View Full Version : Pocket Warhammer 40K (Travel Warhammer)

05-22-2012, 05:51 AM
Hi all.
I wanted to show you all an interesting idea that our gaming group developed during the last 6 months. What we managed to achieve is a radical reduction in dimensions of the standard Warhammer 40.000 into a much, much smaller version, using the easily available miniatures for Epic Armageddon.

When we first though about it we were quite surprised not to find anyone else on internet who already managed to get it properly functioning. There was only a single discussion on Tau Online silent from years now. Maybe also a similar idea came out in an old WD issue, but we can't get our hands on it to confirm (if anyone knows which number it is the information would be very much appreciated).

In the last months we then embarked on this simple project of our own on testing the actual feasibility of the idea. To our surprise it turned out to be absolutely efficient, easy to achieve, and fun.

It actually proved to be so good that we wanted to share the discovery with other Warhammer 40k players in the hope that other people will pick up the idea and enjoy the game.

With no further ado, here goes the link to the website, which hold pretty much every information and material about Pocket Warhammer 40K.


The game is still being improved by adding more and more models to our collection, material to the website, pictures, tutorials and so on; therefore, any comment is much welcome!

05-22-2012, 07:03 PM
This is all kinds of awesome! Would love to see your conversion take off in a big way :) Just the scenery alone makes me giddy about the possibilities!

05-23-2012, 12:59 AM
Thanks for sharing this great idea.

I'm into it and am now working on an order of epic stuff.

I love it because it is really easy to chuck it on a table straight from the pocket!

It's not gonna replace my 28mm addiction, in fact it just enhances the gaming opportunities.

Thanks to much for sharing I'm still in the giggling -- oh the possibilities phase of my exploration into this new

mini adventure.

And yes Terrain possibilities Wow!

OK just wanted to share my excitment .... thanks for sharing! :)

05-23-2012, 02:08 AM
Thanks for sharing this great idea.

I'm into it and am now working on an order of epic stuff.

I love it because it is really easy to chuck it on a table straight from the pocket!

It's not gonna replace my 28mm addiction, in fact it just enhances the gaming opportunities.

Thanks to much for sharing I'm still in the giggling -- oh the possibilities phase of my exploration into this new

mini adventure.

And yes Terrain possibilities Wow!

OK just wanted to share my excitment .... thanks for sharing! :)

To be honest, the game increased our 28mm addiction. Oh well, yet another month's salary goes into plastic :D.

Whenever you've something ready you may wish to send us some pictures to be added to the gallery. ;)

05-25-2012, 12:44 PM
Pocket warhammer is now also on facebook and google+. Supporters are a lot welcome.

05-25-2012, 04:18 PM
Very cool!

05-25-2012, 09:10 PM
Exceedingly cool. Plus it allows you to play uber-Apocalypse games with titans and whatnot, and it'll all fit in a backpack!

I brought it up with a few guys that play at work. So far it's hard to convince anyone (it IS another investment, and one that isn't particularly widespread), but I'm hoping to convince SOMEONE.

06-03-2012, 06:47 AM
The tutorial to easily make a Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine is now online on Pocket Warhammer! We hope you like it.


06-03-2012, 07:48 AM
This is hands down one of the coolest ides I've seen for the gaming on both Epic and 28mm. Way to go on finding a way to bring back Epic minis. congrats:cool:

06-07-2012, 08:30 AM
This is hands down one of the coolest ides I've seen for the gaming on both Epic and 28mm. Way to go on finding a way to bring back Epic minis. congrats:cool:

Thank you!
We've some news for you guys! A new brand tutorial, for tyranid'sTervigon: :o

We've also new Tyranid's photo here

Now we've started a Campaign. This is the section (it contains the battles too )

06-19-2012, 12:07 PM
New Eldar Gallery!



06-20-2012, 09:27 AM
The Campaign with the Pocket Warhammer 40k is in progress! Here you can see TWO new BATTLES!!!


