View Full Version : Angels Omega (My Blood Angels Suck!-cessors)

09-22-2009, 08:19 PM
Hi all,
My name is John, and I'm a long time 40k model builder.

these are some pics of my marines in my Angels Omega chapter, built using Blood Angels codex, and revised to the Blood Angels White Dwarf update.

Roughly calculated at approximately 30,000 points for use in Apocalypse. I havn't had much luck with them though which is why I call them my suck-cessors.

Built, but not completely painted.

13x10 Tactical
1x5 Devastator
2x10 Devastator
1x10 Assault Marines no jumps
1x10 Assault Marines w/ Jumps
1x10 Vet Assault no jumps (2nd ed medals)
2x10 Vet Assault w/ jumps
6 Death Company no jumps
6 Death Company w/ wings for jumps
19 Death COmpany w/ jumps
2 commanders (3rd is in for surgery after my wife killed him)
4 chaplains various configs
8x5 Terminators (plus the 11 termys from SPACE HULK !!!!!)
1x5 Honor Guard

Not shown
10x Dreadnoughts
Land Raider
3x Baal Predators
2x Predators
1x Rhino
2x Razorbacks
2x Vindicators
2x Whirlwinds
1x Landspeeder
6x bikes
3x5 Scouts
and about a dozen special characters and commanders
And dozens of unbuilt vehicles and squads.

Some of my favorites from the corps
HQ Company Commander Lightning Claws & Jump pack. Simple conversion.

2x Death Companyists (is that spelled correctly? is that even a word?)
One has a long sword and the other a power sword and shield. Built with the idea that it don't matter what they have, it's all rending anyway. Note the Veteran Sgt behind them. made with Swooping hawk wings and a chaos head. I scattered chaos bits through out on my Vets. The two in the foreground are death company with wings as well.

Devastator Vet Sgt. Again, Chaos pack, with a modified gauntlet plasma. Counts as Plasma w/ Power Fist.

Devastator same squad, with Heavy Melta. Chaos pack, modified underslung Melta into Heavy Melta Rifle. Melta salvaged from a previous army I bought.

My first completed squad. 3rd ed metals and plastics w/ 2nd ed flamer pistol guy. Made these around 1999. This is my ONLY finished squad. I've refined the color scheme some, and removed the tiger stripes and claws (I had a lot of Space Wolf models in the mix at the time)

Veteran Assault Squad 1. Swooping Hawk Wings used as jump packs on vets.

Vet Sgt w/ Bionics. Remnant from salvaged army. I traded a GIJoe hovercraft for a large BA army which has now been scavenged/traded/rebuilt into parts of this one. The other army was also tiger striped which is one reason I traded for it.

Mephiston w/ Wings. No point other than looking cool since he can't be given a jump pack.

Enjoy! Feedback appreciated.

John M.

09-22-2009, 11:19 PM
Holy crap that is a lot of stuff!

Need some titans to back it all up :D

09-22-2009, 11:29 PM
Once fully assembled, it will be 3 full companies. One veteran company and two battle companies. Definitely a lot. As to the titans, I don't have any, but I do have an old metal Thunderhawk to build for them.

Now I need a table big enough to recreate the Battle of Armageddon... I've got an friend with enough orks to counter.

John M>

03-24-2010, 10:03 PM
OK, quick update... since I last posted to this thread, we've obviously seen that the Blood Angels are being released, and I'll very likely be adding a TON to my army. Since this first post, I've added 2 more Dreads, and 5 more squads (I bought two long fangs, a blood claws, a black reach set and found another bag of marines in my stash....I sold the SW sprues out of the three SW sets... they were half price at the LGS due to being discontinued, and I'll be using a DC set coming out to option out those three box sets)

I've pulled out my old models that I've never finished, like Corbulo, a couple of chaplains and librarians, and this guy.....


I had forgotten about him. Not the oldest model in my army, but probably the oldest Blood Angel in the army. I just call it Dante MK I (with Dante MK II behind him, also never built).

I've also noticed that most of the threads I've started about Blood Angels have jumped in view count with all the new activity (although nobody gives a crap enough to post to any of them ;-) ).

Just thought I'd share this old model with you all... perhaps I'll get the gumption to finally paint him up... (right after I finish that thunderhawk right?)

John M.

