View Full Version : Worst experience with a special character

05-10-2012, 12:53 PM
Shadowsun...effing worthless. Ok, she gives 10Ld to anyone within 18", has reasonable stats and a 4+ invul, but because she's T3, just about anything out there at S6+ can instant kill her and her drones. This time, she literally was dead by the end of turn 1...:mad:

What's your favorite special character fail moment?

05-10-2012, 02:38 PM
My worst special character experience was with Imotekh the Stormlord. But first, a disclaimer. Imotekh is extremely powerful and his abilities are actually reasonably reliable with a Chronotek attached. He has single-handedly won me many games.

This epic failure started out when I failed his seize on a 4+ roll. Then, my opponent chose to reserve his entire army, negating the first turn of automatic night fight. On my second turn, I failed the roll to continue the storm, and also failed the Chronometron reroll. His seize initiative ability, night fighting, and lightning strikes did nothing at all.

This incident did teach me something though. And that is, to ALWAYS take solar pulses as backup.

05-10-2012, 03:15 PM
This is an old one - in 2nd edition, Kharn the betrayer was an absolute monster, almost nothing could face him in cc, he had a 2+ armour save and 6 wounds (remember this was before ID existed, but many weapons caused multiple wounds). The first game I played with him, he was carefully hidden (so i thought) in a ruin, but come my opponent's first shooting phase he drew line of sight to him with a single autocannon, hit him once (despite being in hard cover), wounded, failed my save and my opponent's single d6 roll caused 6 wounds and killed him.

Over many other games he killed chapter masters, phoenix lords and hive tyrants aplenty, but I still always think of that one bullet taking him down a peg or 2 on his first ever outing!

05-10-2012, 04:00 PM
Commander Farsight with 7 bodyguards, held in reserve for the uber blob Tau XV tornado of death: turn two, positional relay, he comes in via deepstrike, marker beacon's out of los, the team mishaps, and the whole unit is destroyed. Entire tactic and combat ability in the trash. I have never raged so hard as seeing the entire means to my strategy going out the window and to the landfill. All tactics from that moment on, moot. Conceded. There was nothing I could do.

This isn't a special character per se, but it might as well be...

Today, Tau Shas'El XV8 commander with CIB, missile pod, HW MT, iridium armor, stimulant injector, positional relay with two body guards with meltas a missile pods (pretty scary and expensive unit), they lose a drone-turn one, failed morale, 12" in, and ran screaming off of the board...

Head desk x3 meta...

05-11-2012, 12:12 AM

Typhus is my favorite SC of all time. I love his lore and his rules (albeit he NEEDS Eternal Warrior) he has won me many games (non-tournies as i don't go to tournies with SC) however turn 1 Drop pod comes in front of my fun 20 PM and typhus blob unit. I wipe it down to 2 guys. Turn 2 my opponent says "no fu^ks given! Charge!) his 2 guys survived typhus and my 20 guys in CC and managed to Instan kill him with the PF sergeant......Sad day.....

05-11-2012, 12:13 AM
Vulkan Hestan moves alone and is hit with a heavy bolter and died .

Ghazgull Thraka dies in close combat with a tau commander (not O Shova)
he didnt hit it and he failed every save

Ahazra Redth failed 2 perils of the Warp tests and was sucked in the warp in round two

Ahazra Redth got hit on a deathworld by a lightning

05-11-2012, 01:04 AM
guardsman marbo turns up hides for a bit, then charges 2 bog-standard fire warriors on an objective...

Easy win right? nope

Dies without landing a hit

I think he missed them with his demo charge before hand as well

05-11-2012, 02:05 AM
Vect charges a small blob of Guardsmen on his lonesome while the Wyches he was attached to try to Haywire a trio of Hellhounds that have been hammering me all game. They didn't move last turn, so this is going to be great and prevent him from killing me next turn.

Vect kills only one or two Guardsmen, and the remaining normals fail to even hit him. Leaving only the Seargent.