06-20-2012, 09:56 AM
This is very cool! Wish there was a Necron option, though.

06-21-2012, 09:03 AM
There is a Necron option! Look that!!



08-15-2012, 06:10 AM
Here!!! THE NECRONS!!!!!!!


ENJOY!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool:

09-03-2012, 07:06 AM
The work on Necron minature continues, and this week a tutorial for the heavy support Doom Scythe is ready, together with the new shopping list for the Necron army.
Here are the links:




09-09-2012, 08:38 AM
This week it's time for something a bit more unusual. There are no updates concerning the game, but a member of anoter WH40k forum has agreed in sharing pictures of his miniatures on the website. You can look at the pictures at the following page:


Anyone interested in publishing his own pictures on the website is more than welcome! Just contact via PM or email. ;-)

09-11-2012, 07:36 PM
I had the same idea 5 years ago when I went to Games Day LA in 2007. I bought a box of Space Marines and a box of Eldar with the express intent of appying magnets the bottom of all the models and having a travel version (to be played on small white board). I never got around to doing it and the models are still sitting in a drawer, but I'm glad someone else thought about it and actually took the initiative to make it happen. Well done.

09-20-2012, 08:45 AM
I had the same idea 5 years ago when I went to Games Day LA in 2007. I bought a box of Space Marines and a box of Eldar with the express intent of appying magnets the bottom of all the models and having a travel version (to be played on small white board). I never got around to doing it and the models are still sitting in a drawer, but I'm glad someone else thought about it and actually took the initiative to make it happen. Well done.

Wow! If u want to contribute to the project, you camn open these two box and paint some 6mm models! We encourage people to realize photos for the website! :D

09-23-2012, 07:11 AM
This is the news of the week, a 3d tutorial about the Necron:


Hope you'll enjoy it!!!!!


09-30-2012, 11:51 AM
This week we can finally show the creation of the new member of the group, Anthea. For this week she decided to make the tutorial for the Screamers of Tzeentch.
You can find and use it at the following link:



09-30-2012, 09:20 PM
Hi all.
I wanted to show you all an interesting idea that our gaming group developed during the last 6 months. What we managed to achieve is a radical reduction in dimensions of the standard Warhammer 40.000 into a much, much smaller version, using the easily available miniatures for Epic Armageddon.

When we first though about it we were quite surprised not to find anyone else on internet who already managed to get it properly functioning. There was only a single discussion on Tau Online silent from years now. Maybe also a similar idea came out in an old WD issue, but we can't get our hands on it to confirm (if anyone knows which number it is the information would be very much appreciated).

In the last months we then embarked on this simple project of our own on testing the actual feasibility of the idea. To our surprise it turned out to be absolutely efficient, easy to achieve, and fun.

It actually proved to be so good that we wanted to share the discovery with other Warhammer 40k players in the hope that other people will pick up the idea and enjoy the game.

With no further ado, here goes the link to the website, which hold pretty much every information and material about Pocket Warhammer 40K.


The game is still being improved by adding more and more models to our collection, material to the website, pictures, tutorials and so on; therefore, any comment is much welcome!

knock knock Dakka Dakka called and asked for their thread back :P!

10-02-2012, 06:53 AM
We have posts in all the major WH 40k Forums ;)

10-07-2012, 05:30 AM
This weeks there's a new brand tutorial for all the space marines players! A rhino-razorback with magnetic components!!


Enjoy! :D

10-14-2012, 04:14 AM
Pocket Sunday once again, and once again a tutorial. This one is pretty hard for Dark Eldar players, and speaks for itself:

10-14-2012, 09:49 AM
Pocket Sunday once again, and once again a tutorial. This one is pretty hard for Dark Eldar players, and speaks for itself:


Collin O'Brien
10-16-2012, 11:36 AM
Hey, this is a great idea! I've been wanting to get into epic 40k for some time now, and this will be a great excuse to do it!

