them?

Black Hydra
05-31-2012, 01:09 AM
@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- Dang, I'm impressed. Combining the wolf concept with the Congregation is a fantastic idea. Alright, my two cents on this and what else I would add.

Army Rules:
-The Turning: Voidwolf bodies twist and twitch, constantly shifting between massive wolf and lithe warrior. At the beginning of either player's Movement Phase, a Voidwolf unit may choose to switch its Initiative and Strength values.

While this is an interesting rule, I doubt it would add much to the voidwolves since their initiative and strength would be almost the same. Voidwolves stay in wolf form as well. Having 2 models for a basic unit can get annoying. I think instead having something to do with Initiative would be more interesting such as the following:

Warp instincts: Voidwolves used to be regular denizens of realspace before being touched by the warp. Now the warp spontaneously fuels their bodies in moments of stress, such as when attacking or being attacked.

Whenever the voidwolves enter an assault, add to their initiative D3 for the 1st round. For subsequent rounds use the base initiative of 4. Also, the voidwolves have the Fleet special rule.

-Warpsight: Whilst many Voidsmen have been blinded, they fire as skilled marksmen under the guidance of one with Warpsight. Any Voidsmen unit containing a model with Warpsight may re-roll failed To-hit rolls (note that a re-rolled BS2 is slightly better than BS3).

I really like this rule. I would keep it as is but I have some ideas for the actual voidsmen.

Hadex Eye (I might rename this- how about Hadex Hierophant)
-Corrupt Navigator, Psyker, Warpsight, powers focused around visions/eye lazors. Can purchase a palanquin.

WS:4 BS:4 S:3 T:3 W:3 I:3 A:2 Ld:10 Sv:4+

Rules: Warpsight (considered a psyker power but is always active and doesn't count against the hierophant's allowed number of powers.)

Can use 2 powers in a turn.

Abilities (Choose 2 from the list):

- Veil of Suppression: forces one enemy unit within 18" to re roll a successful leadership test, morale check, or pinning test. This ability is declared in use during the movement phase and lasts until the controlling player's next movement phase. The player can declare which unit has to re roll during the opponent's turn as well.

- Vision Stealer: This is a shooting attack. Target unit that is up to 24" away has BS reduced to 1 should they fail a leadership test. The leadership test must be taken on the majority Ld, not on the highest Ld.

- Immaterium Icon: Declared during an assault (either during controlling player's turn or opponent's). The unit to which the Hierophant is joined to becomes Stubborn and can re roll failed Morale Checks.

- Warp Infusion: Declared during an assault. Hierophant adds a +2 to his strength and initiative and has one more attack.

Wargear: Force weapon, chaos idol (grants a 4+ invul save), and the Warp Eye (allows re rolling of failed leadership tests taken for psyker powers only.)

What do you think of that so far? He is meant to lead his unit as effectively as possible but without being unkillable.

Palanquin Guard: WS:4 BS:4 S:3 T:3 W:1 I:3 A:2 Ld:8 Sv:4+

The Hierophant can take up to 5 Palanquin Guard for "x" amount of points per model if he hasn't been joined to another unit.

Rules: "For the Hierophant!": any left over wounds that have to be allocated to the Hierophant can be allocated to a palanquin guard so long as they pass an initiative test. This is to represent the guard jumping in front of a hit meant for their leader. Should the test be failed, the wound has to be taken by the hierophant. Only one wound per guard in the shooting phase can be allocated as described.

Deadeye: the palanquin guard are not afflicted in the same way as the rest of the voidmen. They are highly skilled shooters and don't sacrifice their sight in order to serve as a hierophant's guard. When they roll a 6 to hit, they may re roll the wound if failed.

Wargear: autorifle (S:3 AP:5 assault 2 24"), CC weapon, carapace armor, and assault/defensive grenades

Voidwolf Ancient
-Huge, ancient Voidwolf. Combat weapon options, makes Throatripper Packs Troops.

This one would be the most killy of the Void Army HQ's.

WS:6 BS:0 S:6 T:5 W:3 I:5 A:3 Ld:10 Sv:5+

Rules: Warp Instincts, Aura of Chaos (attacks ignore armor saves and grants a 4+ invul save)

Abilities: Doom Howl: auto hit attack, 12" range, forces a morale check with the enemy unit using the majority Ld.

Wargear: clawed hands (count as 2 CC weapons)

More to come on him.

I am also considering Paragelle as a named character option. Search her up in the lexicanum. She's very interesting.

-Guardsmen w/ BS2, strange daemonic weaponry rather than Imperial gear. Lead by a Typhlotic with Warpsight.

Some quick rules since it's getting late and a statline: WS:3 BS:X S:3 T:3 W:1 I:3 A:1 Ld:7 Sv:6+

Squad size: 15-20 with one model as the unit leader being a Typhlotic with Warpsight (more on this later.)

