View Full Version : New Traitor Guard WIP

05-17-2012, 07:34 AM
Hey guys,
Taking a break from the Newcrons to work on a longggggg project that I want to finish up before the new rules/codex/etc come out...
Traitor Guard!
One more cavaet, NO FORGEWORLD!
I have owned some 30kpts of Chaos Space Marines and Daemons, so I am using those zillions of bits to Chaos-ify my Guard. Prepare for pictures and updates...
The first one, my two HQ choices that I hope that someday I will be able to legally field:

My Daemon Prince. I want him to be able to double as a Word Bearers Daemon Prince and my overlord of my Traitor Guard unit.

Second is my stand in for Colonel Straken. Enjoy and stay tuned for updates.

05-17-2012, 07:45 AM
A bigger photo of the Straken. I don't know why the photo came in so small the first time.

05-17-2012, 09:23 AM
In future just put a piece of white paper behind the model. Helps focus on the model, whereas here the camera is focusing on the chairs for straken and the board for the prince.

I want good pictures, cos they look reallly good from what I can see

05-17-2012, 06:18 PM
Thanks! I will be posting some better pictures tonight! I have a much better camera and a place that might be perfect to take them.

05-18-2012, 08:42 AM
This is my good camera on hopefully a better background with Straken again and my first complete trooper.
I think I am going to base the whole army this way. I really like the small patch of tall wheat/grass stuff.
The heads for the veterans are going to be from Pig Iron Miniatures with the gas mask/WWII helmets.
I haven't finished Straken's base. Oh, and yeah, what's a better name for him? I mean, he's just counting as Straken, he's not Straken-gone-bad.

Black Hydra
05-18-2012, 01:57 PM
Everything so far looks cool. Funny enough, I also have Necrons and am working on the side on a hybrid CSM/IG chaos force. Roughly 1,500 pts for each combined for a 3,000 pt apoc army. Can't wait to see where this goes! Traitor Guard armies are always awesome.

05-20-2012, 05:49 AM
More updates!

I have my stand in for Harker for starters. I built him a while back when I was still making my regular Guard army. He is not Chaos-y. :-\

Next I have 9 complete Guardsman. I moved to painting the guns a solid grey/wash color because it breaks up a lot of the red and its MUCH easier!

Lastly I have my first attempt at a Manticore conversion work-in-progress. I have made a few different turrets that have been interchangable and this is the Manticore top. It is just a boat load of missiles glued to various racks that sits on top of a Rhino or Chimera. Just because I have a million Rhinos already, I will probably do up a couple of nice Rhinos that will be Manticores/Hydras.

As of now, here is the plan of models to make/paint:

Straken's Command Squad
Harker's Vets
Demolition Veterans for my Vendetta (3 meltaguns, demo-charge weilding guy will be an "icon bearer" and the fluff will be he's going to do some sort of daemonic blast)
Vendetta !
Psyker battle Squad (instead of 9 psykers and 1 overseer, there will be 1 Chaos Socerer and 9 slaves! When he fails a perils test, he has to sacrifice a slave to the dark overlords. Also, {obviously} since he gathers his power from the various life forces of his vicitims, he loses power as his slaves wither away!)
A wicked Executioner fully loaded with Plasma
Manticore/Hydra (interchangeable turret)
My (doomed surely) close combat Vets (2 Flamer, HEavy Flamer, Powerfist Sarge, Grenaiders) in a flamer laden Chimera
2 Sentinels
2 more veteran squads with Chimeras (one with all plasma, another with all melta again)

And that's about it. I am excited. I have a lot of the models built in some stage and some even primed. I have to "chaos up" a lot of them though. Stay tuned.

05-20-2012, 11:29 AM
Executioner 80% done.
Figuring out how to get more red in there. Need to finish off the sides and some details. I'm happy and following a simple basecoat/wash/1 highlight theme for my whole army.

05-23-2012, 01:51 PM
Finished the Executioner today. Made 80% progress on my Vendetta also! Progress is coming along. I will get pictures up tonight.

Next up: Building and painting the Hellhound. I've read a lot about the Devil Dog, should I make that instead?

Also, I think I want to add some sort of Daemons and the closest thing in the Codex:IG to them would probably be Ogyrns. What models should I use? Bloodletters? Or is the 3 wound thing too non-appropriate? Spawn?

05-24-2012, 12:41 PM
The finished Executioner and finished Vendetta.
I'm glad I had bought two battleforces a while back, that gave me access to so many extra Lascannons from the Heavy Weapons teams. It would be a real bear to find 6 Lascannons that weren't being used otherwise. I don't know why Forgeworld's upgrade pack costs so much when they usually are "droopy".
Eitherway, I hope you like them!