10-21-2012, 12:29 PM
We have piled up quite a lot of 6mm miniatures so far, and it's time for a new gallery section. Black Templars are the topic of this week, as well as the soldiers in first outdoor battle:



10-28-2012, 01:48 PM
This week end we've the new photos in the Space Wolves section of our website! Enjoy the quality of the models, and the quality of the conversion (especially the bikes!).



11-04-2012, 04:07 AM
Not much time for a tutorial this week, but we've managed to stage a few nice pictures of the new Ork bikes and heavy units.


11-11-2012, 11:41 AM
We had a break in the production of nice miniatures for our Gallery, and spent some time in a very simple and fundamental tutorial for Necron players.
It's not much, but it's essentially because we're working on a few side projects for Pocket that will, hopefully, come out before Christmas.
Anyway, this tutorial explains how to make a Destroyer Lord out of a 6mm miniature.


Have a look ;-)

11-18-2012, 01:22 PM
Five brand new pictures are on internet, in the Eldar section of the Gallery.


I also inform you that during this week we're planning some major changes to the website, and old links may stop working. The link to the hompage will remain the same anyway.

11-18-2012, 01:31 PM
Five brand new pictures are on internet, in the Eldar section of the Gallery.


I also inform you that during this week we're planning some major changes to the website, and old links may stop working. The link to the hompage will remain the same anyway.

11-26-2012, 05:18 AM
New brand tutorial for this week! A great flyer from the space marines codex. Hope you'll enjoy the wality of the model:


New aspect of the website, hope you'll enjoy this too!!


11-26-2012, 05:52 AM
Big news this week!
The whole Pocket Warhammer website has been redesigned to fit better with the increasing amount of material. You can find all the relevant news, and a log of all the changes at the bottom of the home page.


In addition to this big deal of changes, we also decided to publish probably the most amazing tutorial so far! Check out the building process of a 6mm Stormraven.



12-02-2012, 12:09 PM
On the news for this week. This time we have decided to embark on a bit of shameless propaganda, and to answer to the most common questions as well with our first video on Pocket! Have a look and spread the word!


Enjoy :D

12-09-2012, 09:30 AM
We have added another tutorial this week, filling another gap for the Necron list! It is the turn of the Catacomb Command Barge / Annihilation Barge.
Only very few Necron models are missing to complete the whole range of miniatures, but the models available right now are more than enough for the most typical armies.
For the full list of the miniatures available for Necron players, this is the page:


You can find this week's tutorial in his own section, or here:


12-16-2012, 08:17 AM
For this week we have enough material for two announcements!

The first announcement is about three new Blood Angels pictures in their Gallery section (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/gallery/blood-angels), featuring a Predator, a Razorback, and a very detailed Tactical Squad.
The second is about a very useful article (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/tools/basing-and-base-size) on 6mm bases, how to make them, and what is the right size for each miniature.

Make sure you check them both!

12-23-2012, 06:17 AM
This week we can finally present to you a very interesting and useful duo of updates!

The first one is about 3D printing. We finally managed to print and receive our Necron Monolith. Which you can see here:
For the occasion, we also added a few more tips on how to make and print a 3D miniature for a reasonable price.

And finally, after nearly one year since we started the project, we compiled a list of FAQ. All of them right at this webpage:

This is the last update for this year. Merry Christmas to everyone, and Happy new year!

12-23-2012, 07:00 AM
This week we can finally present to you a very interesting and useful duo of updates!

The first one is about 3D printing. We finally managed to print and receive our Necron Monolith. Which you can see here:


For the occasion, we also added a few more tips on how to make and print a 3D miniature for a reasonable price.

And finally, after nearly one year since we started the project, we compiled a list of FAQ. All of them right at this webpage:


This is the last update for this year. Merry Christmas to everyone, and Happy new year!

