View Full Version : [Horus Heresy} The Primarchs Review - Part I

05-04-2012, 02:35 PM
Well, here it is. Post 2000. A small pittance when I look at EG nearing 5k, but hey, whatever :D. So, for your enjoyment, I've got a lot planned for posts 2000-4000. We're talking lots of reviews, both of books and of products. We're talking plenty of passive agressive smack talk. But we'll start with reviews.

So here's Part I of my 4-part Primarchs review. As each novella is, IMO, important, and certainly lenghty enough to warrant it, I'll be breaking down each piece in it's own review, then giving a recap at the end.

First up: The Reflection Crack'd by Graham McNeill (http://queencityguard.com/index.php/2012/05/04/horus-heresy-review-the-primarchs-part-1-the-reflection-crackd/)

As always, C&C welcome. Expect part II tomorrow.

Enjoy the review, and enjoy your weekend!

05-04-2012, 03:17 PM
Good review. Welcome to the 2000 club! I broke it a few days ago. Didnt manage anything memorable for the post though

05-06-2012, 10:57 AM
It's an odd choice of Primarchs:

Fulgrim, Ferrus Manus, The Lion and Alpharius/Omegon

05-06-2012, 11:23 AM
sorry. noob question how does the whole status thing work? on number of posts? I can't finda guide to how to it on the forums

having said that i realised 20 posts has got me from scout to battlebrother

05-17-2012, 09:38 AM
Well, first my apologies for taking so long to get this out there. Between being violently sick last week, to being simply busy this week, I haven't had a ton of time to get some writing done. But here's part two of the Primarch review, as promised. It features Ferrus "the Gorgon" Manus in a story penned by one of the Black Library's more consistent writers, Nick Kyme. I was a bit underwhelmed, even though the story wasn't bad.

Read the full text here: The Primarchs Review (Part 2) - Feat of Iron (http://queencityguard.com/index.php/2012/05/17/horus-heresy-review-the-primarchs-part-2-feat-of-iron-nick-kyme/)

I was particularly bothered by the fact that this story ties DIRECTLY into one of the limited novellas (despite the fact that I own it). I think it's unfair to so heavily link the two stories together when not everyone has access to the 'full' picture.

But again, your C&C is welcomed!

I SHOULD have Parts 3 & 4 up by this weekend, followed then by a brief review of "Butcher's Nails," then a much anticipated review of The Emperor's Gift, Aaron Dembski-Bowden's Grey Knights epic. And oh yeah, interspersed in all that 40k goodness will be a first look at Andy Chambers and Fantasy Flight Games' really wonderful ruleset for Dust Warfare.
