View Full Version : To Banner or not to Banner...that's the questions

09-22-2009, 10:23 AM
ok guys so maybe some of you have seen my posts concerning the RG 3rd that i'm putting together. One of my hang ups is that according to standard info, the squad Sgts are supposed to carry the squads banner into battle. Now as my modeling\ painting style lends it self to realism, i struggle with the idea of SM's running around (especially the "slick and stealthy" RG) with huge banner poles hanging off their backpacks and then of course battling in cc with them. Howver i know this is a game and not real, so i throw it out to you gents the wise of the gaming world...

To banner or not to banner? and why....take it away.

09-22-2009, 10:49 AM
Nope...... Looks silly.

09-22-2009, 10:54 AM
Here is one thing I am working on...

I am pinning/ magnetising my banners so they are removable. When the squad is in their transport I stick the banner on the vehicle to mark the transport as "Squad mounted inside," When they dismount I take the banner and put it on the sgt.

I also try to do as much freehand as possible for the banners to give them some "wow effect," but all in all it serves a more practical reason than just does it look cool or not.

All in all I agree that it seems silly that they are running around with the banners, I feel it is something more Eldar appropriate.


the drake
09-22-2009, 11:05 AM
I like the idea about using the banner to say these guys are in this transport, other than that I don't like squad banners. Company banners, or a banner in the command squad, I like that idea, like the big army banner, but I think they just look silly on the back of the sgt.

Magos Bellum
09-22-2009, 12:56 PM
Historically speaking, the point of having back mounted banners was for troops to be able to find their officers easier in combat, especially melee, thus helping to preserve chain of command. The "shoot me first" aspect of the banner was mitigated by a lack of accurate and long ranged projectile weapons. Fast forward to the 41st millenium and back mounted banners are outdated, although they are very fluffy and look great for the more heraldic chapters. For realistic combat though, the marines have helmet displays that give them information on the rest of the battle (or at least can, most of the time this isn't necessary for the standard marine) and marines can fight effectively without a large and rigid chain of command.

Point being: don't use them if you are going for realistic combat modeling, although I do like the transport marking idea.

09-22-2009, 05:28 PM
Here is one thing I am working on...

I am pinning/ magnetising my banners so they are removable. When the squad is in their transport I stick the banner on the vehicle to mark the transport as "Squad mounted inside," When they dismount I take the banner and put it on the sgt.

I also try to do as much freehand as possible for the banners to give them some "wow effect," but all in all it serves a more practical reason than just does it look cool or not.

All in all I agree that it seems silly that they are running around with the banners, I feel it is something more Eldar appropriate.

Duke! Nice idea bro. I've always just sat my Sgt on top of my transport but this idea i like better....i'm going to steal it bro.

Commissar Lewis
09-22-2009, 10:06 PM
They can add to the model, but on the whole aren't necessary in my eyes.

Though it can add to the dramatic effect if only the sergeant is left alive from a squad and he has the squad banner flying high.