View Full Version : What rules are "missing"?

05-15-2012, 07:44 AM
In the past I have been struck by reading through the fluff unit entries of my armies (Crons/Nids) and coming across references to what *seem* like they could have been rules. There are mentions of how a unit functions or operates which has no active support for it within the game, but probably could be represented easily even with existing rules.

Two examples:

From the Tyranid Tyrannofex entry:
"Given its massive bulk, the Tyrannofex is a ponderous beast and is prone to being overwhelmed if engaging in protracted melee [...] Should the Tyrannofex find itself under threat, it emits a stress pheromone. This attracts other Tyranid bioforms, ensuring that the Tyrannofex will not have to combat a foe in close quarters without the aid of creatures..."

Pheromone trail anyone?

From Necron Doom Scythe entry:

"Doom Scythes are often deployed to sap the resolve of the enemy before the battle proper begins, for its presence induces an almost irrational terror in living creatures. The Doom Scythe's primary propulsion system is a [...] dimensional repulsor drive [...] the whine of the drive is piercing and discomforting. On a Doom Scythe, the scale and aplitude of the sound [...] resonates deep within the primitive cor of living brains playing havoc with memory, perception and sanity. Victims collapse into catatonia, slump into slack-jawed vacuity and suffer hallucinations of their dead comrades returned to worm eaten life. Little wonder is it then that entire armies of battle-tested veterans have been known to throw down their weapons and flee as the doom Scythe's onset, or else gouge out their own eyes.."

That sounds like a leadership test (at a penalty?) if I've ever heard one.

Whether the fluff and rule writers didn't coordinate, or one indulged in hyperbole, or these were rules which were dropped out for balance reasons, I cannot say. However for a friendly game, or campaign it might be fun to incorporate these elements of fluff.


What other 'missing' rules lurk in the codexes (codices)?
Do these rules confer an unfair advantage to the unit they come from? I personally don't see any room for abuse with the Tyrannofex (it might make people take them in the army), although the Doom Scythe could be potentially over powered.

The floor is yours.

05-15-2012, 08:33 AM
Shooting into close combat, an Imperial Guard special rule... can only be issued/performed if a commissar is in the squad.

05-15-2012, 08:37 AM
I've never been happy with the description of the Legion of the Damned's weapons.

The bolters carried by the Legionnaires, though in aspect no different to those borne by other Space Marines, discharge flaming projectiles that can pierce the strongest armour. Nothing, not Chaos Chosen, rockcrete bastion nor boiling lava can stay the spectral wrath of the Legion.

To me this says rending at the very least. I think the models for the Legion are really,really nice but I do not think the rules are great.

05-15-2012, 12:02 PM
I've never been happy with the description of the Legion of the Damned's weapons.

The bolters carried by the Legionnaires, though in aspect no different to those borne by other Space Marines, discharge flaming projectiles that can pierce the strongest armour. Nothing, not Chaos Chosen, rockcrete bastion nor boiling lava can stay the spectral wrath of the Legion.

To me this says rending at the very least. I think the models for the Legion are really,really nice but I do not think the rules are great.

I had never seen that fluff. And from what I can see Legionnaires only have standard bolt-gun? Wow, that is a pretty glaring omission. :eek:

05-15-2012, 02:31 PM
Grey Knights: "Best of the best of the best, SIR! With honors!"

WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 LD8

Vanilla marine
WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 LD8

..just saying.. or more likely had to say that ;)

Oh, and generally company of Guardsmen actually getting the job done.. how awesome would that be?

05-16-2012, 03:30 PM
Totally agree with Turner. History has examples of desperate commanders opening fire on their own men while locked in melee. The British did it at Guilford Courthouse and won the battle as a result. And how many times have desperate units in a variety of armies called in fire missions on their own positions?

I'd let Chaos, Orks, Necrons, Dark Eldar, and Nids do it too but I could see not allowing Tau, Eldar, and Space Marines to do it though. Too noble.

One other. Eternal warrior could go in my opinion. I know hero-heavy armies love this rule but I like the idea that anyone (even Abadabadoo) is capable of catching a rocket in the face and blowing into chunks. Just seems more fun to me somehow.

05-16-2012, 05:35 PM
While not technically a rule, if you look at a IG veteran compared with an IG standard troop and a SM Veteran (sgt) and a SM standard troop you see that IG gets better experiences than a SM

05-18-2012, 02:49 PM
Necron transdimensional beamer- randomly select a model in a unit, wait, randomly!!!:confused:

05-18-2012, 03:10 PM
I had never seen that fluff. And from what I can see Legionnaires only have standard bolt-gun? Wow, that is a pretty glaring omission. :eek:

Yeah, the fluff makes it sound like they should at least have the stern guard ammo options, or at least one of the options. I suspect something got toned down after the fluff got written, which is probably the source of many of the discrepancies.