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05-05-2012, 06:45 AM
Hi there.thanks for reading this. In the rule book it states that after a vechicle has moved at cruising speed that passengers may not fire there weapons via firing ports, but it also states that passengers may shoot after disembarking. Is this to say that if a Rhino moves 12" that the passengers may only fire if they disembark. Or, does the 12" move disallow this also. Thanks

05-05-2012, 08:20 AM
you can disembark and shoot.

The point is that you can't go zoom zoom and dakka dakka AND get to hide in the box.

(What's in the boooooooox)

05-09-2012, 07:26 AM
a head..............of lettuce.

05-09-2012, 08:53 AM
You took the box? Let's see what's in the box!

Nothing! Absolutely nothing! STUPID! You're so STU-PIIIIIIIIIIID!

05-24-2012, 05:38 AM
This poses a question that I am not too sure of the answer. What if a unit has relentless, say Longfangs with an attached character who gives them the ability, or some other Imperial unit that has the relentless rule. Most units who get relentless can not be mounted onto vehicles that move more 12" or more, and have firing ports, although there are some situations where this could happen, especially if you have allied armies, and you allow your allie to mount your vehicles.

Does the unit mounted in the vehicle count as having not moved, even though the vehicle has moved 12" ? or does the ruling for the vehicle override the relentless rule. I do not have the master rule book with me at the moment, so I can not flip through the pages to confirm.

05-24-2012, 05:48 AM
If i remember it right, its stated in the rules that you can fire out of the transport only if its moved at combat speed (6"), no matter if its open topped, skimmer etc..

Although, imo, being relentless allows you to shoot heavy weapons out of the vehicle if it has moved at combat speed (without relentless, you could only fire heavy weapons if the vehicle stayed stationary).

05-24-2012, 08:06 AM
correct you would still have to get out.

05-24-2012, 10:39 AM
If the vehicle you're embarked in moves, of if the unit disembarks, it counts as moving itself. Relentless allows you to shoot heavy weapons after moving, ergo you may disembark and shoot. All other restrictions still apply, though.

05-24-2012, 11:08 AM
Also, pivoting on spot counts as moving for the purposes of disembarking (thus leading to the case where you can only shoot and assault, but not move afterwards).

05-24-2012, 02:18 PM
Units that disembark from a transport that moved, (including pivoting) may not assault. BRB pg 67.
This does not apply to open topped and assault transports, as they have permission.

05-25-2012, 01:42 PM
Here's another scenario/question:

I have 5 Plague Marines with 2 Plasma Guns inside of a Rhino that has a Combi-Plasma gun up top. I move 6" (i.e. Combat Speed) and stop within 10" of a unit (or 12", but basically a double tap situation). Can I shoot all 3 guns or am I limited to 1? I know the easy answer is unload the Plague Marines making this point moot, but lets say that there is something waiting for me that makes it so that I don't go out.

Normally after moving 6" you can only shoot only 1 weapon any any Defensive weapons. But don't know how that works with the guys inside the vehicle.

Archon Charybdis
05-25-2012, 03:17 PM
Can I shoot all 3 guns or am I limited to 1?

Normally after moving 6" you can only shoot only 1 weapon any any Defensive weapons. But don't know how that works with the guys inside the vehicle.

The Rhino and the unit inside are two separate units with their own rules and restrictions when it comes to firing. The plague marines are a unit inside a transport with two fire points that moved at combat speed--they can fire two guns but count as having moved. The Rhino is a non-fast vehicle that has moved at combat speed and may fire a single weapon and any defensive weapons.

05-25-2012, 03:25 PM
The Rhino moves 6" and can fire its one gun at one target. Separately, the passengers can fire two weapons out of the fireports at their target.

05-25-2012, 03:42 PM
Right on. Thanks for the responses! I guess normally these aren't issues as most of the vehicles that carry higher strength guns seem to not have open ports and unless you're relentless, most units transported on the inside can't shoot often either. I don't play much Dark Eldar and that seems to be the other case where this kind of thing occurs.

I can think of a few instances in general though where I'd want the enemy to try to open up the Rhino to assault me. If I have to force the opponent to use assault to destroy the vehicle, it potentially gives me another round of shooting I guess.