View Full Version : Creating/Converting a Warlock on a Jetbike

05-17-2012, 12:07 PM
Hello everybody,

So I've got a question I've had for quite a while but never bothered to ask. I always like adding a Warlock to the larger units of Eldar Jetbikes when I field them. Normally I just use a "counts as" model and proxy one in, but what is a good way to convert a model to be a Warlock on a Jetbike?

I know that Chapterhouse has a pretty nifty conversion and I'm sure there is probably a Forgeworld model. But if neither of those are in my budget, is it as simple as using one of my current warlocks and sawing him in half (using liberal amounts of green stuff)?

If anybody knows of any guide out there I would greatly appreciate it!

05-17-2012, 12:54 PM
ive seen quite a few conversions like this and i think this is one of the few times when finecast is good

required parts
1) http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440172a&prodId=prod1060086&rootCatGameStyle=
2) eldar jetbike+rider

how to:

cut the warlock at the waist and remove the arms. put him on the bike legs, and attach either both bike arms OR a bike arm and a eldar arm with a sword.

done :D


Cpt Codpiece
05-17-2012, 01:48 PM
dont shoot this out of the water sraight away. but dark angels bike legs.

chop the jega out and attach the cape bits to you standard eldar bike legs with a little bit of GS to neaten the edges (you will need to cut away the SM hip, but other than that it should all be good for the flowing rbes)

then just use a warlock of your choice and GS a sleeve on the arm driving :)

05-17-2012, 02:52 PM
HE dragon rider/ archmage legs if you can find them