View Full Version : A Modern Take on Necromunda

05-22-2012, 05:14 PM
Hiya guys and gals,

So my mates an I have been discussing starting up a Necromunda campaign as it sounds like a very fun game that is playable for a modest startup fee given that we all have 40k terrain these days.

However one of my mates pointed out that the modern metal gangs are starting to look a bit...dated, and that he would like to look at using some of the GW plastic kits so that we could convert our gangers a bit and also modernize their looks.

after some brainstorming I came up with this basic list of what to use for each gang. Now the Premise is that we wanted to build our starting gangs by only buying a single GW plastics box and relying on our bitz Box's for the rest.

Please note that these pictures are pre-Green stuffing and cleaning up will be occurring.

Van Saar: Van Saar's are known for 3 things, their full body suits, technological superiority and beards.
With that in mind I decided to use the scouts I had lieing around as a base for my Van Saars taking time to gently carve of the aqulia wings on the front, I also elected to maintain most of the scout weaponry as it looks more "modern" than other potential equipment. I also decided that since my other two gangs were going to be Escher and Goliath I wanted a gain that could presumably recruit both males and females to further highlight the singe gender nature of the other gangs.


leader: Chainsword and Plasma pistol


Ganger: Shotgun
Probably One of my favorites for the whole attitude conveyed by the model.


Heavy Stubber


05-22-2012, 05:27 PM
As a note you will notice that there appears to be no juves in these pictures, there actually are. because using plastic kits resullts in no models with significantly smaller stature I have used other elements to tie the gangas together, for example in the Van Saar all the male "gangers" have space wolf scout heads while the "juves" use regular space marine scout head without the beards. For the Escher I used some of the "male/flat" chest pieces and the masked heads to represent my Juves and the Goliaths have pelts and steel helmets to represent their ganger status.

Here are the escher:


Leader (Blaze): equipped with twin chainswords gives here double parry and results in all her attacks being strength 4


Ganger: Auto pistol, Sword
There aren't really any models readily available to represent Auto pistols in necromunda from the main GW range so I settled on converting Bolt pistols by replacing the barrels with longer perforated ones and cutting down the sight to give a flattened top.


Ganger: Lasgun
Lasguns are one of the most dominant weapons in Necromunda packing a reliable long range punch that can keep shooting and shooting and shooting as such in the Escher gang the Plasma gun heavy and her babysitter both have lasguns to always be effective at range. This one is converted with arms from a Dark Eldar Scourge, and a cut up sniper rifle from the scouts box I had lying around.


05-22-2012, 05:34 PM
And the Final update for the initial start of this thread are the Goliaths.

I used Chaos Marauders for the base and given the Goliath theme of bulky and crude weapons I chose to base my guns on Ork weapon conversions.


This is the leader who is equipped with a chainsword and flamer. It took along time before I found a pose I was happy with for this conversion but the end result has grown on me.


This is my orgyn: Under the house specialty rules Goliaths are able to buy up to 2 Ogryns for their gang, or alternatively an Ogryn bodyguard is available as a hired gun. I am very pleased with how this turned out and the slight backswing on the weapon combined with the angle of the head gives more movement out of the model than I was afraid was possible with the plastic ogres.


This is a good example of the use of Ork weapons to represent Goliath equipment. It is a Heavy tubber and a shotgun toting Ganger.


05-22-2012, 06:15 PM
these look cool!! cant wait to see what they turn out like

05-23-2012, 02:30 AM
These are awesome. I do love Necromunda. My problem is my gang (Delaque) are quite hard to convert into without lots of greenstuffing long trench coats

Cpt Codpiece
05-23-2012, 06:24 AM
yeah thats what im talkin about :)

great necormunda conversions. love the chaos band. and i too had simillar ideas for the esher when i got my 1st box of wyches.

on the heavy stubber of the van saar, i would filll in the barrel holes from the bolter end and just leave the auto cannon vents. other than that i got nothing :):)

05-23-2012, 09:37 AM
My problem is my gang (Delaque) are quite hard to convert into without lots of greenstuffing long trench coats

DKoK with bald heads?

