View Full Version : If Mystery Box V3, then...

05-12-2012, 02:34 PM
I don't know about you lot, but I love "Space Hulk" third edition. The whole "mystery box" thing was quite fun, and it seems a good way to get out updated versions of beloved old games that don't sell well enough to justify continued production.

"Dread Fleet" didn't interest me personally, but it confirmed that the "mystery box" sales tactic has legs. Even if the run doesn't sell well, it doesn't really need to, as obsolescence is programmed into the sales strategy.

So: if GW do a third "mystery box", what do you want it to be? If you care to add more detail, what ould you like the box to contain?

For me, no doubt, it's Adeptus Titanicus. 2nd ed Epic was great fun, and Warlord Titans are just concentrated awesome. There is little more awesome in 40K if you ask me. A re-release of Adeptus Titanicus would be sweet beyond words. Given the weight of plastic in recent boxes, I reckon you could have 2 factions, Imperial and Chaos, each with 3 Warlords, 4 Reavers, and 4 Warhounds, all with multiple weapon options.

05-12-2012, 03:01 PM
Only one choice? :(

In that case, Gorkamorka. A few of those games still have minatures and living rulebooks available, so I'm going for one that got mysteriously 'lost', allegedly during the move to the current Warhammer HQ, and thus isn't supported. I also think it would lend itself better to the self contained mystery box style. The likes of Mordheim, Necromunda and Gothic will all struggle to please exisitng fans as you aren't going to able to cater to all the gangs already out there. Gorkamorka doesn't need lots of different gangs and would also boost sales of Orks (could be great to coincide with a new codex!).

05-12-2012, 04:52 PM
I would love to see Blood Bowl, but it is not on the list :(

05-12-2012, 04:57 PM
And should be. Rumours have it that this year is the 25th anniversary, so it may be high on the list of possibilities.

05-12-2012, 05:09 PM
Battlefleet Gothic FTW!

05-12-2012, 05:12 PM
I would love to see Blood Bowl, but it is not on the list

I bloody KNEW there was one I missed! :mad:

05-13-2012, 12:12 AM
I, for one, wouldn't like to see Blood Bowl as a "mystery box."

It's still available from the website, after all: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat490002a&prodId=prod1140161

Not just the models, you understand - what I just linked to there is the main box. If it were rereleased as a one-shot, it - and all the models - would disappear. That's bad.

What I would like to see is new Warbuggy and Wartrak models, and if a new edition of Gorkamorka is the only way to get 'em, roll it on says I!

05-13-2012, 11:55 PM
i'd bet it might be an epic40k kinda thing, but more likely built around a single 'vignette' with a slew of different armies models ALA Dreadfleet

05-14-2012, 06:24 AM
I, for one, wouldn't like to see Blood Bowl as a "mystery box."
It's still available from the website, after all: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat490002a&prodId=prod1140161
Not just the models, you understand - what I just linked to there is the main box. If it were rereleased as a one-shot, it - and all the models - would disappear. That's bad.
If all the different model range did disapear that would be bad, but the board, the sculpts really haven't aged well and looking at the beautification of Spacehulk I would like to see that happen to Blood Bowl.
Either that or complete re-design with new sculpts with plastic (not finecast). Ah well.

05-14-2012, 06:44 AM
I voted Gothic. I'd love to play it, but it just needs an update and slightly more available models

I would also like to see more Necromunda. But not in a box, cos that would limit it quite badly. Just a new rules update, or some newer models, or scenery...a man can dream

05-14-2012, 08:02 AM
I think it will be Blood Bowl (in fact I've been told as much as Harry and I think hastings on Warseer have both said they have been told this), but I would LOVE Warhammer Quest or Battlefleet Gothic. With plastic the way it is now you could easily see fleets for each faction in a single, Dreadfleet sized box, assuming all SM chapters are treated as one.

I was also told Warhammer Quest would be the next box after Blood Bowl but that is so far off I doubt it is certain even if the source is good.