03-24-2010, 11:11 PM
This model has been around in my army for a while, and it has survived through much heart ache.

My previous girlfriend knocked it off the counter at my store, and it broke...(wings came off in one piece, so easy fix)

My wife knocked it off the shelf at home years later (sword broke, easy fix)

My 2 year old bent the wing off... not so easy fix...

Each time, I added more paint detail when I fixed it. It's the old Emperor's Champion model (the LE BT version) with a set of Reaper angel wings for a jump pack. I've always run him as a Company Captain w/ Jump pack, power weapon (usually plasma pistol as well), and Iron Halo (when you had to pay for it)

Going forward with him, I think he will be my "Counts As" Astorath (since he's a vampire, would that be "Count As-torath"? I know...lame, but it's 1 AM for me....)


03-24-2010, 11:12 PM
d'oh.... double

03-25-2010, 12:39 AM
ge'ez bro, i thought i had a lot....i bow to your greatness...:eek:

03-25-2010, 01:03 AM
yeah, but look how much is still in cityfight gray and laser reflective armor..... (for you noobs that means unpainted plastic and metal...)

Although tonight, I am working on building my Masters of the Chapter set and priming my Blood Angels HQs.

John M>

03-25-2010, 08:17 AM
You know, with my collection added to your collection we could almost form a good portion of the chapter... Maybe.


03-25-2010, 09:13 AM
Man, I should muster all my troops and get a picture sometime. You've inspired me. Now doing it...that's a different story....

03-25-2010, 09:15 AM
I'd love to see a full chapter displayed on a table somewhere, that would be insane.

And like therealjohnny5 says I thought I'd a decent sized marine force with a company and a half, your collection puts me right back in my place :) Looking forward to seeing some of this painted up.

03-25-2010, 09:53 AM
I'm missing a lot of support though to make it look good. Like Rhinos for every body.

As to a picture of a full chapter, if you check the 3rd edition space marine codex, there is the Ultramarines Chapter shown, and they have a metal thunderhawk in that picture as well.

John M>

03-25-2010, 10:35 AM
I should also like to know how much that metal t-hawk weighs

OCdt Mephiston
03-25-2010, 12:02 PM
Duke, if you take a look at his other thread ( http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=5889 ) you will find that the thunderhawk weighs enough to club a seal with!

@ Lobster - I second the motion to see your entire collection laid out. I need a goal to strive for :p

03-25-2010, 02:17 PM
I'm working now to bring every thing to the same step. Some are based, some are primed, some are built some are still in boxes. Right now, I'm working to get everything to Built and Primed. Once I have it all at built and primed, I'll take a pic again. That will include everything shown, plus all the tanks, all the special characters, all the new stuff (the 30 man strong DC will be nice), and I will include my IG in the pic, as I'm tying them together through color scheme.

My BA army is orange, and my scouts will be orange with camo under suit. That camo will be the same camo I am using on my IG units.

I love collecting and building GW models and other items that work well with them. Many have never seen a single game (like Dante, Meph, and Tycho... they were just never what I wanted), but most of the troops and various other units have played at one time or another in Apoc at least.

John M>

03-26-2010, 09:03 PM
Here's a look at the Dreadnoughts in my army.

Back row, left to right: Black Reach Dread, Stock plastic w/ AC/ML, Black Reach, Stock plastic Twin LC/ML (picked up from a friend that used to run Dark Angels)

Second row: Old SW Venerable with Twin LC/CCW, Black Reach w/ Raven wing deco, Stock metal kit AC/CCW (picked up from a friend that used to run LotD, my latest an Iron Clad

Front: Black Reach w/ arms from IC, CCW/Chainfist, counts as Furioso. Stock metal kit w/ Defiler arms, counts as Furioso (he is Sebastian the Crabby) and last, R2 Dread2, a Taco Bell kids toy from E1. It's batteries died, so it no longer beeps upon arrival on the table top.





03-26-2010, 09:13 PM
Here's a look at the Older tanks in my army.

Back row: Death Company Razorback, Command Razorback (can double as rhino as shown in pics)

Front Row: Rhino, Whirlwind (the closest thing I have to a fully complete model in the army.)





You'll notice, in my last picture, the Whirlwind has a chapter logo on the front. It is the Ultramarine U, inverted and covered with the Blood Angels wings. I've then painted the highlights/shadows on the decal. I've only done it on this tank, but will do it across the line.

