View Full Version : Neatening up base edges?

The Madman
05-13-2012, 10:57 AM
Hey, I got a friend’s birthday coming up so I decided to build and paint his army for him, however it was going to take longer then the time I have so I decided to tie him over with painted up Leman Russ (one I bought him) for his army on a scenic base with a plaque reading “What I cannot crush with words I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard!”.

What I would like to know if there is a technique for neatening up the edges of the scenic part of the base edge as the wooden base below will be stained and varnished. I would like a smooth black finish to where the terrain meets the edge.

Anyone got any ideas/tips/tutorials?

pics in attachment.

Also the Russ is the old 90s Russ that I got from a 2nd hand Catachan battleforce (everything on sprue) for £30 which would have cost me about £111 new. For those who may not know that includes one Russ, 20 Catachans and 2 Sentinels.

05-13-2012, 07:40 PM
Thin strip(s) of plasticard, fill up gaps with greenstuff and sand everything until it's smooth?

05-14-2012, 12:37 AM
either milliput then sand it or a power sander...........