With a powerfist.

With Vect's steaming corpse lying at his feet, I reach over to my brand new, yet-unpainted Incubi and pop a mask off, handing it to my opponent with the insistence that it make its way onto the model. I finish with a hearty good game and a silent, hidden rage bubbling in my heart.

05-11-2012, 03:21 AM
Ah shadowfields....2+ but always guareneed to fail when it matters

I took Sliscus to a comp once. 6 games

Game 1) Did nothing all game, turn 6 charged a Ork Warboss. Failed to hit and wound with any of his attacks, got hit once in return, ID cos he failed his first 2+

Game 2) Charged by a group of Trueborn and another Sliscus. They hit each other....i failed to hit with anything, then failed my 1st 2+ save. Bugger

Game 3) Unit (20 strong) hit by a few missiles. Turns and runs off board in turn 1

Game 4) Gets into combat with Nob squad. Fails his 2nd 2+ save out of 6....without wounding anything

Game 5) Grey Knights. Hid at the back and did nothing. But I did roll a double 1 for combat drugs! Really useful in an army with no Wyches and only Jetbikes

Game 6) He actually never got wounded and immobilised a dreadnought with his pistol.

Hes still worth taking for the combat drugs and 3+ to wound....but my god did he suck

05-11-2012, 01:52 PM
Marbo deepstrikes behind a necron lord and lobs the satchel charge. Misses. Lord Charges. Kills Marbo. Head...Table...

Awesome battery of 2 manticores all set up to kill e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Turn 1. Bugs rush in and assault. Entropic strikes wreck the giant metal beast. All missiles gone.

05-11-2012, 02:00 PM
Farsight took me out to the Red Coach grill, but he 'forgot the cash' and I had to pay the bill. The guy then told me his codex was gold - forgot to say it was ten years old. And you wouldn't believe it, but telling me the story of his life - forgot the part about his wife.

'cause these are the breaks. Break it up, break it up, break it up! Break it down!

Worst experience ever. Worse than trying to hold hands with Yarrick.

05-14-2012, 01:57 AM
I have had fate weaver scatter 11" on to terrain roll a 1 to take a wound fail the 3++ and the re-roll to take a wound then fail LD test on 9 to run away. It was a bad way to start the game.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-14-2012, 02:05 AM
One that I saw; Draigo being owned by 6 Fire Warriors in combat, he'd suffered no wounds until he got into combat either.
I facepalmed AND laughed at the same time, how that was possible I do not know.

05-14-2012, 04:47 AM
This epic failure started out when I failed his seize on a 4+ roll. Then, my opponent chose to reserve his entire army, negating the first turn of automatic night fight.

The only fail there is your reading of the deployment rules. The seize roll is only made after both sides have deployed, before turn 1. Your opponent would have already declared that he was reserving before you made the roll.

Anyway, if you failed to seize, you went second, meaning you only lose 1 turn of night fight. If you had seized, then you would have lost 2.

05-14-2012, 07:14 AM
Same character two different games, both times my own fault.
1. Mephiston fails to kill anything during a game after spending a lot of the game hiding behind a landraider.
2. Mephiston looses 3 wounds all self-inflicted during one turn.

1. Fails a terrain test after landing using wings
2. Plasma pistol 'Gets Hot!'
3. Perils of Warp casting in close combat

05-14-2012, 08:46 AM
Last night. I've got a guard force facing necrons at 2000pts. This is what happened:

-Company command squad loses 3 guys to deathmarks, fails morale and flees and cannot regroup for losses.
-2 manticores manage to kill 2 warriors (and they come back). Manticores are later killed by annihilation barges in turn 3
-Infantry lascannons pop a transport, but later assaults the deathmarks (to keep them from firing), lose, fails morale and are killed by sweeping advance (20+ soldiers slaughtered).
-Veteran Squads kill two units of heavy destroyers with concentrated melta fire. But are annihilated by triarch stalkers by turn 3.
-Two triarch stalkers kill my Leman russ.
-Catacomb command barge's sweeping attacks wreck my hellhound,
-Deathmarks swing around and kill my fleeing commander, techpriest and his two servitors.
-Squadron of 3 armored sentinels fails to kill the catacomb command barge (at point blank range at the tail pipe) and are later killed by the same barge.
-Unit of stormtroopers with krak grenades fail to kill catacomb command barge's rear armor, and are killed out right in close combat.