The Razorback is made using parts from the Exorcist tank. The remaining parts are actually in a Slaneesh Warp Amp I've never finished. Each of the older tanks are fitted with NOS tanks, as I was designating them with the OCE (I know the older book only had it for the Rhino and Razorback, but I had it on all Rhino chassis vehicles.) The only one in the pic is on the top track housing of the DC razorback. It is the flamer tank from an old accessory sprue. It's hidden on the Rhino and Whirlwind. I have one on a Land Raider too, it's the old Hell Hound fuel tank. I'm just glad the new codex has finally caught up with my speedy tanks.

03-26-2010, 10:24 PM
R2 Dread2 is adorable! And the defiler arms dread reminds me of those little guys you see that are about five feet tall but work out all the time and have huge arms.

03-26-2010, 10:36 PM
R2 was once painted orange, but he was really really bright. As I'm working on a more subdued look, perfected on hte Razorback and Whirlwind, he's black, which makes it hard to see the details on him. He has a plastic AC and DCCW arm set, and his power plant on the back is made up of accessories from the Star Wars Cantina Band figures.

Sebastian the Crabby came from the left over parts from a Defiler I was converting into a failed Space Marine vehicle. I needed a right arm DCCW for a furioso, so as a joke, I built him. That was around 2001. He's been fielded quite a few times since. I see Seb and R2 as the "Venerable" dreads of my chapter, while the rest are just regular line dreads.

Some will get permanent Death Company deco (the bone and black colors from the old school Razorback above) and the others will all be orange.

John M.

03-28-2010, 07:49 AM
mephistomen looks klass. the wiings are a good match an

03-29-2010, 08:42 AM
the champion model with the claws and the wings is GREAT, very nicely done.

03-29-2010, 08:52 AM
Thanks. That's just a very simple conversion using an Exarch set of wings, the arms from a Vet marine and the champion body. No real work needed to be done (although I think I had to chop off an arm on the body, but I don't remember exactly)

He is a Company Captain w/ Jump pack and Lightning Claws. In the new dex, he may just end up being a Vanguard.

04-03-2010, 09:50 PM
I had a most bad-A.. Idea tonight on how to do a Blood Angels Tech Marine.

I have a couple of the Honor Guard tech models from the old BA sets, and I was going to modify them since they are no longer viable in the new Honor Guard.

One of my favorite pieces of BA fluff is the idea of them all praying/worshipping to sanguinius before battle, and at that time the Black Rage over comes them and they get carted off to the Death Company where they get their armor painted black and shoved in with the others that have gone off the deep end.

Seeing a pair of servitors walk up behind the doomed marine, pick him up with special arms, then carry him over to the Tech marine out fitted with a special harness that doesn't have weapons but huge spray guns for paint is just the image that comes to mind. This Tech marine would be hooked up to tanks with paint. One arm would be a claw, one would be a spray gun, one would be a paint brush for the red stripes and one would be a little arm that puts on a purity seal once complete.

THis all comes from the one thought of what to do with an odd man out from a scout squad (I have multiples of 5, plus one scouts.... so he'll be a scout in the Death Company...)

Silly yes, but fluffy as hell.

04-04-2010, 08:55 PM
I don't know which is scarrier... the look on Lemartes' mask or the fact that that is a 12 year old bottle of paint behind him.

Definitely a WIP


05-14-2010, 07:46 PM
This post is titled "How I spent my paternity leave from work"

(Haley Michelle Missal or Corona Cerveza Missal, as I like to call her, was born on Cinqo de Mayo)

Wednesday and Thursday night I had some time to finish up a couple of tanks I've had sitting around.

First was a junked up Lascannon Pred that I got in a trade. Cleaned it up and it now functions as a TLAC Razorback


Next is a my Flamestorm Baal. Nothing special.


I finally put together my Ravenwing Landspeeder. I have 4 speeders total, so I chose this one to be a typhoon w/ MM. The gunner has a couple of BA bitz from the Death Company to make him unique.


This Techmarine was what I finally decided upon for my BA Honor Guard kit model. Death Company jump pack and thunder hammer and a spotlight from a Ravenwing sprue. I figure this is the TM that jumps in and gets to be the guy holding the light for the servitors.


