View Full Version : Ohiohammer Second Founding podcast feedback wanted

05-04-2012, 07:47 AM
Ok ladies, gentlemen, Bols readers of all ages. I would like to take a moment to ask for some feedback on Ohiohammer's 40k podcast offering, The Second Founding. We are three episodes in and I think we are just at the point where I have shaken the jitters out of my Co-hosts but not so far into things that I can't make course adjustments. So if you would be willing to take a listen, give a little feedback, enter a contest, and hopefully enjoy A NW ohio podcast's attempt at 40k Community building, and entertainment. http://www.ohiohammer.com/ or Itunes

Thank you kindly,
Mark D.
[email protected]

Big Jim
05-04-2012, 11:24 PM
Hey Mark, I found the latest episode very enjoyable to listen too. The Audio quality is great, the cadence of the show is also pretty good as well. The coverage of Adepticon was insightful, to someone that has not been there.

Although I will move mountains to be at Adepticon next year, to actually help proceed over the Killzone events, since I want to get some face time with the fans.