View Full Version : 1750 Chaos SPM for No Comp Tournament

05-04-2012, 08:04 PM
Edit: Sorry I put this in the wrong spot! Is a mod able to move it to the army lists area please?


Playing my first no comp tournament soon - I only have Chaos painted to a decent standard so they are my go-to tournament army. I know they aren't the greatest but I am going to have a crack anyway. Here is my list so far. C&C welcome.

I have played a similar list with plain CSM instead of PMs. I thought I would go PMs just because they are way harder to kill. The small 5 man squad runs around with Abaddon giving him a bunch of T5 FNP ablative wounds. I would just deploy most of the time and walk across the board. I know it is slow but if I can bottle someone up I should be able to put some hurting on them. I know this probably won't stand up to other no comp lists you see but I am ok with getting my arse kicked.

Abaddon the Despoiler

9 Chaos Terminators with an Icon of Chaos Glory, 3 Combimeltas, 3 Combiflamers, a Chainfist and a Powerfist

8 Plague Marines with 2 Meltaguns
8 Plague Marines with 2 Flamers
5 Plague Marines with Flamer and Meltagun

Heavy Support
3 Obliterators
3 Obliterators
2 Obliterators

05-04-2012, 08:54 PM
how are you planning on running the oblits?

05-05-2012, 03:00 AM
I was just going to walk everything. Start it all on the table and walk across. Safe from deep striking mishap, don't have to worry about reserves coming in either. I was going to try and keep everything close together as possible to mutually support. Keep troops inside, have oblits, termis and Abaddon on the flanks to protect the Plague Marines.

I was thinking maybe I could go MSU with the PMs - run 4 squads of 5 each with a smattering of specials. Not sure if that would give me any advantage though.