05-14-2010, 07:50 PM
My final project is actually a clean up and rebuild of a model I've had sitting around for several years. Originally it was going to be a Slannesh Warp Amp, (hence the Vect slave girl on the side) but I decided to remove the iconography I'd put on, and I'm going to include it as a Legion of the Damned Rhino. The only problem I have is that I cannot find the hands for the Battle Sister playing the organ. All the doors are reversed to show the grating and there are chains and skulls on it. The smoke launchers are from the sides of BFG crusisers.


09-08-2010, 10:29 PM
Talking about the Apoc points to use in another thread had me pulling out my tanks to build my army list for a game this Saturday, so I figured I would update my pics here with my Armored hoard (10 wide by 5 deep, I get supporting ranks, no?)





09-08-2010, 10:31 PM
These are two that I finished this week. A command Vindicator for a Line Breaker Formation, and the old GW Firebase kit from the 90's, that I've had sitting around for years. Also recent additions in the above pics are the unpainted bikes, a couple of LRs (battle cannon and Exterminator), and the Manticore in the corner.



09-09-2010, 06:43 AM
I agree, I think you qualify for the rank bonus when in CC.

09-09-2010, 01:00 PM
:O oh s-snap thats alot of models...Enjoy priming and painting all that!

09-09-2010, 01:17 PM
in progress.... all the gray stuff has been built this summer. All the black stuff has been primed this summer. All the orange stuff is what I've previously done. Nothing in this is complete, but one whirlwind (old) is pretty close....

09-09-2010, 08:32 PM
I just worked up the army list for what is on the table. All BA or IG, except the Iron Clad from SM. 7,005 points. I figure it will be about 3,000 in IG vets, Terminators and others to fill out the transports.

If I get time tomorrow, I will build my Stormlord, and field it with a ton of IG heavy weapons squads for another few hundred points. Also still left to built, one LR, one demolisher, one Vindicator.

John M.

01-09-2011, 09:57 PM
Hi all, Updated all the dead picture links to be live again. For those that might have seen this thread since mobileme.com went into effect and killed the /.pictures file for mac.com users, these pictures are new to you, but they have been up for a while otherwise.

John M.

01-18-2011, 11:08 PM
So, Bastion sent my FLGS a sprue of the ex-illis mini with the huge angel wings, and they have no intention of stocking this game (not because of the recent news about their financial status, but because of their weird discount structure for retailers...it's not worth while at all for a store to stock it for only a random player here and there...) so they gave the sprue to me, knowing I was the BA guy with the mad conversion addiction.

I had wanted a set of the wings anyway, but the sprue comes with TWO sets, so I figured hte first set I would just goof with, and I came up with this Astorath the Grim conversion using my bits box and the wings, legs and ribbons from the ex-illis mini.

I'm going to green stuff some BA icons on him when I get some more time, but this is an hour's worth of conversion time, and i still need to also figure a way to cover the connection of the wings to Celestine's halo.


01-19-2011, 09:36 AM
Once fully assembled, it will be 3 full companies. One veteran company and two battle companies. Definitely a lot. As to the titans, I don't have any, but I do have an old metal Thunderhawk to build for them.

Now I need a table big enough to recreate the Battle of Armageddon... I've got an friend with enough orks to counter.

John M>
If I could get my army to "Licking my Baals" intact, then I could give you a really good game of Apocalypse.

I have a wide selecton of units to choose from.

Total for the 5 Armies Including cost for Apocalypse Formations is: 52,848 Points

Adeptus Arbites – 2459 Pts
HQ’s (4)
Judge Oakley – 130 pts
Psi-Marshal Hickok – 120 pts
Arbites Marshal – 130 pts
Arbites Marshal – 140 pts
Elites (12 + 1 tpt)
Shock Team (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 240 pts
Execution Team (2) – 55 pts
Troops (30 + 1 tpt)
Arbitrator Team (10) + Repressor APC tpt – 235 pts
Arbitrator Team (10) + Repressor APC tpt - 150 pts
Sharp Shooter Team (10) – 165 pts
Fast Attack (25)
Storm Team (10) – 170 pts
Storm Team (9) – 165 pts
Pursuit Team (6) – 149 pts
Arbites Sentinel Squadron (2) – 135 pts
Heavy Support (6 + 3 arty + 2 tank)
Black Maria – 170 pts
Black Maria – 170 pts
Suppression Platform (3+6 crew) – 135 pts