05-27-2012, 05:02 AM
Great conversions, it's a good idea to use just one set as the basis for the models. The Necromunda models, for the most part anyway, are really dated. It would be great to see a Necromunda revamp with multi-part plastic kits for each warband.

If you want to, take a look over in the Necromunda forums where I've posted pictures of my own converted Escher gangers. For ease here's the link (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=20499)

I've also got some Goliaths waiting to be painted, and some Redemptionists made from Empire flagellants. I was thinking the Empire Huntsmen with bald Catachan head might make good Delaque gangers, but it would involve some expert cutting or greenstuffing to hide the fact they're wearing tights...

05-27-2012, 06:14 AM
MATE! nice escher, not the style I would have gone for obviously but definitely gritty I like it. I thought of swapping my Goliath legs out for the catachan ones but I don't know if it would be worth the cost ascetically.

I've got ideas for pretty much every gang except one really, and that poor lamentable one is of course the delaque, their so different to everything else done by GW that its very very hard to find a comparable composition.

05-27-2012, 07:12 AM
MATE! nice escher, not the style I would have gone for obviously but definitely gritty I like it. I thought of swapping my Goliath legs out for the catachan ones but I don't know if it would be worth the cost ascetically.

I've got ideas for pretty much every gang except one really, and that poor lamentable one is of course the delaque, their so different to everything else done by GW that its very very hard to find a comparable composition.

Cheers :) I just loved combining the catachan legs and corsetted daemonette torsos. I do think that for Necromunda the Catachan legs are very versatile pieces, but like you said, not really cost-effective if you just want to buy one box to base your conversions on.

Look forward to seeing some painted photos of your models :)

05-29-2012, 01:39 AM
So I whipped this up today. Its the scheme I plan for my Van Saar's. I want to add some tattoo's down the side of the faces I'm thinking the glowing green lines similar to the matrix, or go the 40k route and have some cogs and admech symbols.

I had always envisioned the Van Saars to be bright green and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Normally I'd pick teh details such as skulls and the like out in gold but I figured a hive ganger wouldn't really have gold lying around so the Van Saar's are getting polished metal, the Goliath's will get tarnished bronze and I'll figure something out for the Escher.

The hair is a focal point of the model and I plan to do all my gangs with very outlandish hair styles, originally I was going to do pastels for the Van Saars but I thought "what would a techno head ganger with vanity problems in a sci-fi setting do?" well why not metallic hair, all the Van Saar's will be different shades of stained metals.



05-29-2012, 08:33 AM
I really like it. Done a great job and the scheme itself works well

Looking forward to seeing the Eschers. I always thought of them as looking like people who got lost coming out of a rave, so looking forward to bright hair on them!

05-29-2012, 09:01 AM
That is a very effective colour scheme.

05-30-2012, 06:44 AM
So I whipped this scheme up today, originally I wanted the Goliath colour to be white but as I worked on the model I just couldn't work it into the scheme without it being to forced, so I ended up settling on a pale blue pelt instead.





06-04-2012, 09:08 PM
Here is the scheme for the escher, I went for red just because it should look spectacular and fits the "amazon" theme of the escher really well in my opinion. the other way would have been to do red leather with metal plates for the armour....might save that for a bounty hunter or something. I want the escher weapons to be black metal instead of the rusty Goliath or polished Van Saar so they will be getting a black wash when I get my hands on some.




06-13-2012, 05:51 AM
Another Goliath (butcher) rules wise he will be armed with dual swords to really bust things up in combat. Tried something new in the blood effects this time, I like them and I think I'll try something similar on my next batch of nurgle marines.




Veteran Sergeant
06-23-2012, 09:01 AM
These are pretty phenomenal. Makes me wish that GW hadn't abandoned all of their "small games"... only to incomprehensibly try to bring back Man O' War, lol.

06-24-2012, 09:19 AM
I think they thought it would fly off the shelves in the same manner as space hulk... I'm sure I've still seen two copies at least still for sale lol.

But yes we need necromunda back, or get forgeworld doing new models for it...

