View Full Version : scouts and termies?

05-07-2012, 09:14 AM
If I was to do a vanilla marine list that consisted of scouts with beacons and terminators, how many squads of each (and squad sizes) would I need to strike a good usable balance of models?

I love the fluff of this... scouts get behind the lines, then POW: 1st company to the face :D

and I would love for 2x 5-man-scouts squads and all the rest termies to work, but I think I would need more scouts... question is, how many is "just enough" and how many is "a more sensible amount"

remember, I would just be using scouts and termies to keep with the theme

05-07-2012, 10:17 AM
Scouts would be your only troop selection in a list as such.so for controlling objectives(which is most of the current edition) you'll need.not to mention the bare minimum would be 2 units of scouts.?considering the 5 man size,and scouts relative fragile nature I would bring at least 4-5 units,but that's me.

05-07-2012, 11:52 AM
I run a similar fun ultramarine list from time to time.
I run the scouts for scoring, usually three units of 10
I take two units of ten termies (one shooty, one assault)
I take 1-4 drop pod dreads, and put beacons on them
I will also often take scout bikes. a first turn turbo boosting beacon with a second turn deapstrike can be fun.

05-07-2012, 06:08 PM
I would say take at least 2 ten-man Scout squads, that way you have 2 reasonably resilient scoring units or 4 scoring if you combat squad them. That will only set you back about 300 points after upgrades. I would strongly suggest only taking Scouts in ten-strong blocks, and spending around 500 points on them, depending on your total points level.

I would second Bethor's recommendation of scout bikes with a locator beacon - they fit your theme and add some incredibly useful mobility to your force.

05-08-2012, 01:05 AM
Can the scouts take locator beacons, or is it teleport homers?

Now I could be wrong, but I believe locator beacons don't work with Deep striking termies. You need a teleport homer for that trick.

05-08-2012, 04:28 AM
Can the scouts take locator beacons, or is it teleport homers?

Now I could be wrong, but I believe locator beacons don't work with Deep striking termies. You need a teleport homer for that trick.


Teleport homers only work for teleporting, so not deepstriking assault marines.

Locator beacons can be used by anything deepstriking (termies, assault marines, pods)

05-26-2012, 10:43 PM
if you're doing this it's probably best to make the scouts CC with camo cloaks, because they need to stay around to get those teleporters in use - with camo cloaks, drop them in terrain and go to ground as needed, so you can ride that cover save (and then maybe do some damage in CC if someone catches up). since you're not playing dark angels, you can't be sure when your terminators are coming in.

you COULD keep the 1st company theme and use sternguard (or vanguard, or dreadnoughts) with drop pod assault, so you'd get half of your 1st company turn 1 (and some solid shooting).

also, scout bikes+cluster mines = awesome!

05-27-2012, 11:14 PM

Teleport homers only work for teleporting, so not deepstriking assault marines.

Locator beacons can be used by anything deepstriking (termies, assault marines, pods)

Xenith has it right.

In the army list, Scout Squads on foot can take Teleport Homers, and Scout Bike squads can take Locator Beacons.

05-30-2012, 05:55 PM
scout bikers would be great for this style of list! if i didnt run ravenwing i would definitely have some of the scout bikers

06-02-2012, 07:25 AM
I use a list similar to this sometimes.
scout squad x10- power weapon, teleport homer, missle launcher , ccwx4,bolterx4, combat squad
scout squad x10-power weapon,teleport homer,heavy bolter ,ccwx4,bolterx4,combat squad
scout squad x10-Sgt. Telion,heavy bolter sniperx8
terminator librarian, storm shield
land speeder storm-multi melta
land speeder storm- assault cannon
scout bikes x7 power weapon,3 astartes launchers,locator beacon,cluster mines

all the rest of the remaing points would go to terminator and terminator assault squads depending on points being played. I know you wanted only to use scouts and termies ,sorry.