View Full Version : Before 6th comes I'd like to...

05-10-2012, 04:25 PM
With 6th Ed looking like it will randomize our world in July, what would you like to achieve/complete before it hits?

It could be that a tournament placement has eluded you all edition, or that you want to get your army fully painted, nail down an idea for a new one, try a certain build, start a blog etc etc.

05-10-2012, 08:08 PM
... win a tournament at my FLGS. I have a terrible track record (I'm considered an easy matchup). Hell, I lost a game to a guy with a badly-designed list, who rarely plays 40k, and the worst part is that [I]I basically had to teach him the game.[/I ] He damn near tabled me, in fact. Recently I've refined my list and play style into something I'm comfortable with. I think I got a better shot now...

I'd like to win a tourney using my DoA Blood Angels, before the edition changes. Once you can assault off deep-strikes, my formerly fluffy army will be decried as the cheesiest thing since I6 Halberds...

05-10-2012, 10:00 PM
I actually want to paint those Marines that have remained base coated since, gosh, 5th edition released! Better get on that... :rolleyes:

05-11-2012, 12:03 AM
Finally finish painting my Tau before all my models become obsolete this fall

05-11-2012, 01:17 AM
Hmm, ive been battling with this very thing myself, with my nids nearly finished due to a local competition, I really should aim to finish off the last few models, but instead i'm painting up zombies and zombie survivors, so i should aim to get them done soon, before painting up my department minis (think bladerunner), with both these finished I should really think about getting on with my main army (IG) which has a lot of cool toys still not painted. But more than likely my copy of Zombicide will have arrived before then so my Ig will just have to wait till well after 6th has landed to be completed!

05-11-2012, 01:30 AM
I would like to complete a game without having to refer to the rules at least once...