View Full Version : Start now or wait for 6th?

05-15-2012, 06:22 PM
Hi all:

I got into 40k just after the winter holidays and had been working on a good-sized force of Tyranids. I got my army painted and assembled, but hit some delays, and haven't been able to get time free to really start with the gaming side.

Now, with only what seems to be a short window left before 6th edition comes out, I am getting some free time. I am debating on whether or not I should even deal with 5th edition at this point, or if I should wait to pick up 6th edition and start playing with the updated rules set.

My thought on waiting for the updated rules set was that all indications are that there will be some radical revisions to the system. I'd hate to get started with one set of rules and then have to re-learn what I know when the new version comes out. On the other hand, it could be argued that there's no point in letting the models sit around, when they want to come out and play.

Just curious as to what everyone else thinks...

05-15-2012, 06:39 PM
If you start now, you get to have fun for a few months during the waning days of 5th, and then you'll learn 6th along with everyone else.

If you wait, you'll still be learning 6th along with everyone else, but you'll miss out on a few months of gaming in the meantime.

Hesitation is for the weak! Start now!

05-15-2012, 06:41 PM
A lot of the details will likely stay the same, so I wouldn't worry about it. You'll learn the basics, but don't worry about the details too much and you probably won't have to relearn that much, and since it's only another month or two supposedly it's probably not worth worrying about. I wouldn't make a huge investment in models yet, since what's good or not may change when 6th comes out, so just buy what looks cool and worry about competitiveness later.

Brass Scorpion
05-15-2012, 06:57 PM
Why learn a rules set you'll have to un-learn in a month? This close I'd paint my minis and wait to learn the rules till July. This advice comes from someone who's played every edition of the game. Old rules seep into your games when you've played previous editions, everyone who has done so has the problem from time to time. Spare yourself the trouble till 7th edition. :)

05-15-2012, 07:22 PM
Jump in, deep end, both feet, right now. Time is the one thing you will never get back.

Uncle Nutsy
05-15-2012, 07:45 PM
I'd say wait til sixth. But if you're itching for a game with 5th kicking around, go for it.

do what makes you happy.

05-15-2012, 08:11 PM
A lot of the details will likely stay the same, so I wouldn't worry about it. You'll learn the basics, but don't worry about the details too much and you probably won't have to relearn that much, and since it's only another month or two supposedly it's probably not worth worrying about. I wouldn't make a huge investment in models yet, since what's good or not may change when 6th comes out, so just buy what looks cool and worry about competitiveness later.


05-15-2012, 10:32 PM
Wait, but probably get models now

6th Ed will come out, prices will go up, and you'll be shelling out even MORE money to our British model casting friends and wondering where your last paycheck went.

Just an opinion

05-15-2012, 11:06 PM
Also keep in mind that there will be people who will still play 5th for at least a month or two after 6th launches. This amount of time will allow them to get used to the rules and quite hating them. A lot will depend on your group's ability to get, absorb, and play the new rules.

Of course, there will be others who will insist on not changing from 5th because 6th "Destroyed the Game!11!1!1 *Rage Quit*", just like there are those who still want to prefer 2nd, 3rd, and 4th now.

05-15-2012, 11:06 PM
Hi all:

I got into 40k just after the winter holidays and had been working on a good-sized force of Tyranids. I got my army painted and assembled, but hit some delays, and haven't been able to get time free to really start with the gaming side.

Now, with only what seems to be a short window left before 6th edition comes out, I am getting some free time. I am debating on whether or not I should even deal with 5th edition at this point, or if I should wait to pick up 6th edition and start playing with the updated rules set.

My thought on waiting for the updated rules set was that all indications are that there will be some radical revisions to the system. I'd hate to get started with one set of rules and then have to re-learn what I know when the new version comes out. On the other hand, it could be argued that there's no point in letting the models sit around, when they want to come out and play.

Just curious as to what everyone else thinks...

id say waiting limits your exp. yes 6th is dif then 5th but exp in 5th bleeds over into new editions.

basically if you were "good at 5th" you are good at 6th most likely (baring you didnt just copy ppl) and your exp lets you "get ahead" of others. if you have NEVER played then your gimping your creating juices as a trend setter

the upside of "waiting" is if your goals an OP list then the rules will give you the educated opinion that no one now has. this is if money is an issue and winning is the goal that is....

05-15-2012, 11:25 PM
I'd wait, re-learning new rules is one of the more difficult aspects of edition change when the change is radical (which is what is rumoured). It is one reason why a lot of people ragequit for a while because they can't cope with the changes.