Sisters of Battle / Witch Hunters Army – 5722 Pts
HQ’s (21 + 1 Monstrous + 1 tpt) -1629 pts
Inquisitor Lord Khamazov – 205 pts
Saint Celestine - 201 pts
Hereticus Inquisitor lord + retinue (9) + land raider tpt – 605 pts
Adeptus Sororitus Heroin Cannoness + Celestine Bodyguard (5) + Imolator = 448 pts
Priests (4) – 170 pts
Elites (24 + 1 tpt) - 779 pts
Odro Heriticus Inquisitor + Retinue (6)+ Rhino APC tpt – 249 pts
Vindicare Temple Assassin – 110 pts
Arco Flagellants (6) – 210 pts
Sisters Repentia (10) – 210 pts
Troops (59 + 5 tpt) – 1290 pts
Sisters of Battle Squad (10) + Repressor APC tpt – 265 pts
Sisters of Battle Squad (10) + Repressor APC tpt – 280 pts
Sisters of Battle Squad (10) + Repressor APC tpt – 265 pts
Inquisitorial Storm trooper (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 195 pts
Inquisitorial Storm trooper (10) + Repressor APC tpt – 230 pts
Inquisitorial Storm trooper (9) - 55 pts
Fast Attack (22 + 2 tpt) – 846 pts
Seraphim Squad (10) – 302 pts
Flamer Dominion Squad (6) + Imolator tpt – 252 pts
Melta Gun Dominion Squad (6) + Imolator tpt – 292
Heavy Support 12 + 1 walker + 5 tank + 2 tpt) – 1178 pts
Multi-Melta Retrubutor Squad (6) + Imolator tpt – 274 pts
Heavy Boter Retributor Squad (6) + Imolator tpt – 244 pts
Imolator Tank – 110 pts
Imolator Tank – 110 pts
Exorcist Tank – 140 pts
Exorcist Tank – 140 pts
Penitant Engine Squad (2) – 160 pts.

Renegade + Heretics Seige of Vrakks Army – 5480 Pts
HQ’s (13)
Company Command Platoon – 379 pts
- Command Squad (5) - 139 pts
- Fire Support Squad (6) – 80 pts
- Enforcers (2) – 160 pts
Elites (19 + 8 Monsterous)
Renegade Ogryn Berserkers (4) – 160 pts
Renegade Ogryn Berserkers (4) – 160 pts
Disciples of Xaphlan (10) – 141 pts
Disciples of Xaphlan (9) – 115 pts
Troops (30)
Renegade Platoon 1-- 265 Pts
- Command Squad (5) – 93 pts
- Squad 1 (10) – 86 pts
- Squad 2 (10) – 86 pts
Renegade Platoon 2 – 309 pts
- Command Squad (5) – 116 pts
- Squad 1 (10) – 97 pts
- Squad 2 (10) – 96 pts
Fast Attack (3 tank)
Hellhound tank – 190 pts
Hellhound Tank – 190 pts
Hellhound Tank – 190 pts
Heavy Support (3 tank)
Lemun Russ Battle Tank – 211 pts
Hydra Flack Tank – 110 pts
Basilisk Artillery Tank – 160 pts
Super Heavys (2 SH)
Shadow Sword Tank – 500 pts
Adeptus Mechanicus Ordinatus Goliath – 2400 Pts

