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05-08-2012, 09:50 AM
DakkaDakka recently gave Infinity its own forum. Do you wonder if Bell of Lost Souls is ready to do the same thing? Let's find out! Post on this thread if you're interested in a Bell of Lost Souls Infinity forum. Post with your faction(s), other gaming-related interests, and some of the threads you'd like to start and post in.

For example:

My handle is ElectricPaladin pretty much everywhere in the Internet, so if you see an ElectricPaladin posting here, DakkaDakka, PRGnet, Bolter & Chainsword, Escape Artists forums, Infinity's native forums... chances are it's me. In real life, I'm a middle school science teacher in Oakland, CA. My other nerdy interests include science fiction and fantasy, writing, and roleplaying games. I also play Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Warmachine, and Hordes... but right now, Infinity is my favorite. I can't wait until June when my budget will allow me to expand my collection past the starter box.

ALEPH's got a lot of what I like: transhuman sci-fi, artificial intelligence, and sleek, sexy, unique models. However, Nomads were a close second, and I could see myself easily getting sucked into them as a secondary faction. On the other hand, there are some Pan-O, Yu-Jing, and Haqqislam sectorials that would let me use some of my ALEPH models, which would be neat. Honestly, though, with its focus on play over list-building, Infinity makes me want a second faction a lot less than other games do.

If there were an ALEPH forum here, I'd have posted for advice on what to buy next. I just finished painting my Naga sniper, so I'd be interested in threads about using both snipers and conventional camouflage. Next month's purchases will include Achilles, Patroclus, the Myrmidons, a Spitfire Asura, and a Dasyu, so I'd also have started threads about using Achilles and/or Patroclus, Myrmidons, TO camouflage, and the viability of a smoke bomb/Spitfire Asura combo (kind of a lesser version of the smoke bomb/Marut combo).

So, who are you and what are you into? Let's make some noise on BoLs!

05-08-2012, 10:01 AM
Hi, I'm Mark, and I too play Infinity, although not much lately. It's a really good system with sweet models and excellent clever touches. The rules are free (always a bonus), although I purchased the book anyway, theres something about holding one you know?

I play Haqislam and mercenaries, although I prefer the mercs. The ARO system is good, and allows players with experience of setting up field of fire and fire lanes dominate more aggresive hot-headed players but there are ways around that, smoke, drop-troops, really tough TAGs etc.

To be honest it's a bit complex for me but I love the miniatures so I will play it again soon I think!

My opinion on TO is that it's one of the best special rules a model can have, if only for the hit modifier. Being able to move undetected is obviously of huge importance in any game with reaction fire and because most TO troops are rock hard (Ninja anyone?) people tend to expend order after order trying to detect them rather than focusing on their own plan!

05-08-2012, 04:52 PM
I've posted the Infinity Resources (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=14854) for those who might have an interest in seeing what Infinity is about.

I'm working on both Nomads and Haqqislam at moment, but as an Infinity pusher I can see myself expanding the collection.

Beyond the excellence of the game system and rules, I'd say the cost of Infinity compared to some systems is a plus. Even the higher games at 300 points are typically running only ten miniatures. The official sites Getting Started lists top out at $130 retail for 300 points. I see 150 point lists all the time on the official forums as a good starting point for learning the rules.

To JustMark, I'd recommend starting initial games with some simple Line Troops to get the very basics down, then start adding miniatures with special rules as you go along. You can also start out with the simplified Quick Start Rules from Corvus Belli or those that Beasts of War put together to get a handle on them. The rules are known to have a steep learning curve. You might also look at the re-edited Infinity Rules pdf which corrects some of the typos from the Spanish translation, and formats the rules into what should be clearer for English speaking gamers.

05-08-2012, 10:19 PM
I'm on the infinity forums, here, dakka dakka, and a bunch of other sites as chromedog.

I play infinity and have Yu-Jing (Japanese sectorial), PanO (Neoterran sectorial) and Aleph forces of my own. We have a group of around 40 players in my local area where the game has become more popular than Warmachine and an attraction for the gamer vets who already have the scads of terrain that the game needs.

