View Full Version : Shadoq's Project Log-IG, SM, GK, etc...

05-13-2012, 09:31 PM
Finally decided to start documenting my work, as a record of what I do and when I do it.
Projects I am working on:
Rolke 219th Armored- Heavy IG Regiment
Salamander Battleforce
Grey Knights
Whatever else I decide to work on.

Comments, critiques, and advice always welcome.

05-13-2012, 09:39 PM
Time to start this off,
Finished up a Captain/Chapter Master for my Salamanders today. Point of this project was to experiment with some Paulson Games accessories and work on my drybrushing, highlighting, and general painting techniques. Let me know what you think!


Next up is some guardsmen for the Rolke or some more Sallies. Still haven't picked.

05-14-2012, 03:25 AM
Three things:

1) mold lines. They ruin the othewise clean look.

2) basing. Even if all you do is paint a yellow line down the middle like he's standing on a roadway, it needs something.

3) shoulder pads and storm shield. As veterans of thousands of battles, captains or chapter masters ought to have lots of "bling" on their shoulder pads and shield. Scrolls or filigree or laurels or veteran's cruxes or something.

Otherwise, the base model looks fine.

05-15-2012, 02:58 AM
Thanks for the reply back, always good to get more feedback :-)

Not too worried about mold lines as my crappy eyes can't see them from above the table while I'm playing ;)

Basing, yeah I know, I need to do something. Trying to figure out if I want to do something that blends in with the green of the armor or if I want to do something that clashes like a lava base or something that will let me try out my skills with reds and oranges.

In regards to bling I might add a couple more purity seals or another aquila somewhere, something different than my line joes.

Next up, instead of painting, I decided to do some building and built this bad boy:
Land Raider Achilles!


Was pleasantly surprised how easily the piece went together, especially considering FW did not provide the instructions for the base Land Raider, lol. Maybe I just got lucky but everything fit together nicely with no warping and a minimum amount of cleanup from the sprues.