View Full Version : Clash for a Cure 2012

05-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Rich Courtney here in an attempt to spread the word. Clash for a Cure 2012 is in full swing and we are looking at making this Clash an even better one than 2011! Clash for a Cure 2011 was an event I thought up a few years ago and just took a while for it to actually take place. We set it at 42 players (thinking that was probably beyond our reach!) and let it go...well the event sold out almost 3 weeks prior to the actual event (5 weeks after registration started)! And after the chaos of organizing an event I took a couple of months off from even thinking about it and even contemplated letting it go slowly into the night. I have received a lot of email asking when the next one would be, so I guess it was time to get busy.


Clash for a Cure 2012 is a Warmachine/Hordes and Malifaux Tournament benefiting the ACS. Clash this year is set for 72 players. On Saturday there will be 2 "heats" of 36 players battling it out. The top 10 from each heat will advance to the finals on Sunday. So what if you don't make it to the finals? Well on Sunday there will also be a MM/T&C and a Highlander event. This year, by popular demand, we have also included "The Cog". The Cog is a painting competition with four categories which we will be judging Saturday night.

Prize support for last year...was pretty cool. I am working at it this year to make it even better! We had goody bags for everyone, and the way it is shaping up this year...I think it will work out again! Got some corporate sponsorship as well, so prizes for the winners of the tourneys and The Cog look to be really cool.

One of the biggest draws we had last year was the charity raffle. Painters from all over the US contributed their time to make it a truly memorable event. Some forum favorites like Ghool, p0pgoestheworld, althai, kommander_redfinger, Commander Y, Dead Dogg, and odinsgrandson to name a few. This year, I have most of them back plus some new ones. Schnauzerface, Pszito, Aterdaeus, Col. Festus, Cloudfang, Mnkylord, Arithron1, plus some others that aren't regular forum posters. Slawol from Chest of Colors, Tommy from Golem Painting, and this really talented artist, I think her name is Flup...errr Flug.., oh yeah Fluffy!

So, what does this hold for all of you forumites out there that live in New York, Seattle, or parts unknown? I need your support! "Liking" my Facebook page helps show our current and potential sponsors that we have a following. Which in turn lets us turn this into a truly amazing showing for the American Cancer Society. I had to change the name from last year due to some legal reasons, so I had to restart my FB page from scratch. I was up to about 160 people last year, now I am down in the 80s. Once we hit 100 likes, I will post an IK trivia question, and the first correct answer will receive a prize. Starting out small with models, but as the "like" count rises, so do the prizes! And even if you can't be here, during the weekend of the tournament, we have something special planned out for those that can't attend, so hop over to:


and give us a "like"!

Thanks for reading!


07-19-2012, 12:10 AM
Check out the Facebook page as we have started rolling in some of the painted models for the Raffle!

08-04-2012, 02:39 PM
Pre-registration starts August 6th!

Don't delay as Clash sold out in weeks last year!