01-20-2013, 07:34 AM
After nearly one month of celebrations, holidays, partying, gaming and intense post-celebration work, we're finally back with some nice "6mm pictures".

The holiday period was the time of a big twist in our Warhammer 40K campaign! The Ork forces have been annihilated, and the Necron now threten the planet of Landair! more pictures in the Campaign section of our website:



01-27-2013, 03:06 AM
For this weekend we bring to you probably the most amazing 6mm tutorial in our site that you've ever seen! A full Dark Eldar Raider made of plasticard. Check it out!


02-03-2013, 05:44 AM
1000 pt battle report between Tyranids and Blood Angels. Big monsters, big vehicles, many pictures.

The Tyranids of Xantia (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/background-idea/battles)

02-17-2013, 05:28 AM
This week's update is a simple tutorial to answer a recurring question:
"How can I differentiate two infantry models with similar equipment at 6mm scale?"

The article is of particular interest for all the Imperial Guard and Space Marine players out there.
Check it out! (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/playing/differentiate-models)

02-24-2013, 07:09 AM
More updates on Pocket Warhammer! In the form of pictures, this week we show nine new images in our Chaos Space Marine section of the gallery ;-)

Enjoy the pictures, and don't forget it's all 6mm!
Chaos Space Marines (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/gallery/chaos-space-marine)

02-24-2013, 09:58 AM
More updates on Pocket Warhammer! In the form of pictures, this week we show nine new images in our Chaos Space Marine section of the gallery ;-)

Enjoy the pictures, and don't forget it's all 6mm!


03-03-2013, 04:56 AM
This Sunday's weekly update we publish two articles:

The first quite long and a bit complicated, is meant to explain reasons behind rescaling factors, common mistakes, and how we avoided the latters by using the formers.

The second,much, much easier, is a tutorial on how to produce loads of 6mm round magnetic bases in the blink of an eye!


03-10-2013, 08:39 AM
Sunday update!

This week we provide the full tutorial to make a Dark Eldar Razorwing using plasticard and green stuff.


If there are Dark Eldar players out there considering Pocket Warhammer 40K, they should definitely check out this tutorial!

03-17-2013, 05:00 AM
Yet one more issue about Dark Eldar. This time around we just wanted to update the Dark Eldar gallery (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/gallery/dark-eldar), which was somewhat old. Some of the miniatures were made using Eldar 6mm models. Some other were made as shown in the tutorial section.


03-17-2013, 06:16 AM
Yet one more issue about Dark Eldar. This time around we just wanted to update the Dark Eldar gallery, which was somewhat old:


Some of the miniatures were made using Eldar 6mm models. Some other were made as shown in the tutorial section.

03-24-2013, 12:19 PM
New pictures in the Gamer's section this week. Drax shows his big armies of Eldar, Ultramarine and Space Wolves.

03-25-2013, 01:25 PM
This is awesome, I love it! Good work :D

03-28-2013, 10:45 AM
Just wanted to say that this is a great idea. Keep up the awesome work.

03-31-2013, 06:09 AM
Easter! Let's greet it with some serious firepower! Grey Knights face the mixed Eldar/Dark Eldar menace in the 7th battle of our campaign!
Check it out!


04-07-2013, 03:33 AM
This Sunday is greeted by the arrival of massive airplanes. New flyers pictures in the Ork Gallery.

In addition, we also spent some time fixing our old scenery elements, and building new ones, much more cool, using some bits from 28mm miniatures, and some other stuff. The renovation is still in progress, so more elements are coming as soon as we finish them.

04-14-2013, 06:45 AM
This Sunday we make a quite unusual update.
Some time ago we posted a thorough tutorial on how to make and print 3D models using Tinkercad, taking as example a Necron Monolith.