I was soundly beaten by turn 2, and tabled by turn 3. There is no honor left in 40k.

No special character but SHEESH!

05-14-2012, 12:44 PM
Back in the early days of 5th edition I took my shiny new sicarius out against IG. He ends up in combat with my opponent's command squad and catches a beat-down by a junior officer. I fail all my invuls and die a little inside.

Back in 4th I tought a friend a thing about IC's. In 4th ed, IC's could not be targeted unlss thy were the closest enemy. He put Kharne down, unattached and just a little closer to my Ultramarines then anything else so he ate a lascannon shot to the face and was liquified by the shot. This was his first game playing anything other then tyranids.

Finally, its fantasy but still funny in a sad way, just this Saturday I played my first game with the new vampires. I run Hemmler the necrmancer of doom. His first spell turn 1 he miscasts and explodes. I did end up killing 5 spearmen wth the spell so I killed about 30 points by suiciding 300+ of mine. Sadly that was the high point of the game for me.

heretic marine
05-15-2012, 02:17 PM
i had lelith hesperax with a squad of 10 wychs. lost 4 of the wychs to shooting attacks and failed the moral check, now my opposition was smart he just kept moving his space marines closer and closer using my falling back wychs as cover:eek: then the marines got to close to the rest of my force and i lost:mad:

05-15-2012, 02:47 PM
Stormlord with Necron Lord, Chronometron, and 10 Immortals. Moved a little too aggressively first two turns and was assaulted by Blood Talon Dreadnought out of a Stormraven. Opponent rolled 3 wounds every time, Failed first save on Lord, re-rolled, failed again and he proceeded to annihilate the squad, with nothing left he finished off the storm lord. Stormlord and Lord failed their EL Roll.

Only amusing thing was the Chronometron succeeded in his Ever-living roll and was a troop unit until the end of the game.

05-17-2012, 06:32 AM
Running BA against Space Wolves in a tournament.

I had Mephiston, who charged a 2-wound terminator on his own (sorry, cant remember what they're called, dont have the codex).

Meph shot him with plasma pistol. Ok so far. Charges in, causes 5 wounds. Opponent saves them all, and causes one wound back. Meph then fails morale check and retreats ....4" For the rest of the game, Meph retreated just the right distance for my opponent to stay within 6" without having to even move a unit away from where he would otherwise want it.

In the same game on the same turn, an assault squad charged one of his tac squads. Caused 8 wounds (none with the power weapon), opponent saved all of those as well. Failed morale check here too. Rest of the game ran in similar manner - I think I killed about 3 wolves and a devastator for the loss of my entire army!

05-17-2012, 05:48 PM
Overall, I've had descent experiences with special characters. The only exception was Old Zogwort. It wasn't even that he was terrible, he just wasn't anymore useful than a standard Weirdboy since I didn't get near any IC's.

Overall, not the best use of points.

05-17-2012, 08:14 PM
Kharn, hides in a landraider using smoke and cover to get close. Kharn and squad pop out and assault enemy unit. Kharn strikes with 7 attacks, and rolls 6 1's, I kill 6 of the Berserkers, and then roll a 1 to wound the enemy. Enemy IC strikes and causes 2 wounds on Kharn, who fails both Invul rolls. 2 Berserkers rolls and kills 1 enemy. Enemy unit kill both berserkers, and thankfully fail to kill Kharn. Kharn fails 4 of the 9 armour savesI had to take being fearless after losing close combat by 9 wounds.