Chaos Daemons – 7612 Pts (Does not include cost for Apocalypse Formations) (206 + 4 walkers + 8 Monsterous + 1 gargantuan)
Keeper of Secrets – 280 pts
Lord of Change – 315 pts
Great Unclean One – 215 pts
Blood Thirster - 280 pts
Blood Thirster – 280 Pts
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaught – 165 pts
Skulltaker – 140 pts
The Masque – 100 pts
Herald of Slaanesh on Chariot – 110 Pts
Epedimus – 110 pts
The Blue Scribes 110 pts
Fiends of Slaanesh (6) – 190 pts
Beast of Nurgle – 45 pts
Flamers of Tzeentch (3) – 135 pts
Blood Crushers of Khorne (5) 230 pts
Daemonettes (20) – 310 pts
Daemonettes (20) – 310 pts
Daemonettes (10) - Pts
Bloodletters (20) – 350 pts
Bloodletters (20) – 350 pts
Bloodletters (10) – 200 pts
Horrors of Tzeentch (20) - 350 pts
Horrors of Tzeentch (20) – 350 Pts
Plague Bearers (20 - 380 pts
Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds (20) + Karanak – 395 pts
Screamers of Tzeentch (3) – 53 pts
Seekers of Slaanesh (19) – 353 pts
Seekers of Slaanesh (20) – 370 Pts
Heavy Support
Soul Grinder – 160 pts
Soul Grinder – 160 pts
Soul Grinder - 160 pts
Plague Hulk of Nurgle – 160 pts
Daemon Prince of Slaanesh – 260 pts
Daemon Prince of Slaanesh – 260 pts
Daemon Prince of Slaanesh – 175 pts
Daemon Prince of Nurgle – 280 pts
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch – 325 Pts
Gargantuan Creatures
Zarakynel Daemon Lord of Slaanesh – 666 pts

Chaos Space Marines – 29,965 Pts not including cost - apocalypse formations
HQ’s – 3830 (22)
Lucius the Eternal – 160 pts
Chaos Lord of Slaanesh Mounted – 195 pts
Chaos Lord of Slaanesh Wings – 180
Kharn the Betrayer – 165 pts
Chaos Lord of Khorne – 130 pts
Chaos Lord of Khorne Wings – 155 pts
Typhus Lord of Nurgle – 140 Pts
Chaos Lord of Nurgle - 135 pts
Ahriman Thousand Sons Chaos Lord – 250 pts
Tzeentch Sorceror Lord on Disk - 235 pts
Chaos Lord of Tzeentch wings – 225 pts
Abbadon the Despoiler – 275 pts
Chaos Lord Apothecary of Black Legion – 115 pts
Cypher Chaos Lord Fallen Dark Angel– 125 pts
Karnaxis Chaos Lord on Retrofitted Bike – 160 Pts
Fabius Bile – 160 Pts
Chaos Lord of Khorne – 145 pts
Huron Black Heart – 170 Pts
Chaos Lord of Night Lords – 125 Pts
Chaos Lord of Iron Warriors – 145 Pts
Chaos Lord Fallen Chaplin of Word Bearers– 115 pts
Chaos Terminator Lord – 165 pts
Elites – 5994 (125 + 1 tpt + 5 walkers)
Chosen of Slaanesh (8) + Rhino APC tpt – 344 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines of Slaanesh (5) – 150 pts
Chaos Terminators Emperor’s Children (10) – 545 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines Skull Takers (5) – 185 pts
Chosen Terminators World Eaters (10) – 545 pts
Chaos Terminators Death Guard (6) – 315 pts
Thousand Sons Chaos Terminators (5) – 205 pts
Possessed Chaos Marines of Tzeentch (18) – 518 pts
Aspiring Sorceror Squad (6) – 720 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines Black Legion (9) – 252 pts
Chaos Terminators Black Legion (10) – 510 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines Fallen Dark Angels (5) – 170 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines of Fabius Bile (5) – 155 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines Red Corsairs (5) – 165 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines Night Lords (10) – 215 pts
Chosen Chaos Marines Iron Warriors (6) – 220 pts
TechMarine + 2 Servitors 110 pts
Chaos Dreadnought – 125 pts
Chaos Dreadnought -145 pts
Chaos Dreadnought- 145 pts
Chaos Dreadnought – 140 pts
Chaos Dreadnought -115 pts
Troops – 6864 (334 + 7 tpt)
Noise Marines (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 405 pts
Noise Marines (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 410 pts
Noise Marines (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 410 pts
Noise Marines (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 410 pts
Chaos Marines of Slaanesh (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 295 pts
Chaos Marines of Slaanesh (10) + Rhino APC tpt -285 pts
Khorne Berserkers (20) – 497 pts
Khorne Berserkers (20) – 497 pts
Khorne Berserkers (20) – 497 pts
Plague Zombies (20) – 100 pts
Plague Zombies (20) – 100 pts
Plague Zombies (30) – 150 pts
Chaos Marines Red Corsairs (20) – 360 pts
Chaos Marines of Nurgle (10) – 260 pts
Plague Marines (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 342 pts
Plague marines (5) – 170 pts
Thousand Sons Marines + Sorceror (12) – 369 pts
Thousand Sons Marines + Sorceror (12) – 369 pts
Chaos Marines Black Legion (5) – 105 pts
Chaos Marines Iron Warriors (20) – 370 pts
Chaos Marines Iron Warriors (20) – 370 pts
Chaos Marines Iron Warriors (20) – 360 pts
Chaos Marines Iron Warriors(10) – 230 pts
Fast Attack – 2519 (63 + 4 Monster)
Chaos Raptors of Slaanesh (10) – 285 pts
Chaos Raptors of Slaanesh (10) – 290 pts
Chaos Bikers of Nurgle (6) – 298 pts
Chaos Bikers of Slaanesh (7) – 311 pts
Chaos Bikers of Night Lords (3 squads of 10) – 1175 pts
Chaos Spawn (4) – 160 pts
Heavy Support – (55 + 2 tpt + 3 Walkers + 15 tanks)
Chaos Havocs of Slaanesh (10) + Rhino APC tpt –395 pts
Chaos Havocs of Slaanesh (10) + Rhino APC tpt – 350 pts
Chaos Landraider – 350 pts
Chaos Landraider – 350 pts
Land Raider MK I – 230 Pts
Chaos Vindicator – 155 pts
Chaos Vindicator – 155 pts
Chaos Vindicator – 155 pts
Obliterators (3) – 225 pts
Obliterators (3) – 225 pts
Obliterators (3) – 225 pts
Obliterators (3) – 225 pts
Obliterators (3) – 225 pts
Chaos Predator – 195 pts
Chaos Predator – 195 pts
Chaos Predator – 130 pts
Chaos Defiler – 170 pts
Chaos Defiler – 155 pts
Chaos Defiler – 150 pts
Chaos Havocs of Nurgle (10) – 360 pts
Chaos Havocs of Tzeentch (10) – 390 pts

