View Full Version : Bad infomircials are the best!

05-17-2012, 09:25 AM
Okay I don't know about you guys, but i have always loved watching terrible infomercials. Maybe it's because I use to have really bad insomnia and that's all that was on TV at the time. I have no idea, I liking it to watching cheesy horror movies. Anyways I came across this Gem of a Youtube channel that has just ton's of bad infomercials and its like my crack at the moment check it out:


05-17-2012, 12:09 PM
But whit if you lose the findit remote?!?!?!?!

05-17-2012, 01:19 PM
Nothing beats the shake weight.

05-17-2012, 01:23 PM
But whit if you lose the findit remote?!?!?!?!


Oh and don't you love the mention of how its got an ergonomic design for when its attached to you cell phone. Like it is the size of a cell phone lol! How is that ergonomic? It will double the thickness of your phone and all it does is make a beep noise lol.

The shake weight was a great one DarkLink I personally always had a soft spot in my heart for the exercise shocking devices from back in like the late 90's where it was strap this battery to you and we will shock your body into shape!

05-18-2012, 12:25 PM

Oh and don't you love the mention of how its got an ergonomic design for when its attached to you cell phone. Like it is the size of a cell phone lol! How is that ergonomic? It will double the thickness of your phone and all it does is make a beep noise lol.

I've got it - you buy two (or more, like some recursive findit chain where you end up forgetting what you were even looking for in the first place)!

The shake weight was a great one DarkLink I personally always had a soft spot in my heart for the exercise shocking devices from back in like the late 90's where it was strap this battery to you and we will shock your body into shape!

The all time greatest (http://youtu.be/IMuZoGVz9tc). I love how the new guy just keep on going with the pitch...

One night I was up real late watching awesome Australian TV shopping, one where it was just pictures of the products with voice overs, and they were singing happy birthday and cheering as it was their camera guy's birthday. They then had cake, and gave him a gift of some sort. It went on for about half an hour...
They then proceeeded to make fun of all the products for some time ("well I suppose you could buy that... if you're an idiot") after that until the pre-recorded stuff came on. It was very surreal.