Zarakynel Slaanesh Daemon Lord - Apoc battle. I fail to destroy a Landraider in CC, and just remove one of it's Las Cannon. Zugwort uses his ability, and successfuly causes me to take a Toughness test which I fail miserably. I then have to move the resulting Squig into a nearby Landraider for protection, and it hides there for the rest of the game.

05-17-2012, 08:24 PM
this is old but my dark eldar archon in the previous book often rode around on a bike with a punisher extra attack helm and all the shiny things that made him absolutely ridiculous ... he charged into a tyranid warrior squad i chose +1 str( to make him s6), +1 attack and rerolls to wound make the charge roll for drugs and overdose and die! completely cost me the game but was absolutely hilarious to do

Inquiring M1nd
05-17-2012, 10:19 PM
Wow, this thread is making me feel better about only getting the Parasite of Mortrex to spawn rippers once over the course of five games. At least he's shredded face or anchored a flank with synapse on the way to disappointment.

Thanks Internet!

05-20-2012, 09:56 AM
1. Sm commander with thunder hammer and squad going after a avatar. group gets shot buy dire avengers, then squad dies. Commander left spear thrown at him and fails inv.

2. Vaylund cal for me has a great record on killing ic and sc. Charges Sicarius and Sicarius lobs of vaylund cal's head with special attack. But recent games I keep surviving and pulping him with s10 hammer and servo harness.

3.Khorne deamon prince gets swarmed buy guard and stabbed to death.

05-20-2012, 01:13 PM
Draigo charges a squad of two attack bikes, does one wound, activates his force weapon, and kills one.

Then he spends the next four combat rounds doing nothing to the last attack bike.

He did finally get it, and he didn't take any wounds in the process, but it was a staggering string of failures.

05-24-2012, 03:26 PM
Commisar Yarrick and 5 ogryn verus Blood Talon dreadnaught. Yarrick and company get counter charged by the dread, who talons to death all 5 ogryn. Yarrick is then forced to take 11 fearless wounds. Epic fail!

05-28-2012, 04:19 PM
Chaos Lord with Demon Weapon , rolls a 6 for the attacks .
But hits nothing .
The 4 Terminators with Th/Ss killed him + his Terminator Squad(6) (they killed 1 Terminator)

Demon Prince charges one Dreadknight , casts succesful warptime .
BUT couldnt wound it .
The Knight just did the only thing he could , he send him back to the warp

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-29-2012, 01:35 AM
This happened to my mate: Shadowsun jumps through a wood, 2 drones die, and she flees. Oh dear lord.

05-30-2012, 11:30 AM
Using Abbadon with a squad of Nurgle Terminators.
Attempt to charge through a tight spot into some Space Wolf Terminators, had some movement phase difficulty, managed to only get 2 of my Terminators into base-to-base and NOT Abbadon! Then he gets hit with the ol' Jaws of the World Wolf... and rolls a 6!
Abbadon, you may lead Black Crusade after Black Crusade, but NO LONGER! You have fallen into a CREVICE ON AN ALIEN PLANET! DOH!

05-30-2012, 12:38 PM
Wazzdakka. He has never accomplished anything of worth, and even died outright to a single Lightning-Claw Deathwing Terminator (that he charged, no less). I have come to view Wazzdakka as a necessary evil to the list I want to run, and little more than 185pt surcharge.

Wait... I take that back. He has on occasion accomplished things by being a distraction and causing people to panic and spend ridiculous amounts of firepower on him. Still though, utterly worthless for an HQ.

07-09-2012, 10:53 AM
Huron Blackheart, on the three occassions ive taken him, he has died horribly everytime...
First he flames then charges a squad of penal legion (on his own), the three left after flaming proceed to kill him in one turn, before he even strikes, and they were the shooty type of penal legion as well
Second he gets killed by a squad of gretchin that charged him.....
Third, my opponent uses Puppetmaster to throw the Det Pack that my allies had straight at Huron and his squad, hits then kills everyone.....