Do some painting, make some terrain, ogle some conversions but I wouldn't bother playing. Just my opinion.

05-16-2012, 02:48 AM
I started painting an Ork army over Christmas. My plan is to paint 98 infantry and two Defcopters, around 1200 points, (I've finished 91 models) and then stop and wait until until 6th before I finish the army.

That way I've got the bulk of the work done and aren't completely committed to a style of play until I have a better understanding of how the game will work.

I'd suggest a similar approach - build and paint what you have, especially the troop units which you're likely to need anyway, then finish the army once the new rules are out.

05-16-2012, 04:36 AM
Hmm, i would say to get your army done, and wait for the 6th ed.

I don't know what kind of learner or how good your memory is, but from personal experience this is what happened to me (and our whole group)

Our gaming group started playing at the end of 4th edition, with one guy was 4th ed veteran, he was the guy who got us into this in the first place. Now, this guy was sort of our "mentor", who knew the rules, and tought us about the game.

Now, the rest of us, were really on a flimsy ground when the 5th ed. hit the shelves. We had barely get to know the rules of the 4th, and while lots of rules were the same in the 4th that they were in the 5th there were some problems adapting.

We are a bunch of different people in our gaming circle, some more dedicated than the others, and with lots of different views to the gaming and hobby in general. (Diplomatic way of saying - We argue alot!)

Anyway, the result of jumping into the end of 4th ed was that the, even up to this day, we still find stuff in the 5th ed. rulebook that we've overlooked, or played as in 4th (or have just come up with ourselves).

It has been like this from the day 1 of 5th :)

It has even lead to a point, where almost every single rule is questioned, both codex and rulebook wise..
To prevent this happening in 6th. we've agreed to take a weekend, and just sit and read the rules, write down any inconsistencies with the 6th and "our knowledge", discuss about the findings, so, that the new mechanics are agreed and acnowledged mutually.

05-16-2012, 07:46 AM
Many thanks for all the opinions.

As to my learning curve, it takes me a while to learn a rules set. Hence, my concern. I'd likely just start getting my head around 5th when 6th hits. On the other hand, Charistoph is likely correct that 5th will linger around for a few months.

Okay, I'll do both. I'll dive in with the 'nids I have in 5th and hunt for biomass as the Titanic sinks. And, I'll wait for 6th to hit, and then start a 2nd army after reading the new rules. I think that's fair.

05-16-2012, 10:58 AM
I say, start having fun now!

In addition to the fun you'll have by playing now, you'll also learn a lot. Not all of that may be valid in 6th, but much of it will.

The other thing to consider is when 6th edition really arrives. At this point, no one really knows for sure. There are rumors aplenty, and while many seem to agree, they are still just rumors. If I'm not mistaken, GW has not announced anything.

What happens if the rumors are wrong? Or if there's some change in GW's plans for whatever reason (foul-ups, marketing decisions, whatever)? You could end up waiting longer than two months....

But of course it's your call. Whatever you decide, welcome to 40K!

05-16-2012, 12:07 PM
I'd focus on getting your models sorted (though don't buy anymore) but wouldn't start playing yet. Whilst the basics will stay the same, the fine details are likely to change and since that is the hard part in learning to play, you are just going to be getting the hand of them when you have to learn something new. I'm still getting confused over some of the small details of 8th Ed Warhammer. If you are desperate to play, why not just do small games with just the core ruleset (moving/shooting/assault)? There is no right or wrong really, I guess it all comes down to whether you can wait a couple of months for a game.

What happens if the rumors are wrong? Or if there's some change in GW's plans for whatever reason (foul-ups, marketing decisions, whatever)? You could end up waiting longer than two months....

I'd disagree with this. If 6th ed doesn't land by August, it won't be coming until next summer so he can get another year playing 5th.

05-16-2012, 06:02 PM
Point taken. Hence, I'll at least get my feet wet with what I've got, and hold off on making any other investments in 40k until after 6th hits--assuming, of course, that it does.

Or, I could stay loyal to my 'nids in 40k and start my 2nd army in Warhammer Fantasy.

05-17-2012, 08:27 AM
One last point, there are a lot of things that will likely change in 6th, but there will always be some things that stay the same. The basics of the WS and Wound chart really haven't changed, and are unlikely to change too much, at most, 6 always hits/Wounds, or you can finally hit on 2+ in Assault without using Kharne, just as one example. So that's something you can focus on learning.

You can use games like Kill Team to get up to speed with those basic rules, as you won't have to face too many changes outside of that realm once 6th goes live.