View Full Version : help creating a marine chapter background

05-12-2012, 08:57 PM
Okay with the new boxed set rumored to be robed marines, i want to do something different from the usual adeptus mechanicus army. I want to do a Rouge/renegade marine chapter that has severed ties with the imperium and pledged loyalty entirely to either the Mechanicus or the logicians. Discuss, Ideas?

05-12-2012, 09:01 PM
Well it could be lead by the badass Cypher. His original mod.e is a bit lame,and could be fun to recreate with some robed marines.not to mention he is a bad *** too

05-12-2012, 09:18 PM
well by robed I don't mean strictly of the dark angels, the mechanicus is known for it's red robes.

05-12-2012, 09:23 PM
Seriously sleep deprived right now, but some thoughts:

The chapter's fortress monastery was located on a necron tomb world which "woke up" while most of the chapter was engaged in a crusade elsewhere. With only novices, scouts, and a few squads to defend, they were overwhelmed by the necrons. the fotress monastery was located on what was thought to be a natural peak, but instead was the main tomb. ( or another enemy or perhaps a natural disaster such as their sun dying if you don't want such a defeat in their background)

With the loss of their forges and most of their gear that wasn't away on crusade, the chapter was in danger of dying a slow death of attritiion. Unable to attract the assistance from the High Lords or other groups within the imperium to select a new home and begin the process of rebuilding, they ended up accepting help from the first group that offered it.

If you want to play the "quasi renegade" ad mech aligned chapter, then they were asked for help to defend a forge world. After successfully defending the forge world, it then helps the chapter replenish its stocks and offers it territory (perhaps on a moon or whatever) to rebuild its monastery or helps it to build a new mobile fortress monastery.

If you want to play the heretek angle, then its a similar scenario, just a deal with the devil. In that case , it's also possible that the hereteks engineered the awakening of the tomb world or engineering the disaster as part of a plan to deceive the chapter into aligning itself to them.

05-12-2012, 10:12 PM
Hmmmm... the enemy could be the mechanicus itself, if there was a major conflict between the mechanicus and logician followers culminating in some ancient/heretical machines blasting everything to kingdom come.

Only problem is that marines don't recruit from forgeworlds do they? or at least they don't base their fortress monastery on them? Fleet based marines work?

05-13-2012, 12:13 AM
I actually already have a Logicians cult army based around the Black Templars codex.

I don't use Marine models though (although I carry them with me if I am asked to replace them).

05-13-2012, 07:31 AM
Hmmmm... the enemy could be the mechanicus itself, if there was a major conflict between the mechanicus and logician followers culminating in some ancient/heretical machines blasting everything to kingdom come.

Only problem is that marines don't recruit from forgeworlds do they? or at least they don't base their fortress monastery on them? Fleet based marines work?

Actually they do.The Raven Guard 'world' Deliverance is actually a moon that was formerly slave mine before Corax liberated it. The planet it orbits, Kiaviahr, is a forgeworld that supplies much of the stuff for the Raven Guard. As far as I'm aware they recruit from both as the moon obviously has a limited population.

05-13-2012, 09:43 AM
Pft, forget the sissy Logicians and embrace the true path to power, Phaenonism.

05-13-2012, 10:11 AM
Actually they do.The Raven Guard 'world' Deliverance is actually a moon that was formerly slave mine before Corax liberated it. The planet it orbits, Kiaviahr, is a forgeworld that supplies much of the stuff for the Raven Guard. As far as I'm aware they recruit from both as the moon obviously has a limited population.

awesome, I could actually take this in a major split and make two chapters out of it, one that allies with the mechanicus, and another that allies with the logicians.

05-14-2012, 06:13 AM
Pft, forget the sissy Logicians and embrace the true path to power, Phaenonism.

google shows nothing on Phaenonism, care to enlighten us?

05-14-2012, 08:17 AM
As my only Logician experience was in the Dark Heresy series I assumed that was the source you were going with. My mistake, and take this with a grain of salt as I've already packed my books for the move and this is from memory. First a link!
Second a summary. Phaenonites believe the dark mechanicus and the Imperium at large to be fools on the path to power. The warp, its daemons, and its gods belong at mankind's' beck and call, not through the perverse and self deprecating application of sorcery or pacts but by enslaving the entire thing through the application of technologies arcane and foul. They build warp tech and have no respect for anyone who isn't them. It's like a bunch of Lex Luthors running around the galaxy. They're killed on sight (though the Daemon Hunters supplement allows the possibility of one of them working in the Malleus).
Logicians are about reliving mankind's lost glory (with themselves lauded above all others of course).
Phaenonites will crack the universe open just to get at the delicious cream center. You also get to play reanimator.

05-14-2012, 01:49 PM
Nice. That sounds kinda like what i want, pure scientists, who want to go back to *gasp* actually using science, and invent to further the species. Basically a bunch of mad scientists working together.

05-14-2012, 02:27 PM
I find it hard to imagine that the Lords of Terra would tolerate a "totally renegade" chapter working for the Adeptus Mechanicus. They'd demand that the Mechanicus turn them over for justice, and the Mechanicus would probably decide that a few hundred power-armored soldiers aren't worth endangering their relationship with Holy Terra and the Imperium, especially when they already have Skitarii.

That said, what about toning it down a little? What if the chapter isn't "totally renegade," but just deeply in debt to the Mechanicus. You see, they were about to be declared renegade, when the Mechanicus stepped in and absorbed them, placating the Lords of Terra with gifts of technology and promising to keep an eye on the chapter to "keep them in line." They're still an loyal chapter and still fight for the Imperium, but they are far more beholden to the Mechanicus than the Lords of Terra or the Emperor.

The only question - what did they have that the Mechanicus wanted?

05-14-2012, 06:29 PM
I find it hard to imagine that the Lords of Terra would tolerate a "totally renegade" chapter working for the Adeptus Mechanicus. They'd demand that the Mechanicus turn them over for justice, and the Mechanicus would probably decide that a few hundred power-armored soldiers aren't worth endangering their relationship with Holy Terra and the Imperium, especially when they already have Skitarii.

That said, what about toning it down a little? What if the chapter isn't "totally renegade," but just deeply in debt to the Mechanicus. You see, they were about to be declared renegade, when the Mechanicus stepped in and absorbed them, placating the Lords of Terra with gifts of technology and promising to keep an eye on the chapter to "keep them in line." They're still an loyal chapter and still fight for the Imperium, but they are far more beholden to the Mechanicus than the Lords of Terra or the Emperor.

The only question - what did they have that the Mechanicus wanted?
Meh, if I wanted to do that, i'd do a full on iron hands army. But that I have not ruled out it's just playing a chapter that already exists is kinda ... boring.

05-14-2012, 10:01 PM
This is a sweet thread hands down, So back on target, I've made a back story with models for something like this. Its base around a Squat Forge Ship (Solomon) that build my gear for my marines and IG.I can go on but that means more depth.you can use Squat Guilds as your artisans , since they think that the AM are idiots and fear new Tech....this could be your start point . It works for my renegade tech-marine army and all these conversions of mine.