07-05-2012, 06:06 AM
Personally I'd really like to see forgeworld do a range of "sci-fi alien creatures/ monsters" kinda like for fantasy they are currently doing a large range of different monsters.

07-09-2012, 07:35 AM
Mate I really like the ogryn, I've thought about doing a similar thing for lost and the damned big mutants and I think you have demonstrated how effective this is. I also love the poses of your shooting marauders and I think I might have to steal some of your ideas for my traitor guard as I haven't tried posing them firing like that.

Nice job.

08-11-2012, 04:23 AM
Well its been a while ( I'm not going into the why, family problems),

Campaign started and we have apparently decided to use the community edition rules, all good by me they're better anyway.

So here is some highlights from the first couple of games.

I have a Juve, This juve is probably the scariest little B*TCH! in the game. First game she took down an enemy ganger with her auto pistol and gained a level, she rolled specialist so I promptly bought her a flamer, scary sure. Next game she caught a heavy bolter shell....with her face. The result, Horrible scaring. So on game 2 of the campaign I have a juve with plenty of advances to go packing a flamer and FEAR.

This is the new model for her. Screw (she'll get a better name when she's a ganger)


Next story.

As you know I have 2 lasgun wielding gangers in my Van Saar's to baby sit my heavies. Well I set my range team up the top of a shrine of the aquila in game 2. Its a great spot with a good coverage of the battlefield. First shot of the game from my opponent though hit my ganger, wounded and rolled a flesh wound, as I was about to do a happy dance my opponent informed me I had to roll an I test to see if I fell....I did.....9' thats a strength 9 hit right there......Post game roll up.....DEAD!

The punchline: his name was Backfire "headpalm"


Finally I love psykers, floaty doomy, burny bringers of destruction....

Here's Circe a Pryomancer.


I choose to give her the scout shoulder pad and the sword to ground the model in reality, as powerful as psykers may be they must also exist in the underhive and therefore practicality is part of survival.
The other side will be greenstuffed to be more "empirium" in nature with flowing power.

Not sure on the colour scheme I'm thinking yellow plate or white plate and black leather, and incandescent blue for the hair and flame, I may even try some OSL but that is doubtful.

09-06-2012, 08:59 PM
This is the iron *****. Shes not finished but I just wanted to be sure I could do the green again since their was about 2 months between painting the 2 mini's. Oh and she's definitely one of my favourites.



EDIT: AWWW C'mon guys 3000+ views and no comments, I'm half afraid I'm talking to myself here.

09-07-2012, 03:23 AM
Its all those views you got from being on the front page. Looking good though!

The demonette faces look really wierd on human bodies, with human skin tones....

09-10-2012, 07:49 PM
Its all those views you got from being on the front page. Looking good though!

The demonette faces look really wierd on human bodies, with human skin tones....

yeah would love to be invited back for another best of BoL's articles when I've got a few gangs and extra bits done to be honest. As to the heads how do you mean weird? Bad or just not how they usually look? I kinda like them and once I add the tattoo's I think they'll look even better, though I am thinking of painting on some very thin eyebrows.

09-11-2012, 03:33 PM
I think it is just the slightly inhuman proportions and wierd angles on the face... Also that they don't have eyes as such at the moment lol.

Nothing to do with your painting of them at all mate. GW's sculpts entirely. Looks entirely normal on the Deamonette models, but give them more more-human bits... In robotics it's known as the uncanny valley; the nearer robots get to looking human, the more we notice the bits that look not quite right, and it disturbs us much more than something that obviously doesn't look human. Similar effect here, only we are expecting the heads to look like Imperial Guard/SM Scouts. I kinda like the effect for that reason lol.

09-11-2012, 04:49 PM
I like the heads, they don't look natural but they do look very scary. It's Ripleys. You know it's not right but you can't stop looking. That's an art in itself. Facial tattoos could look good, but don't hide the faces behind them.

09-12-2012, 01:52 AM
Oh yeah, I don't mean anything bad to you about it. its just

a) As people have said they're just a shade unhuman
b) I'm so used to seeing them in Slannesh grey :P