View Full Version : Ultramarines 2nd Company Project

05-22-2012, 04:39 AM
Working on a project for a friend. He was planning on basing them himself.

Started with 2 sets of Terminators, with 2 magnetized assault cannons:

I also finished an assault squad. With full magnetized options. The Sgt: bolt pistol/plasma pistol/Combat shield and power sword/axe/fist and so is the Meltabomb. A marine with bolt pistol/plasma pistol. They all have swappable jump/back packs:

Will post updates as they occur.

bloodangel 83
05-22-2012, 05:55 AM
Your squads look good, just one question on your Assault Marines, will you be fielding both plasam pistols at the same time b/e i believe only one plasma per 5 man. Looks good though. BA83

05-22-2012, 06:13 AM
Your squads look good, just one question on your Assault Marines, will you be fielding both plasam pistols at the same time b/e i believe only one plasma per 5 man. Looks good though. BA83

The sergeant can have a plasma pistol as can one marine out of every five for a total of three plasma pistols in a ten man squad.

05-22-2012, 10:06 AM
those look really nice! i like how it all really bright and cheerful colours!

05-22-2012, 01:54 PM
Bloodange l83, Phoenix01 has it correct.

those look really nice! i like how it all really bright and cheerful colours!

Thanks, I have always thought that the Space Marines, especially the Ultramarines would attempt to go into battle in clean freshly painted armor. Filling all the nicks, and scorchmarks then re-painting the armor with the proper livery. I always wondered why for the most part the Space Marines did not camoflauge thier armor and vehicles. I came to the conclusion that they are Astartes, thier presence to most is if you are not an ally and you see us, you are already doomed. Kind of as the knights of old wearing shiey, well maintained armor riding atop large armored horses, usually sporting bright livery and devices themselves.

In the novel, Know no Fear they talk about the cobalt blue of the Ultramarine's armor being in stark contrast to the Wordbearer's new red color. I also really found it interesting how the Sgt's having red helmets came to be.

05-23-2012, 03:15 AM
Very nice!

They have nice blue shape

bloodangel 83
05-23-2012, 10:45 PM
Cool but i want to clear it up for BA's. For every 5 models in the squad, one SM can replace his bolt pistol with one of the following: flamer, meltagun or hand flamer, plasma gun/pistol or infernus pistol. The way i read it is 1 out of 5 including sergeant may replace bolt with plasma. Not trying to agrue but just trying to clear up my misunderstanding and not stealing your tread. Thanks BA83.

05-25-2012, 09:41 PM
Okay I can now say publicly, that the Drop Pod model is kewl looking but SUCKS to put together, and or paint!
I thought I would post up a teaser. Since this is for the Ultramarines 2nd Company, I tried to break up the whole lotta blue on the pod by trying some yellow on parts of the fins. I started with a base coat, then tried some older golden yellow over the top of it but the older paint just wouldn't cover the foundation. The big wider areas in comparison to a space marine's shoulder trip is a vast difference. I think I salvaged the yellow with some yellow glaze, a shadow of Gryphonne Sepia Wash, and a highlight of the new GW Flash Gits Yellow.
Here is a shot of a pedal with the base coat of Ultramarine blue and the yellow done:

I also have a shot of the interior work, it is very quick and dirty, but I think it works. Oh, and yes the weapons are magnetized.

06-01-2012, 08:18 PM
Okay The Drop pod is DONE!

I think it turned out nice.

Here is an exterior (closed shot)

Here is an interior with the magnetized storm bolter.

and an interior with the Deathwind launcher which is also magnetized.

on to the next item.

Has anyone else had this problem with Drop pods? OMG you go from one petal to the next and it seems like it has been hours and you look down and realize you still have 3 petals left!!!!

06-01-2012, 10:03 PM
Has anyone else had this problem with Drop pods? OMG you go from one petal to the next and it seems like it has been hours and you look down and realize you still have 3 petals left!!!!

I have not gotten to painting any of my Drop Pods yet...but that is exactly the sort of thing I have been dreading. :(

Yours turned out very nicely, I might add.
Love how your bright primary colours are working - not sold on the 'power weapon' effect you're using, but the technique is solid, and it's damn good work.

06-12-2012, 05:31 PM
I present a mightly Venerable Dreadnaugh of the Ultramarines 2nd Company!






06-12-2012, 05:32 PM





on to some meat and potatoes of some Tac Squads....