Rules: Waning Eyesight: Since voidmen have become insane and only want to ascend in the ranks of the Congregation, they claw out their eyes in order to gain insight. The controlling player must roll a D3 at the beginning of every turn and the result becomes the BS of all the voidmen (excluding the Typhlotic) for that turn.

Wargear: autorifles (same as palanquin guard), poisoned CC weapon, ragged armor.

I really like the list you came up with. Though I obviously have some ideas of my own, I might end up using some more of what you suggested, if this is the army I end up making the fandex for. Also, these are rules I made up just now, so they may seem unbalanced. I'll cover the rest of the list later today.

Thanks so much for your input. Stuff like this is what I hope to see eventually from the rest of the posters.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-31-2012, 01:37 AM
Want me to do some Squat/Demiurg stuff?

EDIT: Already got something

Special Rules
Undersight: All units in the Demiurg army with this special rule do not suffer any penalties from Night Fighting

Demiurg King - Highest rank, leader of a Demiurg Clan

Demiurg Thane - Highest rank except for King, usually a House Leader from a Demiurg Clan

Stormfists - Techno-mages, similar to Crypteks

Heavy Support
Iron Golems - Str 6, Toughness 10, 4 Wounds, non upgradable

I'll think of some more stuff throughout the day.

05-31-2012, 06:55 AM
@gendoikari87- I'd definitely include them in a Mechanicus codex. A very interesting and modular choice. Also what you're proposing sounds very close to an Obliterator. Which I think befits the secutors.

well they are basically techpriests with internal buffs and auto regenerating blood. Combined with whatever weapons they want. All of whom have studied the martial/tactical/strategic arts all their lives. Basically they are the definition of living weapons.

06-05-2012, 04:57 PM
I know we have nids, but how about actual Xenomorphs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_%28creature_in_Alien_franchise%29)? Far scarier than nids, and the only way your going to beat them is with shooting. Face huggers would put the wind up most armies (say open wide) and would add an actual CC based fast army to the game (I can only think of one army that has natural 'guns') that I am sure would appeal to at least some of the player base if done right.

06-06-2012, 01:37 AM
Can't you just take all CC 'nids?

06-06-2012, 09:20 AM
Can't you just take all CC 'nids?

Dont think it would be the same. What would count as a facehugger?

06-06-2012, 09:31 AM

06-06-2012, 10:35 AM
Dont think it would be the same. What would count as a facehugger?

... Parasite of morotek or whatever the hell it's name is.

06-06-2012, 04:57 PM
... Parasite of morotek or whatever the hell it's name is.

One model... I want lots of the little critters running around, scaring anything built solely for CC (well, maybe not Daemons and definitely not Crons) but you get the jist.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-07-2012, 07:36 PM
Giger's Alien could make for a decent force, maybe an "upgrade pamphlet" for the 'Nid 'dex? The expanded universe does offer some fun xenomorph variants, even if the writing quality was a bit... questionable. ("IT'S HEAD LOOKS LIKE A BANANA!")

(Working on a response to Voidwolves, but I've been pretty busy of late :P)

06-08-2012, 07:42 AM
Giger's Alien could make for a decent force, maybe an "upgrade pamphlet" for the 'Nid 'dex? The expanded universe does offer some fun xenomorph variants, even if the writing quality was a bit... questionable. ("IT'S HEAD LOOKS LIKE A BANANA!")

(Working on a response to Voidwolves, but I've been pretty busy of late :P)

Is it bad that I have already thought up rules?

Black Hydra
06-08-2012, 12:22 PM
GAH! I really hate the system Bols has for logging in! I typed up a response for you guys and the damn system logged me back in even though I already was logged in! I lost the stuff I typed and it all happened for no reason. I wasn't even idle so there was no reason for it to even happen.

Since now I'm running out of time to talk to you guys, I'll make this quick. I've been away because I've been busy with my own miniwargame called "Astral Conquest". I have a blog going on in the wargames section about it but it needs to be updated with the new playtesting info.

So about the fandex, it's still ongoing. I'm strapped for cash but selling my college books will help me get the money to finish my Necron and Chaos forces. Whatever is left over will be invested in the fandex.

I'll to the responses later today. Bols! You better fix the damn log in system. It gets annoying....

Black Hydra
06-13-2012, 12:29 PM
Ok guys, sorry I've been busy and haven't gotten to your responses. In fact I think this is pretty much it for this thread. I've got a lot of feedback to sort through and there's a lot of options for a poll. So this thread will be left open for further comments and discussions, but a new poll thread will be made for the decisive race to be fandexed.

As for a xenomorph race, I think that the tyranids have enough xenomorph aspects to them to invalidate the idea. I love the Alien movies, so a race truly inspired by them would be nice.

I'll start weighing in the races people have said and will post the thread today basically.

Thank you everyone for your comments and I hope to get more comments on the poll thread.