Sadly, the Tinkercad service was shut down a few weeks ago, so we had to find a more stable solution.
We decided to use Blender, which is a very famous and free 3D modeling software; it's a bit harder to use than Tinkercad, but far more powerful.
In order to make the change as painless as possible, we also decided to make a very short video tutorial that will give you all the informations you need to know to use Blender effectively, pretty much in the same way as Tinkercad used to work.

Enjoy and Like!

04-16-2013, 10:20 AM
Very nice - keep up the good work!

04-21-2013, 06:47 AM
Thank You!!
For the first time we finally have some Imperial Guard miniatures to show! This time credit goes to Mike, who decided to share pictures of his own army.

Gamer's Pictures: Mike (https://sites.google.com/site/pocketw40k/home/gamer-s-pictures/mike)

This makes me think that we definitely need to add more about Tau and Chaos Daemons to complete the gallery!

04-21-2013, 06:54 AM
For the first time we finally have some Imperial Guard miniatures to show! This time credit goes to Mike, who decided to share pictures of his own army.


This makes me think that we definitely need to add more about Tau and Chaos Daemons to complete the gallery!

04-28-2013, 04:46 AM
This week there are good news for Space Marine players. A new tutorial is available on the website, to convert the standard 6mm Dreadnought in a melee Death Company Dreadnought.


05-05-2013, 05:46 AM
The first article of May is a bizzarre tutorial for the Space Marine players. This time we decided to make an unusual model, just for the fun. Less than 10 steps to make a 6mm Adeptus Custodes miniature.


We are also planning a three-month long break for the entire summer period starting from early June to early September. This means that there will be three more updates after this week and then we'll remain silent until September 2013.
We will however keep reading mail/comments and we'll still accept submissions. Anything we have before September will be posted during autumn 2013.

05-12-2013, 12:29 PM
This week's article is a very simple tutorial on how to make a quick board to keep track of your Planetary Empires campaign. Because sometimes it's nice to take a break from 6mm and work on something a bit larger.



05-18-2013, 11:49 PM
Thanks bols for the article! But now let's start with our weekly update. It is a new gallery by Stingray. He gathered two Pocket armies one year before the Pocket 40K website came out.
You can have a look at his pictures here:


05-26-2013, 07:34 AM
This week, we spent some time cleaning/fixing all the work done during this year, and we finally managed to write a handy PDF available for download.
The document contains the entire website, with the exception of a few pages that would have no reason to be in it (Where to buy the models, Campaign, Battles, etc..)

The link to the file can be found at this page (the last one).

This PDF is actually an improved version of the website, coherent, easier to read and easy to use as reference. I would reccomend anyone new to Pocket to check it out before going through the website.

The announcement of this SUnday is also the last announcement before September. This means that the PDF is the most updated source of information about Pocket Warhammer available, and it will be so for the next three months.

We are aware that some weeks ago Games Workshop discontinued the production of 6mm miniatures. This however doesn't seem to be a major concern to Pocket Warhammer or Epic Armageddon. Several proxies for many models have always been available (Necron, Tau, Imperial Guard), most other models are easily found on Ebay in big bunches (Space Marine, Orks). Also, several more proxies seem to come up every week since GW halted its production.
During the next three months we ourselves will keep an eye on the new directions for the 6mm productions, and we will update the website with links to the new miniature retailers as soon as the new situation is more stable.

Meanwhile, we're still open for submissions of material and opinions alike, and everything we receive before September is going to be published with the first announcements.

Right now, a good start for anyone searching 6mm miniature should refer to eBay (or similar), the Tactical Command Forum, or the miniature retailers linked in our website.

Wishing you a sunny and bloody summer,
The Pocket WH40K Team

10-30-2013, 07:18 PM
Hi folks. I keep the epic scale infantry on their bases for convenience of moving them around. I mark casualties with a piece of plastic drinking straw slid over one of the models if they take losses. Count the remaining figures from the left up to the drinking straw piece to determine how many models are still alive on the base. I tried cutting up bases of infantry, too, to "make change" for losses taken but I had too many different units to do this effectively.