05-24-2012, 12:59 PM
The Harker conversion is nice - looks a bit too obviously SM parts on an IG, though...maybe if you changed the shoulders to IG pads and got rid of the vents on the backpack that would help. Then you could paint the power armoured arms as silvery bionics to explain how he's such a beast. ;) Just a suggestion - I understand perfectly well what a pain that would be on an already- completed model!

The Vendetta and Executioner came out really, really well.

05-24-2012, 01:14 PM
Thanks! I know what you mean about already completed models, but you're doing okay with them, I saw your Necron update thread. I really like the Blue/Orange scheme, it is striking!

Thanks on the Vendetta and Executioner. Those are two units I nearly ALWAYS field. I haven't really found a reason to use a standard Valk instead of the Vendetta but would be open to hearing why someone might field the former... (especially because I just plunked down another $60 on a new Vendetta/Valk today and don't know if I want two of the same-ish model!)

I have a nearly bare Russ that was the older sculpt. Currently, you can buy 2 seperate Russ kits that allow you to build all of the varients between them. The one I have is the set before that, where it has the tread covers and the million-part sponsons. The trouble I'm already having is that I want to use an interchangeable barrel system but the old model doesn't lend itself well to it at all. I don't know if I should just saw off the offending Battlecannon barrel and glue in place the Demolisher bit or if I should put in a bunch of effort and attempt to magnetize so I can swap. We shall see.

As what to do next, maybe attempt to rapid fire through my two Chimeras while in "vehicle-mode" or to try and do a unit of 10 dudes between each vehicle.

Any suggestions?

After my next unit is painted I will post an army-to-date picture along with what is built but not painted. Stay tuned.:cool:

05-30-2012, 11:03 AM
I finally finished my Demolisher conversion from my old Leman Russ. It looks great. I think the best part about it was that I could not find most of the bits that went with it, so I needed to wing it with some Chaos/Space Marine/Baneblade/IG bits, and I think it worked out. I primed it up a few hours ago, so I will get some pics posted tonight when I get home.

I started building my SECOND Vendetta, and man, that kit is a bear. I'm going to get that finished and converted and primed up. That one might go down low on my list to paint though as I only have like 15 infantry painted. I need to get more boots on the ground painted.

Also, I got the base coat airbrushed on my Hellhound and tried out a red stripe camo pattern on it. We will see how that turns out.

Stay tuned for pictures.

05-31-2012, 01:41 PM
Here is the WIP of the Hellhound and the built/primed Leman Russ refurb.

I'm sort of happy with the progress on the Hellhound. I wanted it to look like the red paint was painted on and started to chip off. I think it might be better to try clean edged lines of red next time, then have that chipped off. Right now, it looks like I used an airbrush and sprayed on red and chipped it off. I don't think the Guard unit has access to an airbrush that big. :o

The Russ came out how I wanted except I need to hit the gap (which I intended to do) just above the cannon to where it meets the chaos-y face. I'm glad I found that extra tread/wheel from my baneblade kit and it looks great on the back.

I did finish a few more infantry but didn't get any pictures. Stay tuned!

06-02-2012, 09:40 AM
Just won a very old Leman Russ on ebay that is prepainted. I am not sure if it is those old oil based model paints or what, but it doesn't appear to be painted with basic water based GW style paint. Should simple green still work?

Also won some terribly painted IG Heavy Weapons teams that were done in "zombie guard" theme. I'm exctied to get all of this stuff stripped and repainted. I will keep you updated after they come out of the slime.

Also, I have been using the new "sepia" shade from GW that appears to be the remake of Gryphonne Sepia. Does anyone know how close this is to those bigger cans of "Army Shade" or whatever that product is? I notice I am using a LOT of wash and am on my second pot already. Any input on that product would be appreciated! thanks guys!

06-07-2012, 08:33 PM
Finished my two Sentinels. I purposely left them as non-chaos-y, as if they were scouting ahead and perhaps met some imperial forces that did not know that they were in fact traitors.
I magnetized all of their weapons.
Up next, the hellhound and chimeras.

06-12-2012, 08:01 AM
More progress!
I have my Demolisher base coated in Khaki and washed with the Sepia. I have my Chimera base coated in Khaki and washed with Sepia.
Next up is dry brush of Khaki, painting the metal grey, then washing that with Mud. Then finding some details to paint red, weather that then paint any misc details like banners, lights and the like.
From here on, I'll get on to more troops. Stay tuned.