View Full Version : learing khador

05-10-2012, 11:45 AM
So, I just started playing this war machine, and i feel really lost. Im trying to both learn the rules and craft a themed army at the same time (I have sorscha, thirty winter guard, a leader for them, a Juggernaut, destroyer, a Kodiak, an beast 09, an in built heavy jack, widow makers, and 5 man o war shock troopers.) Can anyone help me with your thoughts on the khador army, different themes, and resources for tactics and studying different casters (I found out how important knowing everything opposing casters do is my first game yesterday.) Thank you.

05-11-2012, 03:31 AM
If you're going to be learing Khador Sorcha would be the one, just don't get caught.

The PP forums have player created tactics in the Faction based sub-forum, but like all forums it is a forum . . .

I'd say relax, you've bought a lot of points really fast it seems, rushing's a bad idea.

05-11-2012, 07:31 AM
I'd definitely recommend not trying to field all that at once until you get familiar with the core rules. Play some Mangled Metal (Sorscha + Jacks only) first before bringing in the infantry. Beast might be a little unfair in starter-level games, unless you're playing against a more experienced player.

30 WG is a lot, did you pick up Kovnik Joe? His buffs make them into one of the more hated units in the game. Shock Troopers are great at being a pain to kill, but don't expect them to dish out a lot themselves. They're the anvil that the rest of your army hammers the enemy against.

You may never learn everything this is to know about every enemy model (there's just way too much out there), but you'll learn to find the important stuff when skimming their cards.

05-11-2012, 08:57 PM
I know it may be over ambitious, but I'm always focused on theme with tactics. I did get Jozeph and the officer group. I just always try to sync, synergize and be themed. All BA assault army? Astorath win. Rasputina? I can has all the glass hearts? So i do let the story help dictate the army. So I'm really excited about what winter guard and sorscha and Joe and Kodiak and beast all do with each other. But we'll see how it goes. My current gaming buddy is all cryxed out, so that's who all my games will be against. Thank you for your help guys. I'll start just battle groups for now.

05-12-2012, 09:01 AM
Well, here's the deal: You will lose. And you will lose badly, horribly, and ungracefully. The trick is to learn from each defeat, and if you don't understand how your opponent did it, ask them.

Tactics and Strategy in Warmachine are very organic. Things can change instantly on a blown charge where you just needed a 1/4" more, or a double one on an attack roll. It's almost impossible for me or anyone else to say "deploy your Winterguard Deathstar on a flank, warjacks in the middle. Advance deploy the Widowmakers into cover or on the other flank. First turn, eSorscha wlil allocate this much focus, then cast this spell, and..." and expect you to have any chance at success.

The best advice I can offer is play small games (battle box or 15 points)- lots of small games until you think you have the hang of things. Then step up to 25 or 35 point games, and play, play, play. Play as many different armies/players as you can. Learn as much as you can.

One day, you'll suddenly see an open charge lane or see how to kill the enemy Warcaster, you'll implement the plan, follow through, and win the game. Surprise! Congratulations! You now get Warmachine.

Last piece of advice, for every list, there is at least 2-3 hard counters to that army that will just shut it down and make the game miserable for you. If you stick to just one Warcaster/army and never change anything, you will end up hating this game. I've seen it I don't know how many times from players coming over from other games that are used to one army and that's it. If you enter any tournaments, you will be required to bring two different army lists, not to mention all the different Steamroller Scenario's out there (like 18 different ones now?).

Good luck, keep playing, and welcome to the Machine... the WARMACHINE!

05-12-2012, 01:57 PM
Oh I fully expect to receive a regular thrashing, especially since my buddy has played the game for years and knows most if it. My only hope is to glean some knowledge about basic army comp, and tactics, so that i don't feel like I did when i started fantasy and 40k with bottom tier codexes and terribad lists. I almost quit both of them early beaususe of that. (Small point games with early 6th dark elves against dwarves was the worst ever. Lol) my first war machine game went OK, and it seems like it has a lot of potential. Maybe not as easy to learn as Malifaux,but still fun. Im also crunching numbers, is it just me or are the rockets and mortars a bit meh?