05-08-2012, 11:11 PM
Because if there's one thing the lounge needs it's more sub forums...

I collect, don't play though.

05-09-2012, 09:56 AM
Because if there's one thing the lounge needs it's more sub forums...

Why not? It's a separate game. People would only go to the sub forum if they were interested in it.

I collect, don't play though.

Mind if I ask why not? Also, which faction(s) do you collect?

05-09-2012, 10:22 AM
Why not? It's a separate game. People would only go to the sub forum if they were interested in it.

This board has fifty three sections - fifty three. Dakka has forty five for five times the number of users, and their Infinity subforum has four and a half thousand posts in over two hundred topics in a week and a half. This entire board gets around fifty to sixty a day (not a nock on BoLS, I much prefer the more sedate pace).
With the amount of traffic and post rates it'd be much cleaner, and easier to find things, if they were greatly reduced. For instance the topic on Mass Effect 3 is in the Oubliette, because despite their being a video games section it is only for GW games (and each has a sub forum). It'd make much more sense to have a "Video Games" section, and when a new game is released temporarily create a new sub board for that game, then fold it into the main one after a couple of months.
With the amount of posting the Spec game section gets it could be one instead of four sections etc.

Trimming down all that fat would be a great aid in finding topics again, and might even increase posting as there would be more cross-exposure to other topics one might not see as they're all so seperated.

TL;DR: less clutter = good.

Mind if I ask why not? Also, which faction(s) do you collect?

Lack of time, lack of opponents (due to lack of time), a million other systems to play etc. I have no issue with the game itself though, and it looks quite good.
I collect whatever appeals to me to convert into Mass Effect characters (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/mass-effect-madness-movies-miniatures.html), mostly PanO, Haqqislam, Aleph and Yu-Jing.

05-10-2012, 06:10 AM
I'm also on the Infinity Forums.

I'm not sure it deserves its own forum here due to lack of population density--but it's absolutely one of the best games I've ever played.

Great rules, absolutely stunning miniatures, and good Corvus Belli prize support for tournaments!

I eventually decided on Nomads as my primary faction. (Those original hellcat sculpts are too fantastic.)

After picking up some Adepticon prize support I've started some Yu Jing as well.

05-10-2012, 10:01 AM
@Bepps we know the rules (mostly) I think what happens is we all get excited, choose a force rock up on the night and then spend that night playing fairly smoothly, odd hiccups but nothing to have a punch-up about! Then for some reason we all pack up our stuff and put it away for 8 months. Not really sure why, and to be honest there are only 4 or 5 of us at the club, with other sci-fi games proving more popular, Urban War & 40K being dominant, both are more accesible to new players which helps to generate initial interest, and if i'm honest I prefer to play a game where I don't have to think "I know this, but I'd better just check".

If there are any mad keen infinity players in the Sudbury, Suffolk, UK area though I'm keen to brush up on the rules a bit more!

05-10-2012, 11:24 AM
Yeah, I'll admit that the roughest thing about playing Infinity right now is finding opponents. There's a pretty healthy Infinity community in San Rafael and Santa Clara, but the San Francisco scene is kinda weak, as far as I can tell. San Rafael (and to a lesser extent, Santa Clara) are drivable for me, but their game nights aren't super convenient for me, at this point. Nevertheless, I build my collection, hang out on the forums, do my best to recruit, and wait for the situation to change.

05-14-2012, 08:06 AM
Perhaps you could try demoing the game to newbs? I did that recently at my club here in the UK with Urban War and it went down a treat, I organised the demo events & a starter league, and everyone jumped on board pretty much. Having played a fair bit of infinity i know that the initial appeal of the game is awesome so maybe you could get two small factions & a small terrain set-up and force, I mean persuade, people to give it a go?

05-14-2012, 10:02 AM
I'm going to be bringing a 40k/Fantasy-playing friend to a local games tore for their Infinity night on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I won't be the one running the demo - I'm barely more than a total newcomer, myself. My dearest hope is that someone will be willing to "GM" a game between my friend and I - barring that, I'm hoping he can get a demo game while I get my *** kicked. I think he's probably going to end up with Yu-Jing or Combined Army.