Land Raider Helios – 290 pts
Land Raider Aries – 315 pts
Land Raider Terminus Ultra - 315 pts
Land Raider Crusader – 275 pts
Land Raider Redeemer – 265 pts
Land Raider Prometheus – 295 pts

Super Heavies and other Apocalypse – (5 SH Walkers + 4 SH + 1 Tank)
Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne – 550 pts
Khorne Tower of Skulls – 700 pts
Legion FellBlade Tank – 620 pts
Legion FellBlade Tank – 620 pts
Damocles Rhino – 60 pts
Chaos Warhound Titan – 750 pts
Plague Tower of Nurgle – 700 pts
Goth Class Reaver Titan - 1400 pts
Brass Scorpion of Khorne – 400 pts
Hell Knight of Slaanesh – 350 pts
Apocalypse Formation Costs - 2880 Pts
Battle Company – 200 pts
Maelstrom of Gore – 100 pts
Armoured Spearhead – 50 pts
Line Breaker Squadron – 100 pts
Plague of Zombies – 30 pts
Ancients Assault Force – 50 pts
Doom Bringer Annihilation Force – 200 pts
Lords of the Black Crusade – 250 pts
Chaos Conclave – 200 pts
Thousand Sons War Coven – 200 pts
Cult of Destruction – 150 pts
Armoured Spearhead – 50 pts
Defiler Assault Force – 100 pts
Terror Knights – Riders of the Apocalypse - 250 Pts
Teragon of Darkness – 200 pts
Karanaks Hunt – 50 pts
Daemon Forge Host – 200 pts
Fate Weavers Council of Despair – 200 Pts
Outriders of the Brazen Host – 50 Pts
The Changeling’s Grand Dissimulation - 100 Pts
Terror Knights, Riders of the Apocalypse – 200 Pts

Pity I got out of 40K back in 1995 and sold or swapped most of my 2,500 miniatures for Crimson Fists, Squats, Guard, Zoats, Space Slaan, Chaos Marines incl+ Daemons, Orks and Eldar. Thankfully I had a well paying job when I got back into 40 K back in Dec 2006, so I have collected a 5 nice sized armies.

01-19-2011, 09:49 AM
I quoted Terror Knights twice, I just noticed that. Oh well. The luist must be out of date as well, because I have over 40 Plague Marines now, as well as 72 Khorne Berserkers.