View Full Version : [First Look] Dust Warfare Gameplay

05-22-2012, 01:51 PM
While we're all anticipating 6E, I strongly encourage you to check out Dust Warfare. The Rules were released at Adepticon in April and the game is really fantastic. I've done a relatively comprehensive gameplay first look here:

Dust Warfare First Look (http://queencityguard.com/index.php/2012/05/22/first-look-dust-warfare/)

I have to be honest. I really, really like this rule set. Coupled with the fact that you can honestly and truly buy into the game with a competetive army for less than $100 bucks, and I think FFG and Andy Chambers have a winner on their hands.

We're going to do a modelling article or two on the walkers later in the week/month, but I encourage you all to at least give this one a try.

And yes, I know this isn't a 40k article :D None of you scroll down to the other wargames section!

As always, C&C welcomed.


05-22-2012, 02:10 PM
-They encourage you to play to multiple sized games rather than focus on a single point value for your army.
-Reactions mean you're constantly engaged in the game, not just waiting for the other guy to finish his turn while you occasionally get to roll some dice.
-Battle builder system makes setting up the battle more than just "what terrain do I put where".
-Heavy walkers airdropping (ok, probably not the best use of points, but it's cool, right?)
- "Ready to play"
- Low cost. Don't overlook the Dust Tactics expansion that comes with a building. It's rather large and flexible for what you pay (although not the most elegant looking building).

- Some rules are quirky to say the least. (haven't read the faq, but the rule book has no reactions to jump troops, the "2.5 dimensional" table top that largely ignores altitude meaning you can technically close combat with someone 9" up in a building)
- Some bits on the walkers are rather fragile.
- Some units hard to get... you need to buy the Core set to get some, and full expansions to Dust Tactics for others. Two leaders are completely unavailable now through retail channels as they only were in the original core set.
- You thought 40k fluff bunnies were bad?

05-22-2012, 02:48 PM
- Some units hard to get... you need to buy the Core set to get some, and full expansions to Dust Tactics for others. Two leaders are completely unavailable now through retail channels as they only were in the original core set.

This is something I'm hoping they'll address. If you'll recall, two of the heroes now present in the Axis and Allies hero packs were previously given as prizes for events.

I'll also toss another negative at you for now: Unit Cards. I think FFG REALLY REALLY REALLY needs to do Dust Warfare unit cards. Right now there is no 'easy' way to check your unit stats or mark your damage save using counters.

I think flyers might also be temporarily broken until more units come out for, at least, the Allies. Right now I think only a few walkers and the Dual Victory MG can touch them. I was surprised that, at present, bazookas cannot hit them.

I looked at the FAQ and I think a lot of the questions addressed in there were/are submitted by non-wargamers. If you've played 40k before, this game is super easy to pick up.

A few positives I forgot to mention in the article:

I like the scaling table size. I know a 4x5 at 200 points isn't a ton smaller than standard, but it seems like a nice change to me.

Force Org Charts -- These, so far, are really well done and interesting. I keep messing around with various force lists and there are just a ton of options.

Shared Abilities -- If a hero brings a shared ability to a unit, the unit gains the ability, and vice versa. This gives you a TON of options when it comes to unit construction.